"Brother Panda, what bad luck, it's the pioneers."

The motorcycle wearing a helmet came to ask questions, and then returned to the punk-style heavy motorcycle with a tailspin, and there was some bad luck and complaints in his words.

The heavy motorcycle has quite wide tires, and it can stop without support from the stand and feet.

At this time, a strong man who is at least more than two meters and three meters tall just parked the motorcycle casually on the side, leaning lazily on the motorcycle and smoking.

Without the younger brother's reply, he had already heard Tao Yu's somewhat silly voice, and then sneered

"Are you stupid? How many of us pioneers have come in? Is it possible to form such a large team?"

This made the younger brother wearing a helmet stunned, and then looked back at the trucks and motorcycles that began to slow down.

I saw that many people riding motorcycles had bloody bandages on their hands. Many people rode with one hand, and some rode on the back seat of their companions.

This, the captured indigenous people?

However, the overall strength of the pioneers is not weak as they were able to capture more than a dozen adult males. I just don't know how they are distributed specifically.

At this time, Panda, who was from the inner city and was two meters and three meters tall, flicked away his cigarette butt and got out of the car, and took the initiative to walk towards Tao Yu.

After seeing that there was another oil tanker behind him, he also raised his eyebrows and said to Tao Yu who was sticking his head out of the cab

"Is that the one behind it filled with oil?"

"Yes, I have more than 20 off-road motorcycles in this box, as well as a lot of daily necessities, more than 20 guns of various kinds, and the motorcycles under their buttocks."

Tao Yu rubbed his lips at the group of speeders outside, and he didn't hide anything.

Now the base is in ruins, and it is possible that the two people from the floating city are looking for an opportunity to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. Tao Yu doesn't think that anyone would be unwise to rob at the gate of the base.

After all, he has registered with the Sun family siblings now. Even if he doesn't say that he is biased towards himself, he still has a place to talk.

If I make a mistake, I will be robbed...

Tao Yu began to look at the equipment on the strong man. It was not a self-destructive mechanical modification, and I didn't know which of his equipment was a willpower equipment.

The entrance of the base was bloody, which was not good...

"Good guy, you are lucky, brother, you look a little unfamiliar, from the outer city?"

Panda didn't care that Tao Yu didn't get off. He supported the side of the truck with one hand, looking at the many injured bikers, as if he was estimating something.

"From the outer city, A-level [dynamic vision], this place was also found and reported to Miss Sun by me."

As Tao Yu said, he also put his hand on the window and showed his mission watch.

When you need to show yourself, you must not hesitate. It is best to dispel some thoughts in the budding state, which can save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, once you have a mind, or even put it into action, the effect of moving these cards will be reduced with the investment of sunk costs.

Even if the other party chooses to take a step back at that time, the feud will be formed, which is not worthwhile.

As a social animal in his previous life, Tao Yu understood all this very well.

Now, with the current value of interests and the ability he has shown, it should not be possible for an inner city pioneer to do anything embarrassing.

And Tao Yu's hint did make Panda's expression slightly stiff, and then he said with a little dissatisfaction

"Look at what you said, brother, it seems that I will intercept."

"Brother, you misunderstood, I just like to show off, sorry."

Tao Yu had a smiling expression.

As for whether he wants to intercept or not, only the other party knows. If he really has no idea, he would not come here specially. Are you bored...

"Hey, you are interesting, A-level [dynamic vision], right? You may go to the city in the future. Let's get to know each other in advance, Panda."

Panda grinned, looked up at Tao Yu in the cab and stretched out his hand.

With a tall figure of two meters and three, even if Tao Yu was sitting in a high position like the cab of a truck, the other party could reach him directly with his hand.

Tao Yu also stretched out the window and shook hands with the other party, and never intended to get out of the car.

"Brother Panda, you are too kind. I got a little reward from Miss Sun because I completed the task before. It's still a long time before we enter the city."

"Sell these goods to me, 20,000 willpower together, I didn't let you suffer any loss."

