The third New Tokyo is a standard fortress city, almost everything is built for military and defense.

The first to seventh jurisdictions on the surface can go underground when necessary, and many buildings have been modified internally to become EVA launch silos. A large number of combat blocking fortifications can also be drilled underground, which can be replaced with civilian ones.

The entire city is already completely modular.

Sitting on the military jeep, Tao Yu was able to confirm again after entering the city that the city's population was really small and its area was not large.

It is estimated that the total surface area is only a dozen square kilometers. Compared with the previous large metropolitan area, this is indeed a bit shabby.

Forget it that no one could be seen on the coastal highway before. After entering the city, Tao Yu felt like an ordinary small county town.

It wouldn't be surprising if it were like this in other cities.

But for a city of the size of Third New Tokyo, and the feeling of high-rise buildings in the city, coupled with this feeling of sparsely populated areas, it gives off a feeling of wasteland and desolation.

This gave Tao Yu some certainty in his mind.

"We're in town, where do you want to get off?"

"You can just find a place to drop me off. I just came here to see the migration benefits here. Our place is no longer suitable for survival..."

Along the way, Tao Yu had relied on her witch charm, coupled with instigation and emotional perception, to extract a lot of information from the people in this car.

Currently, Third New Tokyo has policies to support migration, but the climate change caused by the second impact fourteen years ago has caused Third New Tokyo to be in summer all year round, with cicadas chirping constantly.

And because of the huge turmoil caused by the second impact fourteen years ago, a lot of identity files have been lost.

Those who have files can be very complete, and their experiences from childhood to adulthood can be recalled in a swipe. However, some people who do not have files and originally lived in remote areas or rural areas have no way to complete all the registrations after the changes in these years.

Especially after falling into the abyss now.

Judging from the insinuations and their tone of voice, the world directly concluded that the fall into the abyss was caused by the second impact.

Originally, this was considered a trap created by SEELE, but now that there was a perfect reason to take the blame, it was immediately thrown away.

Because of the strength of the world barrier, it is not yet known what is going on in the outside world.

However, because the entire earth is almost flat, and the population has dropped sharply after the second impact, there is not much desire to expand outward.

"Well, the Third New Tokyo now has a relocation policy. Villagers from landless villages like you can apply directly. Besides, since you are under age, there will be corresponding subsidies and arrangements for you to go to school."

Suzuki Airi looked Tao Yu up and down, looking at him as if he didn't bring anything, and then added

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money. There are special resettlement houses here, and we will match you with jobs within your ability."

Hearing this, Tao Yu was a little surprised, but at the same time, she felt it was natural.

The world has become like this, and New Tokyo is indeed "sparsely populated." In order to attract people to settle here, basic things such as food, clothing, housing and transportation must be solved.

After all, the operation of this fortress city still requires a lot of manpower to ensure that it is sparsely populated, which may cause some inconvenience.

Although the living environment arranged is definitely average, and the work is generally not a decent job, it can guarantee a basic "survival".

And he would definitely take some care of a 'minor' like himself.

No one wants to settle in a place like a military fortress, so except for those who really can't survive and those who have been specially arranged to come, there are still very few people migrating inward.

It is estimated that many of the people living here now are family members of the original NERV staff.

At least when Tao Yu came to the registration office to register his identity, he didn't need to queue at all, and the registration process was extremely simple, and it was all dictated by Tao Yu himself.

I originally thought that I would use emotional interference and rely on the ability to instigate, but in fact, although it is useful, it is not much. The main reason is that this certification is really simple.

After taking a look at Tao Yu's appearance and asking about his age and name, it was all up to him.

"Maybe it's because we know that the main enemy is the apostle. There are no humanoid apostles except Kaoru Nagisa, so we have relatively little defense. Ordinary people, even if they are spies, can't understand anything deeply..."

As long as Tao Yu could achieve his goal, he had no intention of going into details. Then he got an identity card with his mugshot.

Name, Namikaze Minato, fourteen years old, an orphan affected by the second impact, the original village is no longer suitable for habitation.

And the most important thing is when the other party asks about the name of the previous village.

Tao Yu had an idea and said 'Longyin Village'!

The key is that when the other party heard this and started typing, Tao Yu didn't instigate or interfere in any way, so he didn't find it strange...

