"Yue Bing has become a disciple of the Saint."

While communicating with the spirit of the ancestor of the Yue family and digesting some of the information in it, Tao Yu also thought of the Yue family woman who had a keen sense of perception.

The other party is indeed very talented, and it is not strange to be directly accepted as a disciple by the Saint.

However, Tao Yu does not think that the other party can still pose any threat to him, but he needs to be a little careful.

After communicating the last information, the matter of the Yue family has come to an end...

He has added a lot of strange collections to himself.

At present, there are quite a few disaster-level hunting, and some of the wish-power items he carries with him are also quite effective.

But for himself who has the Sword of Immortal Execution, the Spear of Longinus, and the White Robe of Saruman, there are not many things that can be used.

At present, every disaster-level has more or less some divination props, and the pocket watch used before is one of them with a bonus.

This time, the Yue family added a lot to their spoils. Even though they may have a treasure house in the abyss, the things they got from robbing a family are almost as valuable as the disaster-level things they carried before.

"If the value is calculated purely by willpower, the total value of all the goods sold separately is at least 10 billion. Alas, I am still a little poor... How can I only get so little after killing so many people?"

Tao Yu roughly estimated that a very important reason is the output threshold of willpower itself.

Even if the 10 billion he estimated now is thrown out, he may have to sell it in several batches, or find a force with rich cash flow like Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce to take over.

"It's just right to exchange for some fragments of the Heart of the World. Let's look at the Sun family first. If the Sun family is not enough, then look for Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce."

Tao Yu did not go directly to Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce now. After all, it is one of the three super groups in White Star City. It is still too provocative to go there just after the genocide.

Someone had divined for him before and pointed to the gray fog area, which means that he has started on the way back to Xingyao.

It's almost time to leave...

"I wanted to meet Long Yin'er and the others, but forget it, I'll talk to you next time I come back."

Tao Yu estimated that the situation in Tianlongzhou had begun to be gradually reported.

Because Long Yin'er wanted to pass the "letter of introduction", she might ask a few questions.

But generally speaking, there should be no problem.

If she was asked, it was just to cast a wide net...

"It's almost time to go back, Xingyao..."

Tao Yu was a little sad for a while.

When I came to the prefecture, I could say that I came here purely for refuge. At that time, my strength was really unable to cope with the crisis from Xingyao City.

It's not that I'm weak, but if the Xing family fails to make some arrangements against me continuously, they will definitely be suspicious. That is the Xing family's base camp, and it is too easy to make multiple attempts.

Unlike here, I just gave the Yue family a little benefit to see if they have a chance to kill me...

But now...

"Although the little rich woman didn't say it specifically, the conflict between the Sun family and the Xing family has intensified a lot. At least even the public information source here in the mission hall has recorded it."

Generally speaking, the high-ranking families in the Xingyao Floating City are fighting each other, and ordinary pioneers are completely unaware of the news.

Now that ordinary people know about it, it means that the conflict between the two sides has gradually become apparent.

"It is obviously a camp, but the internal conflict is so intense..."

Tao Yu felt the resistance of the real space, and did not use Flying Thunder God directly, but turned into a shadow and went straight to the gray fog area outside the city.

"But it seems that the whole world has this atmosphere, and internal fighting doesn't seem strange at all."

Tao Yu has never seen mutual unity against the abyss.

Although farming in the abyss fragments and seizing the will and world power in disguise will passively assist the world will to resist the abyss, these are purely driven by interests.

"If the pioneers hadn't killed each other and couldn't plunder the will, I'm afraid the blood would have flowed into a river."

This is really the world will protecting the world.

The world will on the main world side is more inclined to a set procedure, while on the Nephi world side, there are multiple gods with their own wills, and there is also the "main god" on the earth side. The three sides have completely different styles and routes...


The Starry Floating City is still hanging high above the inner city, as if it has existed forever.

The thunder snakes and lightning wandering in the gray fog occasionally fall on the surface of the floating city, adding a sense of solemnity.

The air in the outer city is still mixed with a taste of life, and those houses made up of various garbage are still uneven.

There are also some autonomous machine gun turrets and some sentinels on duty on some outposts outside the outer city, and occasionally there are night watchmen nearby.

On a sentry post about five meters high, built on a triangular support, a sentry wearing combat uniform and goggles finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the gray fog that was already dawning.