Panda's words made Tao Yu smile.

He opened the car door and jumped down, and then looked up at Panda

"Brother Panda, that's not true. If you want to buy, can I not sell it? The two big cars themselves don't count."

Panda's eyelids twitched, but he still nodded and said

"As long as your goods and these people, you can add some money if you are willing to sell the two cars, but you have to teach us how to drive."

"The big cars are not for sale for the time being. When we want to sell them, we will consider you first."

Tao Yu actually made some estimates. He had just robbed this group of speeding gangs, and each living person had 100 willpower, plus more than 20 guns, an average of 100 guns.

More than a dozen motorcycles are also an average of more than 100 each, and they can be counted as about 7,000 willpower when packed together.

The two trucks of goods here should be worth about 10,000, if we consider the shortage now.

The other party is willing to pay 20,000 in total, which is a bit of a premium.

This is the opportunity of the new development area and the new gathering place!

Danger and gain coexist!

Tao Yu knew that the other party was willing to pay a higher price, so there must be ways to make back the cost, such as points, goodwill, or separate retail, so he would definitely make money.

But for Tao Yu himself, quick realization and a premium price are a positive gain!

It’s better to go out to the retail store again instead of wasting time by yourself!

"What payment method do you think? Let me explain first, there are two female aborigines, I want to keep them."

Tao Yu's height has increased a bit now, but she is still a bit 'petite' compared to Panda's two-meter-three-meter figure.

When Panda heard Tao Yu's words, he glanced at the two female aboriginal women who, in his opinion, were only of average appearance, and felt a little funny in his heart.

The bumpkin from the outer city is just ignorant, but if he is lustful, he will be able to do whatever he likes in future transactions.


As he spoke, Panda also took out a magnetic card, and then began to close his eyes and inject his wish power.

He is obviously not as wealthy as the Sun siblings. He can carry a loaded magnetic card with him, so 20,000 willpower is not a small sum for him!

That is to say, the talent is not bad, and the family also values ​​the development potential here and adds some sponsorship.

However, he knew that he would never lose money on this investment and transaction.

Apart from anything else, with a little training, this group of mature men can start to create value.

Sort the goods, exchange points for the useless ones, give one point for the useful ones, and sell some easy-to-sell items separately, you can definitely get more.

The new gathering place is in need of renovation. For him, materials are now more important than willingness!

With these, it is convenient for me to build my own team.


"Thank you, Brother Panda. Where do you want me to unload the things?"

Tao Yu took the magnetic card, sucked up all the wish power, and returned the empty card to Panda.

He now has an empty magnetic card with a maximum limit of 100,000, so there is no need to keep collecting so many.

"Let's go to the base. I'll get some oil barrels. The goods will be placed directly on the ground. The warehouse is now commandeered by two adults."

As he spoke, Panda waved his hand to let his younger brother make way, and at the same time turned back to Tao Yu and said

"How about it, brother, are you interested in joining my team? You can drive. From now on, we can arrange to transport supplies together to make our company bigger and stronger."

"I'm used to being a wild person. I'll try my best to find my way first. If I can't make it any further, I'll come find you."

Tao Yu listened to Panda's unskilled painting and didn't even mean to pay attention to it.

If you want to transport the goods yourself, why should you get involved if there is no practical benefit?

Perhaps ordinary outer-city pioneers would be very excited about establishing connections with the inner-city, but Tao Yu, who had even met the Sun siblings, was not interested in this.

Even if you really want to find thighs, you have to find beautiful ones...

Tao Yu, who got into the cab of the truck again and fastened her seat belt, felt a wave of emotion in her heart when she saw Panda leading the way on his bicycle.

When they first met Joseph and Wino in the inner city, they almost pretended to be grandsons. Even if they assassinated Joseph, it would still be the right time and place.

But now, even on the bright side, he can discuss business with people in the inner city openly.

Secretly, several of them have already been killed.

The abyss is indeed a magical place...

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