"There's nothing to eat..."

The night wind on the Gobi Desert was biting, bringing with it some sand.

The giant cactus at night looked like a strange monster.

After Tao Yu recovered, he looked at the last two cans of beef and a bottle of mineral water, and didn't stuff them into his mouth. He just ate another piece of chocolate.

At this time, there were already four aliens following him. Except for Xiao Hei, who looked the worst, the other three had already completed the initial domestication.

To maintain the four aliens for a long time and consolidate the rewards and punishments on time every day, it was actually quite troublesome for Tao Yu.

But originally, he just wanted to use them temporarily, and Tao Yu didn't think about the long-term.

"Take them to complete the replacement of the guards. If you succeed, you will naturally get a reward."

Tao Yu looked back at the scarred Xiao Hei, and the latter stood up with his head held high.

Although he was covered in scars and looked miserable, the other three aliens really bowed their heads to recognize this temporary boss, and then quickly rushed towards the location of the nest.

Tao Yu looked at the fault that was more than ten meters high, and then quickly climbed up. After reaching the range of the rainforest, he kept groping towards the top of the nest.

He did not spend extra energy to actively escape into the shadows, but relying on the passive initial effects of the two lurking abilities, plus the insight of [Bullet Time], he was also confident that he could bypass the aliens that might appear in the forest.

"There are more than 3,000 willpower left, three physical potions, I hope it is enough..."

Tao Yu also has accelerated willpower consumption on a daily basis, but after all, it has only been a few days, and there are still more than 3,000 willpower left.

His current strength is stronger than when he wiped out the Li family. The consumption of willpower recovery is probably greater, but the increase in strength has far compensated for the disadvantages of consumption.

"Damn, I was refining corpses well, and I didn't provoke anyone. Why do you always force me..."

Four aliens entered the nest in succession, attracting the attention of Fei Ge and the other three.

Fei Ge, standing on the white mucus, looked at the nest that was much more crowded, and seemed to frown.

In this narrow environment, if these beasts suddenly attack, it will be really troublesome.

The new aliens didn't bring anything back, and one of them was obviously injured. No one knew what happened.

The new aliens kept roaring in front of the queen, as if they were telling something.

The injured alien was still howling beside him in grievance.

Then the injured alien came to the edge of the cave, jumped a few times and jumped onto a tree root that came down from above, and lay in the corner of the tree root licking his wound.

The few aliens who were originally guarding the nest also seemed to take turns, communicated with each other, and then ran out of the cave, and no one knew where to go.

Similarly, the new aliens were very unfriendly to the three pioneers, and kept baring their teeth.

"We can't delay any longer. Xiaomei, go back first. Get the medicine while contacting the two adults. Explain our situation and tell them that we have first-hand information about the Alien Queen."

"Okay, but it will take at least five days for me to come back. Can you two handle it?"

The petite figure also looked a little worried at this time.

They couldn't stay up all the time. The three of them took turns to rest here. Now that one of them was missing, the intensity would only be greater.

"Any of us can handle these in the nest. With the distance between us and the Alien Queen, five days is not a big problem."

Fei Ge still had some confidence in his words.

They are the biggest deterrent to the Alien Queen here!

The Alien Queen, who had witnessed the strength of the three, knew it clearly.

"Okay, be careful."

Xiaomei's face showed a solemn look, and then she began to sit cross-legged on the ground with her eyes closed and began to meditate.

Because she was in the alien nest, she couldn't meditate wholeheartedly. It took about twenty minutes before she disappeared into the nest with a twist.

The disappearance of Xiaomei's breath also made the Alien Queen and the four aliens who came in turn their heads to look over at the same time.

Xiaohei, who was covered in scars, did the same. He then began to climb higher again, stretched out his claws and began to dig upwards, digging a little wider the hole extending from the tree roots...

"Brother Fei, I always feel something is wrong."

A Tu looked at the somewhat restless Alien Queen and also felt a little heartbeat, not knowing why.

