"Apostles are coming? In succession?! Aren't there supposed to be hostile relations between apostles?"

Akagi Ritsuko showed a look of shock on her face. She could not have expected the apostles to come so quickly and so frequently!

The purpose of all apostles is to create impact and to return to their original bodies to control the trend of evolution.

So all apostles and the humans who are the 18 apostles are in a hostile relationship, and are mortal enemies who will fight to the death!

For this reason, in their judgment, the attacks of the apostles should be spaced out, otherwise they will probably fight each other.

Not long after repelling the water angel, theoretically there should be a window period.

But why are the attacks so frequent?

But it is too late to worry about these now. Now that the apostles suddenly appear, they must be replaced immediately.

"Shinji, get ready, replace Minato."

The difference between Shinji, who can still fall flat on the ground, and Minato, who was held with one hand last time, is clear to everyone.

However, Tao Yu said at this time

"Hasn't Unit 0 been repaired? I'll try Unit 0. It's probably more time-consuming to let Shinji come out in this state and replace it. It's unnecessary. It's just right for him to see the actual combat together."

Tao Yu's words made Ritsuko and Misato stunned.

"Although you have tested Unit 0, Unit 0 is just an experimental machine, and it is different from Unit 01..."

Ritsuko said hesitantly.

A replica and a main body, maybe it's nothing to drive normally, but with Minato's performance...

"It doesn't matter. How weak do you think I am when driving EVA?"

Tao Yu's gentle smile surprised everyone present, and then Ritsuko also made the decision

"Okay, Unit 0 is ready to start, Shinji, you control Unit 01 to go to the launch port..."

Now Shinji is in Unit 01, and there are wires behind Unit 01. After some previous training, at least the basic mobility is good, and he can even shoot with a gun.

Now he suddenly heard that the apostles were coming, and he was a little nervous.

But he also heard Tao Yu's previous words from the cockpit.

"Minato let me drive his own machine first, in order to train me. If he doesn't even dare to do this, it's too bad!"

Ikari Shinji, who was self-PUA, immediately regrouped and began to go to the launch port according to the instructions.

Tao Yu quickly changed his clothes and entered the zero machine under the silent watch of Ayanami Rei, who still had a plaster on her hand.

Without Ikari Yui's soul and not Lilith's body, it was more convenient for Tao Yu to control the zero machine!

"But the AT force field limit of the zero machine is indeed much worse than that of the first machine."

Tao Yu felt it a little in the cockpit and fully understood the limits of the two machines.

Replicas are just replicas after all!

In Unit-01, the potential of Unit-01 is fully developed, almost like having the power to become a god, but Unit-00 is just average...

"After I free Yui Ikari, I will take Unit-01 away as a trophy. Maybe I can make it stronger by clearing out the monsters in the future."

After tasting the taste of Unit-01, I always feel uncomfortable driving Unit-00 now.

But this can also be confirmed...

Unit-00 is definitely not the chosen one!

"As long as Unit-01 doesn't go berserk, it won't be able to grab my head, and the wreckage after the apostle is killed, be a little careful this time, don't let the S2 mechanism be completely damaged, see what skills you get..."

Tao Yu was also a little hesitant in his heart. The apostle may drop the S2 mechanism, which represents the "perpetual motion machine" of the fruit of life.

It must be a good thing in itself. In addition to the items, I don't know if the AT force field skills will be dropped.

Or it is directly deposited on the S2 mechanism...

"It should be!"

Tao Yu comforted himself.

"EVA Unit 0, Minato Namikaze, attack!"

Eva Unit 0 and Unit 01, two EVAs rushed out of the ground and appeared in the transformed New Tokyo III.

They also saw that the attacking angel flew directly from the sea.

There was a clear halo on its head, and the AT force field of the apostle made it float in the sky without any aerodynamics.

At first glance, it looked like a huge Kun, with two long whips like energy belts extending from the two fins, and the image looked very strange and abstract.

Today was the first time for Shinji Ikari to actually operate EVA. Even though he had adapted to it for a long time in the training ground, he had no problem with basic actions, and he also understood the way of neuron control with 100% synchronization rate.

But the first time he saw the terrifying behemoth of the apostle with his own eyes, Shinji Ikari, who was originally full of enthusiasm, cooled down.

"Is this, is this the apostle..."

"Is this the apostle?!"

On a hill not far away, several pioneers looked at the huge monster floating from the sea, and saw that the fierce bombardment of the defensive turrets was blocked by the AT force field.

They were also quite shocked.

"Not to mention this suppressed world, even if there is such power in the unsuppressed outside world, it is extremely terrifying!"

A pioneer next to him couldn't help but say.

He is a senior partner, and his strength is already good, but even in his prime, he is powerless to face this kind of thing!

He can't even break the defense!

"This should be the unique power of the current world. It is estimated that if it reaches the outside world, it will also be affected in the opposite direction. However, even so, it is already quite terrifying. The benefits of this world may be among these apostles! I hope they can kill them. , and then we find a way to get some drops, even if we exchange them!”

One pioneer seemed quite excited.

If it is killed by the Chosen One or the Pioneer, the wish power may be absorbed, but if it is killed by a mecha, it may not necessarily be counted as theirs. The distance is too far!

The chances are great! !

Although in the abyss, the quality of dropped items is not necessarily related to strength.

Many powerful wish-power creatures drop items that are useless except for absorbing the wish-power, while some cheap and cheap things may produce good products.

But overall, at least for the individual powerful wish-power creatures, the drops of wish power alone will not be less!

"I have a hunch that this apostle will drop something good."

"Look, those should be the mechas used to deal with the apostles. There are actually two of them. They're so big."

"Huh, SEELE can't tell us everything, we are all on guard against each other."

"Be prepared first. Don't be affected by this kind of big guy's battle. Don't force yourself to pick up the spoils. They may be exchanged afterwards..."

"What an exchange, those guys nearby are all dead. I confirmed with the transfer station that they got the news that Namikaze Minato came in..."

These pioneers are another nearby team. After the Third New Tokyo team was destroyed, they had to come over and carry the banner.

The good news is that they have obtained the information brought by the previous annihilation team.

Namikaze Minato!

I didn't expect it to be so deep...

Da da da~

While the various turrets and missiles in front were still under fire, they were doing useless work.

Unit No. 1 also immediately started to act nimbly, picked up an assault rifle that popped up from the weapon module next to it, and began to shoot straight ahead.

It is obvious that something like an EVA body will not be built in another hundred years, but it still has this relatively primitive attack mode.

Just like the missiles and artillery shells before, this hand-held firearm kept firing. Apart from creating ripples on the AT force field, it didn't even scratch the skin.

Instead, dense explosions filled the sky with smoke and dust, gradually blocking the apostles...

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