After walking out of the dormitory and looking at the rising red sun, Tao Yu couldn't help but stretch.

However, he did not practice boxing first. Instead, he went to his two cars and took a look.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was still staying in the cab honestly and that there were no signs of damage to either car, Tao Yu also nodded.

"Hold on a little longer, and I'll take you to eat zombies when we get out of the city."

Tao Yu comforted Xiao Hei, touched its head and gave it a reward.

Because of Sun Shiqing's words, it would be difficult for him to go out for transportation before getting a reply.

As a war weapon like an alien, Xiao Hei has a very high tolerance. It doesn't matter if he is hungry for ten days and half a month. He doesn't care at all after one or two meals. After being rewarded by Tao Yu, he slumped in the cab. Li didn't want to move anymore.

After confirming the safety of his property, Tao Yucai slowly started practicing boxing on the spot.

Since you have enough willpower, you can't waste time. It's too early now, and it's not good to harass them right away...

As time went by, the current residents of the base began to gradually come out.

The survivors started another day's work, and a few pioneers also came out.

A few people even saw Tao Yu practicing boxing here, and others were watching and even making secret gestures.

Tao Yu didn't pay much attention to these things and just finished his actions.

If one could learn the Five Forms of Wanliu by just watching, then the tuition for this skill would not be so expensive.

"Wanliu Five Forms? Brother Tao is very capable. Have you practiced before?"

Some familiar voices came, and Tao Yu also saw Panda, the inner-city pioneer.

At this time, there was already a group of people around him, including the pioneers, but more of them were the group of speedsters from last time.

"Brother Panda is so complimentary."

Tao Yu smiled slightly and said hello to Panda, but his hand movements did not stop at all, and even his words did not affect his breathing rhythm.

"I won't praise people randomly. Looking at you like this, you should be able to grasp the energy and blood of the 'Five Forms in One'. Hmm~, you should have already grasped it?"

Panda hesitated for a moment, feeling a little unsure. Many abilities cannot be seen just by looking at them. He could only tell that Tao Yu was very skilled.

This was something he only became familiar with after having practiced it with someone he knew.

"Miss Sun gave me more rewards, otherwise it wouldn't have been so smooth."

Tao Yu's answer did not surprise Panda. After all, the first batch in the new development area had only awakened their talents for two months.

The accumulation in the outer city would not have been so fast if there was no windfall.

"While everything is busy now, we are also planning to go to Las Vegas. Brother Tao, are you interested in joining us?"

Panda took another look at Tao Yu's two cars.

Having purchased Tao Yu’s goods twice, he also knew that these two cars were real treasures.

I'm so greedy.

There is another car that seems to belong to a friend of the ‘Chosen One’. This income really makes him a little jealous even as an inner-city pioneer.

"No, Master Sun still has something to ask me today."

Tao Yu's words made Panda feel shocked. It seems that this kid has really caught the attention of the two of them!

It's just that the mission and reward from the first time didn't make Master Sun worry about him again and ask questions.

There must be something else going on.

It seems that we really need to treat them as equals.

The gap between the inner city and the outer city is big, but it is far less than the gap between the inner city and the floating city!

If you are really appreciated, you can solve many problems with just one sentence.

"Well, it's like this. I asked Brother Tao last time. I actually want to get some trucks, but this kind of truck is different from ours. It's quite troublesome to drive..."

After Panda made a decision in his mind, he told the truth, making Tao Yu understand the purpose of his coming.

Panda came here mainly to discuss Judy's affairs. It was not poaching, but he wanted to borrow a car to go to the city first, and then teach his people how to drive a truck.

"...Don't worry, the reward will not be small. I am willing to pay two thousand willpower a day."

The reward given by Panda was very sincere.

A trip to Las Vegas requires at least two or three days of loading and round trip, which is equivalent to his willingness to pay 4,000 to 6,000 yuan. Based on yesterday's three cars of 8,000 yuan, one car can transport it back You can't even get your money back.

It should be mainly to learn driving skills and then exchange for some scarce supplies.

"In that case, I want to cultivate a competitor."

Tao Yu smiled hoarsely, slowly began to withdraw his movements, and exhaled.

But then the conversation changed again

"But Brother Panda is very particular about people. Just treat it as a friend. I personally agree. I will ask her for her opinion."

"Haha, thank you, Brother Tao. If you encounter anything in the future, you can come to me directly."

Panda had a look of surprise on his face.

When he first heard Tao Yu say 'competitor', he was really a little confused.

When it comes to interests, there is really nothing to say in rejecting him. He asked himself about this rare opportunity, and he also wanted to eat alone for a while.

Teaching others is nothing more than cultivating competitors!

But I didn't expect that the other party agreed after he pointed it out. Then the relationship was indeed accepted. After all, the other party could have a relationship with the Sun family and could not be viewed as an ordinary outsider city pioneer.