"This is the accommodation arranged for you, Room C-245-305, District 7. Here is the key. You are fourteen years old. You can choose to live alone or be matched with a guardian. I can recommend some simple things to you in your spare time. Work-study will help you support your family.”

After saying this, the staff member who was typing information in front of the computer took the initiative to say to Tao Yu

"You can have three meals a day at school, but you need to do other things, and a lot of money is needed."

"That's fine with me, but can I go to school later? I want to adapt first."

Tao Yu came back to his senses from thinking about Takigakure Village and said it naturally.

Why go to school? See if you can qualify for EVA and go directly to NERV to drive a big robot.

Takigakure Village actually has a registration, so it seems that this is really in this world.

But I'm so depressed, other ordinary ninjas are probably at best a city soldier king.

And even with the registration, I'm afraid it's been a long time since I fell here...

"Well, you can adapt for a week first, but you need to report to the school first. You can tell the school about the specific requirements. The school is next to your residence and it's easy to find according to the road signs."

"Thank you."

Tao Yu left the office and felt that the progress was good.

"The second impact was fourteen years ago. Although I'm not sure about the exact time of the attack by the Water Angel, it should be within half a year."

Ikari Shinji was born after the second impact, and the driver was fourteen years old, so Tao Yu also said that he was fourteen years old.

It's okay to have a younger face and be taller.

Some children are already this tall in elementary school.

"When necessary, the Six Paths can ask the pioneers for help, and there shouldn't be any problems. Takigakure Village is here, which is killing two birds with one stone."

Tao Yu took the map and manual of the Third New Tokyo and flipped through it quickly.

Although the Third New Tokyo has a strong sense of technology, its area is really small.

However, there is a more extensive underground city underground, which is built on the natural cavity here, with an area of ​​about hundreds of square kilometers.

It is usually connected by a rail train that enters diagonally downward, and there is also an "elevator" specially designed to transport large items such as cars.

The aboveground city is built on the protective deck. On weekdays, the combat and weapon modules are below the deck, and they are exchanged during wartime.

When the surface buildings sink underground, you can see two cities, one large and one small, mapped upside down.

The headquarters of NERV is in the center of the underground, a black pyramid-shaped building...

"Let's go underground first. Except for the headquarters of NERV, other places are completely open to the public, or many people's workplaces are down there."

This public map and route once again confirmed Tao Yu's original guess.

All the people in this city are originally mainly serving NERV. Even ordinary residents may work in the tertiary service industry...


The Third New Tokyo is a highly modular city with extremely convenient rail transportation. As long as you follow the map and instructions, you won't go wrong as long as you can read.

The rail car is similar to the subway platform, but there are not many people inside. The entire track moves diagonally downward. On the way down, you can see the vast underground space.

The underground space is completely naturally hollow and much wider than the Third New Tokyo above.

The ceiling above has an inverted combat module, which can be seen directly from the window of the rail car.

The middle layer is the twenty-four layers of steel plates used as a unit of measurement.

If the apostle wants to break in, he needs to break through the twenty-four layers of armor.

There are some different buildings on the underground surface below, and you can also see large forests and underground lakes. Although it is underground, the natural environment is not bad.

The light-collecting building near Lake Ashi on the surface is like a mirror, constantly reflecting sunlight underground, making it look bright.

At least the forests and vegetation here can thrive.

Tao Yu also looked at the NERV headquarters in the center, which is located directly below the surface steel plate and presents a pyramid shape. Tao Yu can also vaguely feel a sense of mystery under the pyramid.


Moving diagonally downward along the rail car, Tao Yu also constantly judged the current situation.

"Actually, I have a week to adapt. I'll go find Lilith directly. I don't know if it's possible. I just don't know if Lilith is sealed by the Spear of Longinus or if the Spear of Longinus is still in Antarctica and hasn't been salvaged yet..."

Tao Yu was a little tempted, but he suppressed the idea for the time being.

We still have to get a guarantee first. Although there are many apostles, the things they may drop are similar, nothing more than AT force fields and S2 mechanisms.

It is the most appropriate choice to get the guarantee from the simplest water angel first.

Although the balanced play style may miss some opportunities, it is stable...

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