"I will pass on Brother Tao's words, but how much benefit you can get depends on how valuable you are."

Master Jin still said goodbye and left. He couldn't make the decision.

"Director, it's getting late. I'll go back first."

After Master Jin left, Tao Yu also said goodbye to Liu Yi.

"Be careful on the road."

"I'll pay attention."

"Come over when you're free these few days. I'll announce your status as a true disciple."

Liu Yi patted Tao Yu's shoulder.

"Thank you, Director. I will."


Tao Yu took some 'Qi-boosting pills' and then left Wanliu Dojo.

After leaving the dojo, he noticed that someone was watching him, but he didn't care.

The sky was already dark, and the gray fog on the horizon was even more gloomy. The dark environment combined with [Bullet Time], as long as you stay alert, the safety in the outer city is still high enough.

But Tao Yu didn't think that Weino, who wanted to find him to participate in the rescue work, would choose to be unwise and use force directly.

Sure enough, those people seemed to be just watching secretly, and then said something on the intercom.

When Tao Yu left the fortress, he saw a large punk motorcycle similar to Panda's, driving directly from the street.

Compared with Panda's motorcycle, this one was even equipped with some additional weapons.

There were rotary machine guns on both sides of the front, spikes on the side of the motorcycle's tires, and steel plates for impact in front.

It was obviously just two wheels, but it had a sense of violence like a tank.

Wearing a jacket, Wino, who was only slightly smaller than Panda, was sitting in the driver's seat with a tired face and a little haggard.

There was still a cigar in his mouth, and the cuticle on his face still looked so hideous.

After seeing Tao Yu, Wino nodded

"To my surprise, you have also learned the five forms of Wanliu. Come on, let's talk about your reward."

After saying that, he stopped the motorcycle directly. The heavy feeling of being able to stop on the tires without feet and brackets made Tao Yu look at it twice.

Looking back around, some members of the Wild Wolf Gang have begun to clear the area and drive away some ordinary people who were watching nearby.

And no one dared to say anything.

"Brother Wino, you are healed. I was so worried when I saw you when I came back."

Tao Yu greeted Wino with a smile, which made Wino's mouth twitch.

Although he was young and frivolous, and he disliked Tao Yu because of his talent before, he still knew his own family. This guy was eager to let him die.

"You haven't paid back the money you owed Joseph."

Wino spoke softly, as if he wanted to control Tao Yu.

When Tao Yu and his followers ran away, he had no way to do anything. After all, they had not yet entered the cannon fodder sequence. The reason why he could restrain them was all due to his status and strength. If they really ran away, it would not be a handle.

But Tao Yu borrowed money for real.

"I paid it back."

Tao Yu didn't respond to the other party at all. Anyway, he owed Joseph, and there was no evidence.

Although for the superiors, many things do not require evidence, Tao Yu is not afraid of such unfounded excuses now.

"You don't owe me anything. I don't care that you haven't paid it back, but it doesn't prevent me from telling Joseph's parents."

"Then go ahead."

Tao Yu is completely fearless.

Now this guy needs his help. In the past, he had to endure and be humble when facing Weinuo.

But now, why!

Weinuo was also a little speechless about Tao Yu's performance. He was very honest before, why did he become so slippery?

But it was in the abyss, and the environment was indeed different. It was not a big deal to kill the other party at that time. Now that he is in the world, he is really in trouble.

Otherwise, he would not arrange the Wild Wolf Gang to come forward. He originally wanted to do something shady, but the other party didn't know what to do to persuade the director of Wanliu Dojo. In addition, his uncle who was the acting deputy captain, it was really a bit difficult to start for a while.

"I can keep silent, and even help your deputy captain uncle to remove the agent, but you have to help me."

Vino really couldn't say these things, it would not benefit him at all.

He just wanted to use these to control Tao Yu.

"So what you mean is that you can also make some efforts to let Uncle Hu keep the title of agent?"

Tao Yu could also hear the hidden meaning in the other party's words. To put it bluntly, these two news are still trying to get something for nothing.