He reached out to extinguish the lamp of will, and said to his partner next to him helplessly

"Huh, it's dawn, aren't there a lot of monsters breaking through the gray fog recently?"

"Yeah, the gunfire didn't stop at night."

But it was already dawn, and there were no more monsters...

"Hmm? Is there something over there?"

One of them stared at the gray fog area ahead.

I saw a black shadow gradually walking out of the gray fog, and then revealed its own face, it was Tao Yu.

This time he left White Star City under the attention of others, so when he returned to Star City, he was prepared to come in openly.

But after he came in, he glanced at the guard post a little speechlessly. There were two people over there pointing guns at him, nervously.

"It's human."

As Tao Yu walked inside, she also lamented that the environment in the outer city had not changed much.

Perhaps the patchwork self-built houses in the outer city areas will have new patterns appearing every day, but the overall environment has always been the same.

Although White Star City is not that good in comparison, people in the outer ring area have no problem with food and clothing.

"Brother crossed the gray fog alone?"

The two sentries looked a little surprised, but then they started to shrink back.

It's not that I'm afraid that Tao Yu is a monster, but that after realizing that Tao Yu may have crossed the gray fog alone, his strength is definitely at least that of a senior partner!

This kind of identity and status is like heaven to the outer city.

People are just passing by here.


Tao Yu nodded casually, not surprised that they didn't recognize him.

Even now, the only people who can get photos of themselves are at least mid-level partners.

As for your own intelligence information, it will still be divided into many levels and channels.

In the outer city, it is estimated that the version of information that he is a senior partner is still circulating...

"It's changed a little bit."

When he looked outside, Tao Yu thought that was the case, but when he returned to the streets of the outer city and walked out of place among the ragged residents of the outer city, Tao Yu still found something different.

Toilets have actually started to be built in the outer city area.

Although it still looks very primitive and old, there are just some simple sheds, but even though they were built, some ditches were dug on the ground, and there seemed to be septic tanks.

Although the smell is still hard to describe, there is still a vague sense of order.

But soon Tao Yu also understood the reason. Some young people with Chaoyang Club armbands on their arms appeared in front of them and were trying to persuade them about the hygiene situation.

"This uncle will be in more trouble when he gets sick. When his health deteriorates, it will only be a vicious cycle..."

A girl who looked to be only 17 or 18 years old, but not necessarily awakened, and several companions beside her actively worked hard to maintain some order here.

Although it seems difficult, many people don't listen to them at all, or they say a few perfunctory words, but these people still maintain a good enthusiasm.

"Young people are still energetic..."

Tao Yu felt a little emotional. Obviously, he was also a young man...


"It seems that Gu Qiu has been released after completing his mission."

Tao Yu walked in the outer city and felt some changes in the atmosphere here. The gang members who used to frequent the place seemed to be reduced a lot. It should be that Chaoyang Society has gradually included these places under its jurisdiction during this period.

In terms of strength alone, Chaoyang Society is considered unique in the outer city.

He has Gu Qiu, a top-notch warrior among boundary breakers, and he has a backbone like Lin Chao under his command.

It is definitely at the break level.

Moreover, Chaoyang Society is a society with its own philosophy and has armed its members with ideas.

Other gang members are just making a living, but many people in the Chaoyang Society are indeed passionate.

The difference in morale is not even a slight difference, and the subjective initiative is also completely different.

But for Tao Yu now, no one would tell him anything about Chaoyang Society, and some changes in the inner and outer cities would not affect him at all.

As Tao Yu moved forward, he also roughly discovered that the development direction of Chaoyang Society should be near the outermost areas of the gray fog area and the areas and streets with the worst environment.

Then slowly thinking about the direction of the inner city, after passing by the outer perimeter, Tao Yu also saw an obviously newly built fence in the middle area.

Although it is only blocked by some wooden boards, oil drums and barbed wire, it can be seen that there is a clear distinction between this place and the surrounding areas, and it should be still in the hands of all gangs.

In the outer city, the closer to the city wall, the better the conditions, the more oil and water, and the benefits generated are enough for these outer city gangs to take risks.

And behind them there must be support from the families in the inner city.

In comparison, Chaoyang Society does not like to do things like extermination, nor does it engage in actions such as beheadings and assassinations.

