"Although I have heard of your village for a long time, I was still a little surprised after seeing it. There are very few places in the abyss where you can live and work in peace and contentment."

Ou Ling visited Konoha accompanied by Namikaze Minato.

Behind him were just a few followers of the Shadow Guards and Ou Ling.

And what she said can be considered as a sentiment.

Konoha's ability to maintain its current stability has indeed demonstrated Konoha's strength.

Apart from anything else, those cockroach people outside are not something that the ordinary world can resist.

So although Konoha doesn't look high-tech, the village's form also seems a bit simple.

But this kind of peaceful and contented life is quite rare in the abyss.

"Ms. Ou is joking. Compared with you, I'm still far behind."

"This is different."

Ou Ling shook her head, but she didn't say anything different.

But now that they had finished exchanging greetings, Ou Ling began to prepare for some blowjobs.

She knew that the final decision from the ninja world would probably require the nod of the ninja saint mentioned by the ancestral saint. If it was not about the general direction, it would at least require the nod of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

But let's blow some wind here first, and then we can have more room for mediation.

Otherwise, the negotiation with the Saint will break down directly, and both parties will save face...

"Actually, we have no ill intentions towards the ninja world. Now our common enemy is the Witch Church. So this time, on behalf of our family, I also want to have more in-depth cooperation with your village and even complete an alliance."

Ou Ling said very sincerely.

If there hadn't been the confrontation between the Six Paths Immortal and Ou Sheng in the air, he might have tried to take advantage of the moon while Ou Sheng was here.

But now that a saint has appeared, of course everything must be considered in the long run.

The Catastrophic Level in Pioneer can deter big forces and gain the right to negotiate.

In fact, the same is true among aborigines!

Not to mention there is a saint here!

Direct battles without benefits, or battles with insufficient benefits, are usually relatively rare.

"We in Konoha love peace, and we cannot agree with the views of the Witch Church. Of course, we are also inclined towards alliance, but we only accept alliances with equal conditions. If you want to make any additional demands, we cannot do it. Arrived.”

Namikaze Minato also responded directly.

This was discussed by several Hokages together.

"Hokage-dono, we come here with sincerity, but you also know that there is still a gap between us, even if you have that saint sitting on your side."

Ou Ling didn't mention conditions at the beginning just to set the framework first. If he doesn't have much opinion on the big framework now, he can discuss the details later.

"Actually, we don't have any very demanding requirements. We mainly want to visit your moon. If there are things that are useful to us, we are willing to pay for the items your village needs in exchange. All kinds of materials are available. Can."

"I'm afraid this won't work. We have allies on the moon, and it's also vital to the ninja world."

Because Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama participated in the discussion, the red line drawn by the Sage of Six Paths was also quite obvious.

Although Minato Namikaze didn't know what was on the moon, since both sides were fighting for it and couldn't give in, they couldn't give in!

Hearing such a decisive answer from Minato Namikaze, Ou Ling couldn't help but bite her red lips, feeling a little troubled.

It seems that this moon involves the core interests of the ninja world.

If this is really the case, given the current situation, I'm afraid we can only give in.

There is a high probability that Ou Sheng will not choose to fight to the death with another saint who has home field advantage.

"Okay, but you must also understand that since we can detect the problem of your moon, then the Witch Church may also be able to do the same. The Witch Church is extremely powerful. Although we can attack and defend each other, we cannot always defend. Here, why not hand over this trouble to us to attract..."

Ou Ling began to try to change her perspective, and this echoed her previous words of praising Konoha for living and working in peace and contentment.

'Hokage-sama, you don't want the villagers to lose their stability, right? ’

"This is our own problem in the ninja world. If you sign a covenant and are willing to come to our aid, of course you are welcome. If you don't come, there is nothing we can do."

"It's not that we won't come, but that our ancestors won't stay around here for a long time."

Ou Ling behaved very sincerely. She knew that giving a lot of realistic facts at this time would actually be more sincere and the success rate would be greater.

But just when Minato Namikaze was about to say something, he saw Tao Yu eating octopus balls in front of the street and chewing them in his mouth.

"'Jack' you are finally back, how is it? Did you gain anything?"

Ou Ling was waiting for a response, but suddenly she saw Minato Namikaze starting to say hello, and a pair of red phoenix eyes glanced in Tao Yu's direction.

Just one glance made her eyes light up slightly. She was very handsome, and she probably had some charm-boosting talents or skills just like him.

At the same time, she quickly compared it with some recent information in her heart.

'Jack' is suspected of coming from other places through a teleportation device. He first appeared on the aircraft carrier loading station in the Daredevil World. He claimed to have suffered a shipwreck, and then teamed up with members of a small family there.

All the way to Konoha, they were attacked by cockroaches on the way but were rescued by Uchiha Madara. After Konoha, they began to leave. I don’t know what means they used to gain the friendship of Namikaze Minato...

The energy of the Ou family in this area can be said to be quite strong.

Even though Tao Yu's Jack was rarely seen socializing in many places, he was almost always captured by them.

And this is not a special effort by the Ou family to collect information on 'Jack', but by the way, they have integrated all the pioneers who have recently come to Konoha.

The key reason why Ou Ling is attracted to Minato Namikaze is because of 'friendship with Minato Namikaze'!

"It has a charm bonus, and it's normal to gain friendship. I just don't know what the method and means are."

Ou Ling glanced at Tao Yu's slightly feminine temperament, and then looked at Namikaze Minato's sunny and cheerful smile. She didn't know what she had imagined, her cheeks couldn't help but blush slightly, and her eyes were full of gossip and excitement. .

But soon because of his responsibilities, he suppressed some of his preferences, clenched his fists and coughed at the side of his mouth before saying

"Well, Jack, right? I know you, but I don't know where you are from. Can you tell me?"

Ou Ling did not put on the high-spirited airs of the Ou family, but showed a gentle smile that was quite friendly to the people.


Tao Yu made a random joke. Tiannan Prefecture is the state closest to Baixing and is also adjacent to Tianlong.

However, when Tao Yu said this, Ou Ling also heard it. She asked about her background just in passing. The important thing was to get to know each other formally and build a closer relationship, and then see if she could rely on the Ou family's face to get the other party to help persuade...

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