"Hey~, I was afraid that this place would collapse before, but I didn't attack with all my strength."

When Uchiha Madara saw his broken blade, he didn't talk about the bug first, but instead said that he didn't use all his strength.

"Yes, yes, your performance is restricted here."

Tao Yu said perfunctorily while continuing to perfect the seal.

In the past, Tao Yu and Uchiha Madara were very pleasant to talk to, but after they had no time to deal with it this time, he immediately felt the hunter's foul mouth.

But now Tao Yu has tried his best, shown some of his strength, and just relied on his strength to fill the gap.

Uchiha Madara didn't know what to say.

"If you are still free, check on the injured first. This one is probably infected and see if he can be saved."

Tao Yu felt that the scattered insects were difficult to deal with.

In fact, a single individual is not strong. It seems that if the survivability is maxed out, Tao Yu feels that it takes a little force to strangle one to death, so that they can climb onto the blade of Uchiha Madara.

But now that the number is at least tens of thousands, Tao Yu also knows that there must be some fish that have slipped through the net. Now he can only catch as many as possible first, and then see if he can use dream channeling to check anything.

"What are these things? Group consciousness? It feels like they can be arranged and combined at will..."

While Tao Yu was sealing, relying on his powerful fist essence and the characteristic of not being afraid of contamination, he squeezed into the seal unscrupulously and looked at these little insects one by one.

Each one has a strong zombie virus on their body, and they are the kind that have been baptized by the evil god.

The key is that these bugs give themselves the feeling that each one is an independent neuron. Combining with each other can continuously form new wills!

The computing power of a single insect is not enough. They are all mechanical and receive instructions based on the polluted aura.

But according to orders, they can be combined with each other and merged into a will and even personality suitable for completing the task...

"Is this... such an abstract thing? What kind of hybrid is this?"

Tao Yu also felt a headache on his head.

Ever since he knew some of the characteristics of the abyss, Tao Yu knew that sooner or later there would be some tricky things that required the completion of chemical reactions.

For example, the ghost world in the old pioneer area.

In fact, although the new development area is only two years old, there are indeed many things with such potential.

This time, the cockroach man + facehugger + virus are already troublesome enough.

As a result, such a hybrid of pollution bugs came again!

"I can also raise imprinting insects. I wonder if I can learn how to do it."

After Tao Yu felt a headache, he suddenly felt that this kind of thing seemed to be somewhat practical.

At present, imprinted insects are stuffed into zombies to provide energy for zombie dragons. This can also change their thinking.

As for the style of painting, anyway, it can be twisted at critical moments, and with the robe of a white-robed wizard, I can still pretend...

"I've never seen this kind of insect before. Where did it come from?"

At this time, Uchiha Madara also walked over holding an insect that Tao Yu ignored, with a somewhat solemn expression on his face.

Then he used his fingers hard and crushed the insect completely.

Feeling the smell of pollution, even Dirty Spot couldn't help but frown.

"This kind of thing is more troublesome. I feel that my body will be affected to some extent."

Then he looked at Aburame Zhiwei, whose blood vessels were all black, and said in a deep voice

"It's hopeless. I'll kill you first and then see if there are any suitable materials left. You should be qualified for this."

After saying that, he casually hit Aburame Zhiwei's head with a shuriken.

"Is reincarnation in the dirty land so easy? Are there any restrictions?"

When Tao Yu came here, he had not seen Orochimaru yet. He already knew that Madara and Hashirama were reincarnated from Orochimaru's dirty soil, and they were not the only dirty soil ninjas.

"Yes, that guy Tobirama and Monkey's disciples said that the Pure Land and this world have an upper limit of capacity. Reincarnation in the Pure Land will overdraw the power of the world, such as loosening the barrier. However, jounin with such special abilities can still Worth it.”

Tao Yu's previous strength has earned Uchiha Madara's recognition. Even if he doesn't speak so nicely, he will still pay attention and give answers.

At this time, Tao Yu had also sealed most of the cockroaches based on Uchiha Madara's broken Susanoo Blade, and gradually dragged them into the shadow, and then formed a blue streak. crystal.

"Hashirama and the others are here too. Let's rescue all the survivors first, and then see what happens..."

"Well, it's not troublesome if we only have the ones in front of us, but if there are a lot of them..."

Uchiha Madara also felt a little troubled at this time.

I thought that joining forces with Hashirama, plus his status as the Chosen One, would be enough to protect the village.

But now it seems that the abyss is indeed more troublesome than imagined.

It's far more than just those cockroach people...

The Youru clan suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the clan's elites lost, and even the clan leader was dead.

Many people's corpses were not left behind. They were all sucked into the tornado by Tao Yu and then burned to death.

But fortunately, many children including Yuru Shino were protected.

Coupled with some tribesmen who were on missions outside and the remaining semi-elites, they could barely hold up a shelf.

"I failed to protect the village. This was my dereliction of duty. Although I know this is far from enough, I still feel extremely sorry. I have betrayed your trust."

Senju Hashirama bowed deeply to the survivors of the Youru clan with a very serious tone.

That sense of self-blame can be felt by everyone around you.

It was clear that this was an enemy attack, but Senju Hashirama still took the responsibility on himself.

I have to say that although the act of dividing the tailed beasts to form five villages is silly and abstract, Senju Hashirama's original intention is to make the village better, and this sincerity can be completely felt.

It is no wonder that he was initially elected with a crushing advantage.

"There may still be some bad remnants here in Worm Valley. I will mark a new area in the village, and the distance will be closer by then."

Namikaze Minato's tone was a little solemn at this time, and he felt that he had neglected his duty.

"It has been found out that they sneaked in as pioneers. The two injured ones did not cause any reaction from the barrier and did not attract any attention."

Senju Tobirama also completed some inquiries at this time and summarized the information.

After saying that, he couldn't help but glance at Tao Yu, but seeing that the insect valley had completed a major landform transformation, he didn't dare to say anything to Tao Yu.

The three tornadoes before and the flame tornado at the back can all be seen!

Although Senju Hashirama is very wary of Uchiha Madara, he also recognizes his strength.

He originally thought that no one except his brother could take on the complete Susanoo, but he was indeed easily defeated by this guy.

This strength can indeed get enough attention and respect, so even if this matter is related to the Trail Blazers, it will not be related to him!

In addition, some of the internal skills and mental methods that Tao Yu brought were also very interesting to the research expert Senju Tobirama. He almost read all the mental methods that Tao Yu gave here.

While Hashirama was in retreat, Senju Tobirama was also busy studying.

It can be said that even if this matter is really related to this guest, it must be unearthed now and discussed in a long-term manner later...

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