Konoha Station provides accommodation for incoming and outgoing caravans, and also provides storage services for transported livestock.

However, with livestock raised here, the overall taste here is still hard to describe.

There is a pastoral atmosphere in the air.

At this time, Ye Rong, Ye Feng and others had finally completed the initial intelligence collection work and gathered together in a small Datongpu room, which seemed a bit crowded.

Because Konoha has been hoarding various supplies recently, and various caravans from the Fire Country are coming in and out, they only have this one room.

The bed is a long one that can accommodate ten people lying side by side.

In the past few days, they had circled around the entire Konoha and found out a lot of things.

For the subsequent actions, it can be regarded as a context.

"It is completely feasible to exchange the vaccine for the sealing scroll, and the Danzo we came into contact with is probably extremely powerful, much stronger than us. He is suspected to be at the level of a boundary breaker."

Ye Rong said with some emotion.

The other person looked like an ordinary old man, and he didn't specifically give off any oppressive aura, but just talking to him would make her feel nervous.

"Besides, I always feel that he is a bit dark, and so do the two ANBU following him. They feel weird."

Ye Feng also had a similar feeling.

"It's not just us, I think people in the village are also a little afraid of him. I guess his popularity is not low, and he has some special power in his hands, just like the Konoha Guard."

Although Thomas is only a mid-level partner, since he has investigative expertise, his scope of observation is much wider.

Some suspended drones and his electronic eyes can be controlled multi-tasking. It feels like Danzo's group is more annoying than the Konoha Guard.

"But if I hadn't come here to inquire in person, I wouldn't have known that the interior of Konoha is so complicated. The Fourth Kage is here, and there are various families, especially the Uchiha family. I feel a little out of place with the village..."

"Our Dilong City is also full of families. It is a temporary grass-stage team. If our families are united, they will be considered a very strong force in the entire state."

"That's right..."

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights.

The current world is also like this. It seems that it is not surprising that Konoha is like this.

"I think the reason they are able to do this now is because of the pressure from the Abyss and us, otherwise they would probably start fighting within themselves."

"Yes, I heard that there is some information about other ninja villages..."

Several people talked to each other, and the overall atmosphere seemed very relaxed.

But at this moment, Ye Rong and Ye Feng suddenly looked slightly startled, as if they had noticed something.

Then there was a knock on the door.

The tapping sound was very rhythmic, neither loud nor quiet, but it also made all six of them quiet.

A mid-level partner of the Ye family went over to open the door.

After opening it, I saw several figures in combat uniforms.

Be a trailblazer!

"Who are you looking for?"

The young man from the Ye family who opened the door asked politely.

The pioneers who can come to Konoha at this time are not bad at all.

At least they have to be led by a senior partner, just like their team.

So be polite, that's a given.

But not to mention this young man from the Ye family, even the two old fools Ye Rong and Ye Feng did not recognize the identity of the person and was not included in their hero charts.

It was probably not the power of Dilong City.

"I'm not looking for anyone in particular, I just came to take a look."

The leader of the other party has a white face and no beard. He looks clean and not strong.

The combat uniform he wears is also obviously high-end.

At this time, he raised his head and glanced inside. He also paused on the faces of Ye Rong and Ye Feng, and then nodded.

"People from Dilong Ye's family."

It seems that he came here just to mark someone.

This made Ye Rong and Ye Feng frown, and then they spoke in a deep voice.

"This friend doesn't know what it means?"

"Nothing else. We are very interested in the seal scroll business and are planning to keep people here permanently. If the seal scroll becomes popular, the price will drop very quickly, so I hope you can cooperate."

Hearing his words, Ye Rong frowned, but she could understand what he meant.

In order to rush for shipments, if everyone exchanges without restraint, it may indeed happen that they sell more and earn less.

Space equipment can also be regarded as hard currency to a certain extent. Collective production reductions with oil-producing countries can drive up prices. In many cases, the greater the storm, the more expensive the fish!

If they control the volume and quantity of shipments, they can actually find a way to find an optimal balance.

"We also agree that there is a structure. It would be best if the teams coming later can do this."

"Do you also want to use the vaccine in exchange? Are some of you from Tianlong City?"

Ye Feng also speculated on their identities.

Just like they were not surprised that Tao Yu came here, because the advantage of having Tian Chengzi and Qingyun Sect before was that many people from Tianlong City came here, it seemed to be a matter of course.

But this was probably one of the lucky ones who had already tried his luck in advance and was not involved in the Tian Chengzi murder case some time ago.

And since they have all arrived, it is only natural that they come to look for some high-value targets nearby. The transmission fee cannot be wasted.

This seal scroll is indeed a very good option.

"We are indeed from Tianlong, and the best exchange vaccine is also produced in Tianlong City, so we are here to discuss a matter. We will exchange the vaccine, and you can exchange it with other things."

The white-faced, beardless man smiled.

Ye Rong and Ye Feng's faces changed directly.

Originally, they thought that these people came to discuss, everyone unified the price, and then it would be better to distribute it.

No direct contradictions and conflicts, using the form of negotiation to divide the benefits, this is what Ye Rong and Ye Feng can accept, even if they give up some afterwards.

Everyone calculated that they could make more money by unifying the price!

But in the end, the other party said that they wanted to monopolize the best exchange items such as vaccines and antibodies, which was really unacceptable.

"Friend, although this profit is not bad, there is no need to be so ugly, right? Although you are from Tianlongzhou, we are not far away, and we can also get vaccines."

Ye Rong also had her own confidence at this time.

Everyone is looking at similar profits, and they come to do this kind of work to save on transportation fees. Even if their strength and background may be stronger, it is not to the point where they cannot resist.

Both sides are similar, don't laugh at the second brother, big brother!

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