"Find a way to come back after you're done, but don't die."

Sun Shiqing threw Tao Yu directly on the corpse raising ground.

"Master Sun, don't forget to tell Panda for me."

"I know, if you're going to stay for a long time, it's best to come back first to avoid going crazy."


"I may take the time to go back alone and bring the mission terminal over. If you have any problems, you can come to me. I will also let you know at Wanliu Dojo."

“Thank you very much!”

Tao Yu stood on the ground and waved to the two people in the sky with a smile.

"Don't forget the meditation technique."

Sun Shiyu also gave a casual reminder.

"If you don't understand later, please ask Miss Sun for advice."

Then the two siblings directly pulled up the motorboat and drove away.

Tao Yu began to collect the scattered zombie corpses. These were excellent nutrients and could save him time.

While collecting the corpses, Tao Yu was speechless.

In addition to being able to sense the 'poisonous' reminder, even those black hairs are like steel needles. I am afraid that bullets hitting these black hairs will not be able to break through the defense.

This is enough to show the strength of the two siblings.

"Now that we have the [Meditation Technique], the [Corpse Refining Technique] has also passed the test. In fact, we can actually bring two more zombies."

After Tao Yu put away all the body parts, he looked at the black land in front of him and felt that it would be a waste to only train Cao Shaolin. After all, the second period would only take forty-nine days.

Refining one thing for such a long time?

In a place like this, ordinary corpses can probably make good zombies.

"It is true that I have to go back first. I can learn the breathing method of Wanliu Five Forms by the way. But Xiaohei won't have any problems for such a long time, right?"

Tao Yu thought of aliens.

He wasn't worried about Xiao Hei, it was just an alien, and if it was beaten to death, it would be killed. He was worried that it would hurt Tommy and Judy when it got out of control.

Then Tao Yu also thought about the position he saw in the sky before, and looked back at the intercom on his side.

They should be entering the city soon. Find a place within reach of the signal and let Xiao Hei out and let him come by himself.

I have to go back anyway, so I’m not in a hurry...

In a shopping mall, Tao Yu stuffed some things into her backpack that she was going to take back, and pressed the intercom again.

And this time a reply came quickly from the intercom


It was Judy's voice.

"It's me. I have something to do and I have to stay in the city for a while. You open the window and let Xiao Hei out and let him come to me."

"Oh well."

"Tell Panda that I may not be able to accompany you during this period."

"Master Sun just passed by and came down to talk about this matter. Panda has no objection."

After hearing this, Tao Yu also had a smile on his face.

If it is an ordinary cooperation, and one party acts as the boss, it is actually quite easy to be cheated. A simple operation of various data can show losses, or less profit.

But since Tao Yu took advantage of the opportunity to get involved in Sun Shiqing's tiger skin, at least he didn't have to worry about suffering a big loss in the short term.

Maybe if I don't keep an eye on it, I will lose some benefits, but the key is that my time is freed up, and I can digest the wish power in my body while refining the corpse!

In an abyss full of dangers, quickly improving one's strength is the right answer...

"I was planning to go back before, but various things delayed me."

Tao Yu stuffed her backpack again, carried a folding wheelchair, and rode a heavy motorcycle. Looking at the scattered zombies on the street, she whistled to seduce them.

Then a burst of snakeskin movement quickly opened the distance, and the black exhaust of the motorcycle sprayed the zombie's face.

As for this, Xiao Hei's figure had already appeared from the nearby roof and began to quickly follow Tao Yu's direction.

Finally, we parked the car in front of the apartment building opposite the park.

At this time, Xiao Hei also came to Tao Yu and diligently swept away the two zombies at the door of the apartment building.

"That's right. Stay here for a few days and come back in five days."

Tao Yu reached out and touched Xiao Hei and gave him a reward.

"Go up and find a clean and safe empty room."

Tao Yu waved to Xiao Hei, and then saw Xiao Hei, who had just received the reward, climb up the wall and quickly picked the place where Tao Yu would return.

After seeing Xiao Hei's head, Tao Yu squatted down, picked up the motorcycle, and carried it upstairs.

Don’t waste your share of carrying it back, go back together on your motorcycle...


Back in his room, Tao Yu felt a little speechless when he saw that the small wooden bed that had been with him for many years was crushed by a motorcycle.

The things you carry between the two worlds must be within the weight you can move freely, and there are also volume restrictions.

Summons, pets, and mounts have a normal quota, but they need to be "completely controlled."

Now, because Xiao Hei has not yet reached this point, and Cao Shaolin has merged into the shadows and does not take up a quota, Tao Yu chose a motorcycle with the intention of not wasting money.

However, because I was in my own bed when I set out, the simple little bed couldn't bear the weight and fell apart when I came back.

It was originally made of bricks and wooden boards, but now I look down and feel a little speechless.

"All in all, the environment in the military camp at the end of the world is much better than at home."

Tao Yu scratched his head and smelled a slight musty smell on the tip of his nose.

After taking a thorough shower with soap, returning to this environment now feels like putting on dirty underwear again after taking a shower.

"Who is it? Is Ah Yu back?"

The voice of the third brother came from next door, and Tao Yu even heard the sound of a bullet being loaded.

The outer city is not peaceful, and the proper vigilance should be there. The third brother has been in the security team after all.

"Brother, it's me."

Tao Yu answered. His parents should still be working in the abyss. If they don't change shifts, they will come back once a month for a five-day vacation. This is the norm.

If there is anything that needs to be contacted on weekdays, it is necessary to find a colleague who has returned to help pass the message.

The kind of communication props that can directly communicate between the abyss and the present world are probably only owned by the Sun family siblings.

Anyway, Tao Yu himself has never found similar things on the few inner city pioneers he killed.

"This time you came back earlier than expected. Did you encounter anything?"

Tao Yu heard the sound of the third brother rolling the wheelchair, and then took the initiative to open the door, threw the motorcycle into the room first, and came out with the supplies.

Seeing the third brother rolling the wooden rollers out of the room, a pistol was inserted on the side of his wheelchair, which was in a position that he could reach at any time.

After seeing Tao Yu coming out, Tao Tong's somewhat dull face also had a smile.

"Haha, it's a good thing. I found the location of the gathering place, made a great contribution, and was rewarded with a lot of willpower. I came back to report the good news."

The monthly willpower living expenses of the six people in the family do not even exceed one hundred. My parents also need some willpower to maintain their own status. Most of the daily food is brought back from the abyss and left over from working on the farm.

I rarely spend willpower to buy.

Although Tao Yu is not a wealthy man now, it is reasonable to take out some to improve the environment first.

So he must also give willpower a reason.

Just one or two thousand can greatly improve the current situation of the family.

If it weren't for my parents squeezing out a thousand willpower units from their teeth, I'm afraid that no matter how good my talent is, it would be directly cold when I encountered that kind of ghost opening environment.

As Tao Yu said, he put down the backpack and folding wheelchair on his back.

Then he took out the folding wheelchair and assembled it quickly, and said to the third brother

"Brother, look what good things I brought you? There are a lot of good things in the world fragments, I brought some back."

First, he pushed the wheelchair in front of the third brother's somewhat old wooden wheelchair, and Tao Yu opened the backpack on his back, took out the clothes for the third brother, and some miscellaneous daily necessities...

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