"Xiaomei is gone, it's normal for the Alien Queen to have thoughts."

Brother Fei's attention was also focused on the Alien Queen and the aliens at this time.

Except for the injured alien who kept digging, the other three aliens moved from time to time, as if they wanted to enter the blind spot of their vision, which made him frown.

Can't bear it anymore?

It's very tiring to keep alert and vigilant.

"Now there are only two of us taking turns. You need to rest first. I will wake you up later."


A Tu suppressed the palpitations in his heart, knowing the importance of conserving energy at this time.

He took out an ampoule and gave it to Brother Fei, saying

"Brother Fei, if there is any situation, smash this first, it should be able to slow it down."

But Brother Fei did not take the potion, but said coldly

"No need, if this beast really doesn't know how to appreciate it, then I will kill it."

The sudden burst of killing intent made the Alien Queen feel alert, and then she let out a threatening roar.

The same was true for the several aliens next to her.

However, facing Fei Ge's momentum, the aliens with a large number of insects seemed a little timid.

"We still have to rely on Fei Ge."

Ah Tu showed admiration on his face.

"Learn it. If you can learn this, it won't be so troublesome to tame it."

Fei Ge, with his hands on his chest, also grinned, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

After all, he was just eighteen years old, and it was naturally very useful for the skills he was proud of to achieve the desired effect.

"Go to sleep quickly, don't waste time."


Ah Tu's pressure in his heart suddenly decreased at this time. With Fei Ge guarding here, he could have a good rest!

However, just as he relaxed and closed his eyes for a while, the feeling of trembling suddenly emerged again.

Accompanied by a sound of puff~

The sticky liquid had already sprayed on him.

After opening his eyes, he saw Brother Fei standing in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest, and his head was gone.

Blood was splattering!

The liquid he felt before was Brother Fei's blood plasma.

What's going on?

Dreaming? Hallucination?

But he was a little slow, and the bullets that came with the gunshots had hit his head continuously.


Although Ah Tu had mechanized transformation, the various bones in his head had been replaced with metal plates.

But the mental shock that came with it, as well as the armor-piercing effect of the [Warlord's Gun], still severely injured him in an instant!

Tao Yu had no idea of ​​getting close to Ah Tu at all.

At the beginning, the gun in Joseph's mouth exploded at the end, but it made him a little PTSD.

While the [Warlord's Gun] was shooting, the whole figure also exploded and rushed towards the direction of the Alien Queen.

On the other side, in addition to the injured Xiao Hei, the other three aliens also rushed towards Ah Tu to finish off the enemy.

Xiao Hei hooked his tail and directly hooked Fei Ge's body, dragging it out quickly.

Tao Yu had already seen the huge and ferocious Queen head-on at this time.

Then, when the Alien Queen's claws were about to scratch his body, he disappeared directly in front of the Alien Queen like a scattered ink painting.

The sharp claws with strong wind seemed to only grab some smoke.

When Tao Yu's figure appeared again, it was behind the Queen's huge head!

The shadow power, like splashing ink and pouring it upside down, instantly gathered in the [Giant Lizard's Tooth], and the Alien Queen's head was almost cut off with a knife!

Tao Yu never thought about subduing the Alien Queen.

The difference in size and strength was too great. The effect of [Taming·Modification] must be something that has been successfully tamed initially. The risk is too great, and he doesn't need to take risks!

A dead Alien Queen is a good Queen!


A sudden violent explosion occurred on Ah Tu's side, and the shock wave directly tore the three aliens that rushed over.

Tao Yu, who chose to stay away from the beginning and ensured his position, was also blown away by the shock wave outside under the cover of the alien queen's body.

The strength that stimulated the blood and protected the vitals was instantly dispersed, and the [Inner Scale Armor] could not absorb all the impact, making him fall heavily to the ground with a sweet taste in his throat.

As expected, those mechanically modified guys are all self-destructive perverts...

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