So even though they are very powerful, these gang members are not afraid of getting it right...

Blocked by a fence made of oil drums and barbed wire, residents of the outer city who enter will be questioned to some extent. Although it is much simpler than entering the inner city, there is still a long queue.

It can be seen that these gang members take strict precautions against Chaoyang Society.

In addition, at the entrance and exit, there is a large speaker that constantly plays some precautions in a simple and easy-to-understand voice.

Probably they are not allowed to promote Chaoyang Society's tactics there, otherwise they will be severely punished.

"This is really..."

Tao Yu also shook his head with a dumb smile.

He still has a more positive view of Chaoyang Society, and his brother also has a very good relationship with them.

But this world is ultimately a world where force is supreme. Unless Guqiu becomes a disaster-level city and makes some changes from above with his own voice, I'm afraid it will end in the outer city...


Outer city, security team.

Tao Tong changed into his uniform and quickly came to his team, then stretched out his hand and patted the already opened door

"Okay, come out to work."

After using the demonization characteristics to heal his legs, Tao Tong is now full of energy every day.

Although his seventh brother has left Xingyao City, the connections and some resources he left behind can also provide him with gains that he never dared to think of before.

In such a short time, relying on demonization, internal strength, previous foundation, and the talent of dynamic vision, he has already entered the intermediate partner, and now he is an absolute master in the outer city security team.

If he didn't know that his management ability was not good, he could have been arranged by Uncle Hu to be the deputy captain of the security team and be in charge of a city area, instead of leading a team like now.

The income from this job is not as good as simply lying at home and receiving the "living expenses" regularly given by Dada Company.

Tao Tong, who is used to a hard life, does not want to be idle and wants to do something within his ability.

He does not understand the business, and his ability is just acceptable in the inner city. He is not in the new development area, so he cannot adapt to Dada Company and can only return to his old job in the outer city.

Although he has lived in the inner city and goes back to live every day, Tao Tong is more accustomed to the environment of the outer city.

Even though it is so dirty and messy, people can be more relaxed.

In addition, Uncle Hu is now the chief captain of the outer city security team, so there is no pressure...

"Ah~, Captain Tao..."

"No way, you are on duty again."

"Take a day off, just one day."


After Tao Tong knocked on the door, the security team members who were originally sitting in various positions stood up straight, but their mouths were full of ghosts and wolves howling.

Although Tao Tong's strength is already very strong in the security team, he has a good personality and is very good to his subordinates, so they will also joke with him with a smile.

Although they complained, they did not bump into anything when they cleaned up.

"Captain Tao, why didn't you fight for the deputy captain in charge of Dongcheng District last time? We all thought you could get the position."

"Hey~, Captain Tiger is Captain Tao's uncle. If Captain Tao wanted to get the position, he would have gotten it a long time ago. He found an excuse to get others off and replaced them, not to mention the eight-armed King Kong."

"Captain Tao can't bear to leave us, haha~"

"I think you are looking forward to Captain Tao's promotion, so that it will be convenient for you to slack off in the future, right?"

Several people in Tao Tong's team played around with a smile on their faces, and the atmosphere seemed very relaxed.

The security team is composed of members with at least combat talent, and they will also undergo unified training. It is definitely a comfortable and good job in the outer city.

However, due to the special environment of the outer city, the security team usually only handles some major events. On weekdays, the gangs in each jurisdiction are responsible for management, as long as they don't cause trouble to the security team.

So the members of the security team used to have a leisurely life, and most of the time they were training and drinking tea.

Tao Tong, who led people to work seriously, seemed a bit out of place.

If it were someone else, they might have been excluded.

However, Tao Tong's background was so strong that he was greeted with smiles and praise, praising his dedication and his contribution to the security of the outer city...

"Forget it, tomorrow is a day off, and everyone will have a dinner tonight."

Tao Tong smiled.


"The captain's dinner is all AA, and he doesn't invite us."

"Haha, we can get a 10% discount on Shizhixuan. We can only eat this kind of thing when we follow the captain..."

"AA is AA."


The members of the security team looked very happy when they heard Tao Tong's words.

Although the security team members have a good income in the outer city, they still can't afford to go to the inner city to spend money.