It seems that there is really no money...

"I didn't say that."

"Oh, that's my misunderstanding. I believe in Uncle Hu's ability. He also has his own connections. If no one messes up, he will definitely be promoted sooner or later."

Tao Yu didn't show the rabbit until he saw the eagle.

Since he spent time coming here, instead of just raising a big flag to settle it directly, he naturally wanted to see tangible benefits.

The transportation cooperation with Panda is guaranteed to earn 100,000 willpower in the first month.

To put it bluntly, Tao Yu was too lazy to do anything to save face if there were few benefits, and just let him fend for himself.

It's death anyway, no difference.

"What do you want?"

Finally, Weino closed his eyes and spoke.

Relying on the Wild Wolf Gang, coercion and some verbal promises, he has already pulled a team from the outer city.

But he knows how difficult the aliens are. It's meaningless to rely on a group of rabble. There must be a backbone.

He can't do anything to the people in the inner city. He can only ask two buddies to help at a higher price, and it's hard to find better stuff in the outer city.

In terms of cost performance, the A-level [Dynamic Vision] that can quickly improve combat power is quite suitable for that environment.

That kind of beast is good at sneak attacks, and this kind of high-level perception talent is really indispensable.

It is not much less important than the two buddies who were hired at a high price.

If I failed to detect the aliens in advance, the two buddies would also die if they were attacked!

"I lack a good weapon. It would be best if I could kill them with one blow. And there should be aliens that parasitize you, right? They must be very strong, and there are also those giant python aliens."

Tao Yu spoke directly, and took out the suggestions that Sun Shiyu gave him on the spot.


Veno nodded and agreed. The stronger Tao Yu's strength, the greater the possibility of saving himself.

A-level [Dynamic Vision] is indeed worthy of a good gun.

"There are some other skills. You see, I have been learning the Five Forms of Ten Thousand Flows recently, and I haven't spent much time practicing shooting, so I lack some advanced shooting skills, and my willpower is not enough to accelerate learning."

Now that the other party has let go, Tao Yu will naturally tear it up bit by bit.

"Okay, I can find you shooting skills and support you with a willpower as a reward!"

Vino took a deep breath and agreed.

Because this can also increase the possibility of saving himself, even if his heart is bleeding, he has to agree first.

Thinking that after paying the rewards to the two buddies, the burden is already very heavy, and now there is an additional expenditure, I am afraid that my family will not tolerate him much.

This requires me to lose face and borrow some high-interest loans from outside. The key is that it is difficult to borrow high-interest loans in my current situation...

"And I am now in the place where the new gathering place is selected. It will take about one and a half months of training time to temper myself to the extreme before setting out to save you. Brother Vino can hold on, right?"

Tao Yu made another request. This request is a vaccination. In case there is no chance to solve the debt problem, it will not delay his own business.

Tao Yu does not think that he is a smart person who can come up with a perfect and meticulous plan.

For him, it is better to prepare more so-called plans and plans, and adjust them flexibly according to different actual situations.

"One and a half months? Plus the time for traveling, how can this be possible."

Weino was already a little annoyed.

"That can't be helped. I also accepted a task from the eldest lady of the Sun family. If it doesn't work out, I can only apologize."

Tao Yu's words directly silenced Weino, and he looked at him with a look of doubt.

"Miss Sun directly issued a task to you?"

"Yes, or when I hand in the task, I will go to them to beg for mercy and let them save you?"

Tao Yu said curiously.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, now the new gathering place is in ruins, how can it be worth the trouble of two big men."

Weino waved his hands repeatedly.

In his heart, of course, he hoped that the two of them could really help.

But, now he really doesn't deserve it!

He has poor talent and was caught by the alien. Now he can't even escape by himself.

This kind of waste is looking for two big men in the floating city to help him? Why do you ask!

Rashly making such an inappropriate request may make the family give up on him.

"Okay, I agree to your request. I will also invite two friends to come with me. The group of teams from the outer city will also gather at the gathering place, and then you can gather and set off..."

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