The early morning sun shone in the garden. Tao Yu continued to pour this morning's share of blood on the place where Cao Shaolin's corpse was raised, and then ate a new can of canned beef.

Nutritional ointments and stamina potions are rare items that are difficult to obtain for Tao Yu. Combined with the [Tenjin Swallowing Technique], they can be used almost as willing power. They can be effective in wartime and are much more cost-effective.

This time the surprise attack on the alien lair consumed so much less energy. In addition to the short burst time, the stamina potion was also very effective.

When this can be recovered through normal food, it is better to save some money.

The alien Xiao Hei was lying on the side of the garden, and continued to smear the wounds on his body with saliva, which had condensed into a white film.

After eating some zombies, although the alien did not have Tao Yu's ability to recover, it was much faster than normal creatures.

It's just that the scars caused by its shell made the originally smooth metallic exoskeleton look bumpy, making the already ugly thing even uglier.

"Hey, what did you do at night? Did you rush into the pile of zombies and roll around?"

Jack's voice came from behind. Looking at Tao Yu's tattered combat uniform with scorch marks, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Why did this guy become so miserable after not seeing him for one night?

The hair also seems to have some burn marks.

"I want you to take care of it."

Tao Yu glanced sideways at the sand mouth.

"I'm ready to go, come here and say goodbye, haha, I hope it's not the last time."

Because the future is uncertain, Jack also looks a little melancholy.

"What? Are you still carrying those burdens?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Tao Yu's words.

"Hey, let's do our best and obey fate."

Jack sighed, not denying that there were a lot of burdens on the team.

He is a former CIA task force and has done a lot of dirty work. Professionally speaking, he is not an upright person.

But as a person with the protagonist's template and personality, even in this apocalypse of moral collapse, he still has a strong personal will and adheres to his own principles.

"Sooner or later you will be dragged to death by them."

"I have also decided that I will do my best to send them to the base this time. I won't care about it anymore, haha. If your company builds a gathering place, it will be handed over to your company."

Jack did not refute Tao Yu's words. Since he had built this gathering place and assumed the responsibilities, he would still fulfill them before the responsibilities were handed over.

It’s not that he doesn’t know the risks and difficulties, he just wants to stand on the last duty.

"What on earth did you do? Was it an explosion or a fire? Were you out last night?"

Jack changed the topic, but Ben just changed it casually, and he still noticed some more details.

Not only Tao Yu, the alien also had many new wounds on his body.

It was obvious last night was out, and it was intense.

At least it's impossible for zombies to leave these behind.

"It's none of your business. If you want to leave, leave quickly."

Tao Yu waved her hand impatiently.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare. You have to be careful even if you are alone."

Jack seemed to have thought of something and pursed his lips without saying much.

"Go ahead."

At noon, watching people coming out of the gathering place one after another, Jack drove a pickup truck to distract some zombies, and then Tommy drove a container truck over. Tao Yu also knew that there should be no problems on their way.

There is probably no need to worry about aliens in the short term. The impact of simple zombies on such a large truck is still limited. Although the environment on the way is a bit worse, the cargo box will definitely be very stuffy after entering the Gobi, and people may even die.

However, this has nothing to do with Tao Yu, who has always been watching silently with the alien.

The people at the gathering place were also frightened by the alien Tao Yu squatting next to them. They didn't dare to look at him, and they all hurriedly got into the car.


Jack finally drove back and passed the hotel lobby, lowered the window and honked the horn twice.

"Bon Voyage."

"See you later, remember to teach me boxing skills next time we meet."

The engine roared, and the pickup truck followed closely behind the truck, then overtook it and walked in front of the truck.

Tao Yu looked at the zombies chasing the car outside, listened to the friction sound of their movement, and chuckled.

No wonder the will of these fragments will choose the ‘Chosen One’, but unfortunately they are too weak to save the world...

"Go find me some cans and come back and get your own bag."

Tao Yu kicked Xiao Hei who was lying next to him, and asked the latter to carry two backpacks diligently, and quickly climbed upstairs. Then he got out of the window and walked towards the distance like a gecko on the wall of the building. Climb away.

Tao Yu slowly picked up a stool and placed it in the garden. She leaned on the chair and charged her watch while listening to the music from the radio station in Las Vegas. Relaxed a bit.

The abyss is really a bit interesting...

On the other side, Senke, the black man in the pickup truck, couldn't help but said to Jack who was driving.

"Boss, is Brother Tao Yu just staying there alone? What on earth does he want to do?"

"Trailblazers must have some skills, who knows."

Jack had heard Tao Yu talk about refining corpses, but he certainly wouldn't talk about it everywhere.

After Zhang Wei and his party came, of course Tao Yu's name was corrected.

"Hey, it would be great if he came with us. He has great mobility."

"I hope so, but he has helped us."

"Ah? How?"

"Who knows..."

Jack turned his head to look at the zombies outside the window. The convoy is about to leave the city, but it has not encountered any attacks from the aliens. This made Jack, who was originally tense, have some guesses.

He had felt Tao Yu's fighting power.

The zombies that were the source were all killed. I don't know what he did last night. He was in a mess, and the alien was also covered with scars.

And as a former CIA, Jack could see that the wounds on the alien had claw marks.

Claw marks on this kind of exoskeleton are likely to be aliens.

That guy went out overnight to hunt and kill nearby aliens to help, which relieved a lot of his own pressure.

If you don't want to say it, don't say it. His personality is really awkward, a hypocritical idiot...



The strong wind sounded like a tiger's roar, and Tao Yu kept dancing in the hotel lobby, and the fist wind was stirring in the lobby.

With the bonus of the new talent [Fist Intention], his training efficiency has skyrocketed.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much willpower left.

Even though he has physical potions and nutritional cream, Tao Yu only has 500 willpower units left for emergency use.

But compared with his current strength, the willpower that can be used for training is just a normal daily consumption.

More importantly, it has allowed him to fully adapt to the matching of his own skills and [Fist Intention] in the past few days.

"It's almost done. I'll go back after the corpse is resurrected today, and then I can hand in a wave of tasks in exchange for rewards."

After Tao Yu completed this set of exercises, he slowly played the closing move.

But at this moment, Tao Yu looked up at the top of the hotel and moved his ears.

There was some slight movement from above, which made Tao Yu raise his eyebrows.

Looking at the direction of the garden, Tao Yu winked at Xiao Hei, and then they moved towards the top of the hotel together.

The aliens have strong lurking abilities, but Tao Yu's two lurking abilities are even stronger. Even if they don't hide in the shadows, they move silently. They quickly approached the upper level and heard some light conversations.

"The aliens that Brother Chao mentioned are good at sneak attacks. Be careful."

"I heard that they were killing people like crazy on the grassland. Many people have fled back."

"I hope they haven't come yet."

After hearing the voices, Tao Yu also knew who these guys were. It turned out to be those three unlucky guys.

They wanted to coerce the natives to be cannon fodder, but they were caught instead. Later, they begged Chaoyang Society and asked Lin Chao and others to come and plead for mercy.

After knowing that these were the three non-threatening guys, Tao Yu took the initiative to cough.

The three people were shocked.


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