But Tao Tong is lucky enough to get a 10% discount at Shizhixuan because of Tao Yu's influence. Even if it is not cheap for them after the 10% discount, they are still happy to go there occasionally to see the world and have a meal.

And it will be face-saving to brag about it later.

In the entire security team, only their team has gone to such a high-end place to gather.

"You guys..."

Tao Tong looked at his team members and shook his head and smiled. Feeling the strong power of his legs and the relaxed atmosphere now, he still felt a little unreal in his heart.

After so many years of hardship, he suddenly became disabled. He has lived through hard times.

I thought that my life might be like this. The environment at home could not help me recover my legs, neither biological nor mechanical prostheses.

But the sudden rise of the seventh brother turned him into what he is now.

Because of this, even now he occasionally spends money, but he still subconsciously saves money.

"The Black Rat Gang has gone too far these days, so we're going to give them a beating today."

Tao Tong also told us today's mission.

"Oh, we have to go again, but the captain has the final say."

"Let's have a dinner after that."

"Captain, there's no need for us to get involved in this matter. After all, the Black Rat Gang is backed by several wealthy families in the inner city..."

"What are you afraid of? The captain is also a wealthy family."

Several team members also felt a little helpless about Taotong's choice. Now, several gangs supported by the inner city are competing against Chaoyang Society.

Other security teams pretended that nothing happened, and only their own team went on patrol almost every day to stop some extreme actions.

Fortunately, the captain has a strong background. If it were another squad leader, he would have been blacklisted long ago...


In an open space in the outer city where the houses next to it were bulldozed, a wooden scaffolding was made of logs and hemp ropes. Some oil stains could be seen on the surface of the wood on the shelf.

Next to it are piles of debris from bulldozed houses, as well as a group of outer-city pioneers watching nearby.

At this time, on that simple wooden shelf, there were seven or eight ragged figures hanging with hemp ropes.

The clothes on everyone's body were in tatters, and you could clearly see some whip marks that even ripped the clothes and flesh.

Those whip marks that tore the skin and flesh were dripping with blood, adhering to the clothes and looking extremely miserable.

The hair was also greasy, and it was hard to tell whether it was stuck with blood or oil. The wrists of several people were tied up with hemp ropes and hung upwards. There were wooden boards set up underneath so that they could barely reach the ground with their toes.

Each person's rope is carefully adjusted.

And a bald man who looked a little lazy was lying on a chair next to him, sniffing the 'happiness' on the back of his hand from time to time, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

In addition to him, there were dozens of elite Black Rat Gang members with rat heads tattooed on their arms.

Two modified pickup trucks were parked here, with machine gun mounts built on them.

A strong man with a sinewy face and a strong back was standing in front of the wooden platform, looking at the outside city pioneers who were called over, and said with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Look at me, this is a role model!"

As he spoke, he kept pacing back and forth, waving the whip in his hand from time to time, making a harsh crackling sound.

"I have repeatedly stressed that we are not allowed to promote that bullshit Chaoyang Society in our territory. If you want to be Chaoyang Society's undercover agents and spies, then don't blame us for being ruthless and causing harm to your family!"

Most of the local residents who lived nearby and were called over had fear in their eyes at this time. They did not dare to look over there at all, and they all lowered their heads silently.

A few people also felt a sense of dissatisfaction.

However, looking at the dozens of fat and muscular gang thugs over there and the machine gun barrels welded on the two pickup trucks, no one dared to say anything.

At this moment, accompanied by the roar of motorcycles, six heavy-duty motorcycles formed a small team and galloped from the end of the street.

Even with the continuous excavation of new development areas, motorcycles like this that can bring the world have become more and more popular, but this is still not something ordinary people in outer cities can afford.

Most of them still live a similar life, and do not enjoy the benefits of the newly developed areas.

But at this time, many people looked at the motorcycle team coming over, and their numb eyes lit up slightly, as if there was light again, and some people whispered.

"It's Captain Tao!"

"Captain Tao is here."

"In several areas, only Captain Tao can take care of them."

"Blue sky..."

Not to mention these residents, even the dozens of thugs from the Black Rat Gang seemed a little loose at this time.

There is no doubt that the security team are all elites from the outer city. In addition, Tao Tong has relied on his talent, demonization and internal strength to support him. With a relatively good dividend investment for his level, he has firmly entered the middle-level partnership. At this level, he is considered a master in the outer city.