Tao Yu actually thought a lot about doing this. Truck driving skills are difficult to say, but generally speaking, he will definitely be able to find them later. There is no blockage. There is no way to truly achieve a monopoly. Competitors will only become more and more The more.

It's better to cooperate to evacuate Las Vegas before more people come...

"I don't have a problem. I rely on trucks to make a living. This is much better than moving corpses."

Judy didn't hesitate. She was driving anyway. Although it was a bit risky, she knew that she would still be protected for now.

"Okay, the profit this time..."

"I can't use my will power, so all the profits should be given to the boss."

Judy answered first, making Tao Yu couldn't help but look at her a few more times, pondered for a moment and then nodded.


Tao Yu didn't make any promises, but there was no doubt that he would protect her at the base from now on.

At this time, Panda next to him also smiled and said:

"It's a very wise choice. With so much unabsorbed will power, even at the base, we can't prevent someone from taking risks. For you ordinary people, safety is the first priority."

Tao Yu was willing to give him face, so of course he didn't mind speaking for Tao Yu at this time.

"That's what I thought too."

Having witnessed the darkness of the world, even though this base claims to maintain basic order, Judy still wants to hug her thigh.

Truck driving is not a rare skill!

That is to say, there are few people now, so we should take advantage of the opportunity to get some shelter...

"Protect them both, and stay in the cab if nothing happens."

After everything was ready, Tao Yu also made arrangements for Xiao Hei.

Except for Judy, Tao Yu found Tommy again. The truck was also empty. Since he was going to pull goods, he would pull another truck!

For Panda, there is actually not much difference in the difficulty between escorting one vehicle and escorting multiple vehicles. His original intention was to build a convoy, so of course he readily agreed.

"Brother Tao, if not, let's work together directly to finish moving the valuable things in Las Vegas before more people come."

After Tao Yu called Tommy and arranged for a black escort, Panda seemed to have made up his mind and came to Tao Yu to continue discussing the issue of in-depth cooperation.

The last time he told Tao Yu, he asked Tao Yu to follow him and join his team.

But this time, they directly said "cooperation", and they were obviously on an equal footing.

This made Tao Yu also feel a little interested and raised his eyebrows.

"What kind of cooperation method?"

If you want to join, forget it. I have no interest in giving myself multiple fathers, but if you want to cooperate and speed up the transportation of valuable things, then Tao Yu really has no objection!

High-value supplies in Las Vegas are also limited.

The other party has the identity of an inner-city pioneer, and his reputation is much greater than his own, and many things are much easier to deal with.

"Your current two vehicles and the two drivers you hired will be regarded as your original shares, and I will recruit people to form a subsequent fleet and be responsible for the daily transportation of the fleet. Brother Tao Yu, you will come in when you are free. ”

Panda thought for a moment, then stretched out a fist and said

"I guarantee that the income you will receive in the first month will not be less than 100,000 yuan, and in the second month it will not be less than 50,000 yuan."

Hearing this, Tao Yu looked at Panda formally.

This guy has a lot of brushes.

Tao Yu came on her own, even if she kept borrowing Tommy, and even if she hired an extra truck to carry the goods continuously, it would be difficult for her to earn an income of 100,000 yuan after a month of hard work.

After all, the efficiency of this kind of 'capital-free buying and selling' will only become lower and lower as supplies decrease.

According to him, when he has something to do, he can still do his own thing, and there is more flexibility.

And Panda obviously cannot lose money in making such a promise. As an inner-city pioneer, he calls on some pioneers, and then tames the speedsters, and eventually a large fleet of more than ten trucks may be formed.

The efficiency of each move is far more than that. It is really possible to seize the opportunity to catch all the high-value items in Las Vegas.

As a native of the outer city, Tao Yu was inherently unable to compete with Pan Da in this aspect. If the two sides really competed and formed a team, they would not be able to win. On the contrary, if it dragged on for too long, the pioneers who came to share the cake would become worse. Come more and more.

That’s why we promised a minimum guarantee of 100,000 in the first month, but only 50,000 in the second month.

"Okay, I'll ask Master Sun to be a witness. He should also be very satisfied with the increase in the base's supplies."

Of course Tao Yu would not naively believe in any verbal promises, but he believed in Sun Shiqing's cards.

There happened to be issues about Jingguan and corpse refining. He would definitely not refuse the information he had just submitted, which was incidentally and indeed beneficial to the base.


Panda didn't even think about going back on his word, because according to his estimation, he could earn more!

The location of the base has been determined, the nearest cities are these, and the total number of high-value materials is limited.

The money is not so easy to earn later, and you need to travel long distances.

This wealth is definitely a huge amount of income for Panda, an inner-city pioneer.

This is the opportunity for the new development area!

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