Coupled with the sky-high background and the sound of the motorcycle, the members of the Black Rat Gang were distracted.

The burly man who was scolding with a whip also showed fear on his face and stopped talking.

Lying on the recliner, the leader of the Black Rat Gang, nicknamed "Crazy Rat", was gradually recovering from the aftertaste of "happiness".

Looking at the motorcycle team that was about to arrive in front of him, there was a burst of violence in his eyes, but he had to suppress it, and then stood up and said in a humble tone.

"Hey, Captain Tao, what kind of wind brings you here?"

As he spoke, he took out a wish magnetic card in his hand and was about to stuff it into Taotong's hand.

"Come on, come on, brothers from the security team have worked hard. Why don't you all go to my village to play music in this weather?"

Tao Tong frowned slightly when he saw the 'Crazy Rat' appearing here in person this time.

As a gang leader, this lunatic didn't care about such trivial matters in the past. He looked at the magnetic card in his hand and listened to the arrangements from his mouth.

Tao Tong also understood that this guy was probably waiting for him here specially!

With the identity of the seventh brother and his position, there are many people who want to give gifts. According to the seventh brother, they do not refuse everything. There must be some favors, otherwise they will cut themselves off from others.

It was just that at this time, he reached out his hand to block the magnetic card and refused.

"Gang Leader Bei, I'm on official duty now. We can get together in private anytime we want, but we can't do that now."

As he finished speaking, he pointed directly at the people hanging on the table and said

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Tao Tong himself was born in an outer city, and he clearly understood that life here was not easy.

This kind of injury will most likely lead to a vicious cycle that will make you unable to survive!

Although there is no killing, it is not much different from killing.

It's just that generally as long as no one is killed, the unspoken rules of the security team are not dealt with very much, and they can be fooled relatively easily.

"Hey, some idiots are acting as spies for other gangs without knowing the truth. Give them a little punishment, otherwise they won't be easy to control."

Crazy Rat chuckled and seemed not to care.

But then he waved to the burly man over there and shouted angrily.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you put the person down? Didn't you see Captain Tao ask about it?"


The man who started to crack the whip was also decisive. He swung the whip in his hand and the hemp rope hanging them broke.

Several guys fell heavily to the ground.

But at this time, they didn't even have the strength to cry, and they just moved a few times symbolically, as if to show that they were still alive.

Two people even fainted directly.

"Captain Tao, I'm trying to save your face, but it's very difficult for me to act as spies for outside gangs. If we don't warn them, it will be difficult for us to lead the team."

Mad Rat sighed, and then thrust the card in Taotong's hand again.

"The security team has always stayed out of gang affairs, which means you have a kind heart, but this kind of kindness is too busy. You will understand when you work longer..."

Tao Tong's inner strength shook and he wanted to break free from Mad Rat's hand, but he felt the other's hand grabbing his wrist, like a steel pliers.

‘Crazy Rat’ forcefully opened his copper fingers, put the card into his hand, and then slowly helped to close it, reached out and patted it, and said in a low voice

"I know that Captain Tao has a great background, but when I was young, I was also doing things for the nobles. What I am doing now is what the nobles have designated. Captain Tao has stopped me time and time again. I am also willing to give Captain Tao face, but I hope everyone can be kinder in the future..."


Taotong accumulated his internal strength, and then used the physical strengthening brought by the demonization. He threw it hard, and finally broke free from the shackles of the mad rat, and then said coldly

"I don't care what happens in other districts, but this kind of thing is not allowed to happen in my jurisdiction. Injuring people on the street will have a bad impact. The murderer must come with me."

After saying that, Tao Tong also looked at the guy who was whipping before.

He knew there was nothing he could do if he directly caught the Crazy Rat, but if he just caught a thug, that would be no problem!

"Why, Captain Tao must be in trouble with me?"

Mad Rat's face turned gloomy for a while, staring at Tao Tong.

"I'll arrest you too for obstructing official business."


"That's it!"

"Team Tao is mighty!"

There were a few young people in the crowd who couldn't help themselves. They were potential members of the Chaoyang Society. They couldn't help but start cheering.

However, some people from outside the city beside them hurriedly took a few steps away as if they were avoiding snakes and scorpions, as if they were afraid that they would be misunderstood.

Some thugs from the Black Rat Gang who were nearby also started to look over, as if they wanted to remember who was calling him.

That kind of sight also made several young people whose blood surged up suddenly cool down.

"Haha, Captain Tao can't always be in charge of this area. He might be promoted at some point."

The strong man who was said to be taken away by Tao Tong also looked back and glared at the crowd with confidence, and then turned to Tao Tong and said

"Captain Tao, for the sake of your brother, we respectfully call you Captain Tao, but since we can eat this bowl of rice and prevent Chaoyang Society from making any progress, naturally we also have our background and energy. For a bunch of mud-legged people, Is it worth it?”

As he spoke, he continued to raise his voice.

"My sister was spotted by a big shot in the Gan family and became a concubine. Even you can't do anything to me! Don't cause trouble for Lord Eight-Armed King Kong!"

"What trouble are you causing?"

A voice came from a distance. It was not loud, but it was extremely clear.

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw Tao Yu walking towards here in the distance.

Seeing that his third brother had fully recovered and was still vigorously maintaining law and order here, Tao Yu also had a smile on his face.

"Brother, I'm back..."

The overall outlook on life in my family is relatively simple. Starting from my parents, all the way to Tao Shi, although they are not very good people, they all have their own views on right and wrong.

In the scene before him, Tao Yu was actually more than happy to see that his third brother had not begun to integrate into those groups because of the changes in status and strength.

As for ‘causing trouble’?

"Old Seven! You didn't even tell me in advance when you came back!"

Tao Tong, who was also a little stressed, looked at Tao Yu's sudden appearance with a look of surprise on his face.

I haven't seen him for such a long time, and although there are still occasional reports that he is safe, I am still very worried. Now I see him back like he is completely fine, and I am naturally happy.

Relatively speaking, the matter with the Black Rat Gang is not important!

Everyone at the scene, including Mad Rat and the man who claimed his sister had married into a wealthy family, as well as all the elite members of the Black Rat Gang and ordinary people nearby, all silenced themselves at this time.

Mad Rat and the burly man both trembled.

Do they know that this person is a real boundary breaker!

What is a Boundary Breaker?

A real boss who is enough to bring several family members into the floating city!

If you place it in the inner city, you will be called an ancestor!

The dragon lizard family is awesome. After their ancestor died suddenly, they spent a lot of money to create a new one.

Having a boundary breaker represents the pinnacle of the inner city!

This is also the reason why he will always talk to Tao Tong in a soft voice!

But didn’t this person go to the state capital? The noble man also said that he will definitely not come back in the short term!

The reason why they are still polite is purely the remaining power and face of the boundary breaker.

But why is it here now?

"Didn't it disturb your work? Who just said that they would cause trouble for me? What kind of trouble? I'm a little curious?"

Tao Yu's tone seemed quite gentle, neither urgent nor slow.

It seemed like he was just hiking, but in just a few steps, he had already arrived next to Taotong.

I couldn't feel the piercing air or the strong wind, but the speed was staggering.

As he spoke, Tao Yu also looked up and down at his third brother, who had fully recovered and his strength had also improved a lot, without even looking at him twice.

The strong man who had previously proudly said that his sister was taken as a concubine by a big shot of the Gan family was now paralyzed on the ground, unable to say anything.

"These gangs are really like cockroaches. After the Wild Wolf Gang was wiped out last time, new ones popped up. It's really impossible to kill them all."

Tao Yu glanced at the dying guys who fell to the ground.

It seems that these people are not from Chaoyang Society, they may just say something casually.

Tao Yu waved his hand, and a hazy drizzle seemed to appear out of thin air and converged on their bodies, and the wounds stabilized immediately.

"Since you saw it by chance, let's go and see the so-called trouble. Is it the Gan family? Let's go and meet it..."

When he had spare time, Tao Yu didn't mind helping others. Comparatively speaking, he liked Chaoyang Society more.

Regardless of whether their ideas are realistic or not, at least they will do it. On this point, Tao Yu actually feels that he is inferior to them.

However, I once had a passionate and wanton moment of youth, but I can’t get it back now...

Tao Yu briefly recalled some of the difficult moments he had when he was a student in his previous life. Looking at himself who was now calculating gains and losses most of the time, he also shook his head...

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