Chapter 118 Don’t want to go back? (4 more)

Wang Xuan had a picture at hand, he didn’t realize it yet.

Because of his picture, Ying Zheng from the Warring States World of Gaowu will take the elites of Daqin to go abroad in the future!

After a busy day, the sky was getting dark.

Satisfied looking at his money.

[Balance: 949,730 Gold Coins]

Nearly 950,000! Almost a million!

One-click OEM is really cool, I spent 400,000 gold coins for free, which is comfortable.

He Wang Xuan doesn’t have to do anything, just move his fingers.

With more business like this, he can make Wanjie Mall go bankrupt!

Take a look at the group.

[Elf Queen: @ Orange Heart Small Seller, thank you, the war has gradually stabilized. 】

[Head of the Wasteland: But still not optimistic, the human coalition is still coming from all over the world to launch a holy war against us! 】

[Elf Queen: We will collect some materials from “080” and sell them in Wanjie Mall, and then the small seller will do the work for you. 】

[Headlands of the Wasteland: Then our wasteland tribe and your elves of the forest will form an alliance?][Elf Queen: Fight against the human coalition together!]

It seems that these two mortal enemies should join forces temporarily under the threat of human beings.

But there are also problems. After all, it is difficult for them to resist the endless coalition of human beings.

When they can’t take it anymore…

Hehehe, I hinted that they could come over again.

Just as Wang Xuan was looking at his phone.

There was a knock on the door.

“Huh? Please come in.

The door was pushed open slowly.

The plump elf boss lady, she was a little embarrassed.

“Mr. Little Seller, I have something I want to ask you. 35

Wang Xuan put down his phone and looked at the mature female elf in front of him: “What?

“Those…what the hell is going on?”

She pointed out the window, Loli, the blood elf playing on the lawn.

And standing on the lawn, majestic! The blood elf Ellie is 1.75 meters.

He showed a fascinated smile: “That’s a blood elf, what’s the problem?

“Really blood elf? My God! Isn’t that already extinct? The blood elf tree created by the elf mother tree has been burned by humans, and the blood elves have long since become extinct.

Looking at the elf boss lady, her face was full of surprise.

He raised his head and smiled and said, “However, I can make blood elves.”

“How to make!?”

The lady boss was a little excited.

If they can also create a batch of blood elves, then… the elves will be saved!

Wang Xuan pointed to the fifty-meter-high giant tree outside the window: “See that tree? That’s my follower, the Millennium Dryad.”

“Millennium Dryad? Your entourage!!” Feini, the elf proprietress, raised her voice a few decibels obviously.

“Well, my entourage.”

She immediately leaned in and grabbed Wang Xuan’s hand: “Mr. Little Seller, I have an unkind request! I want… want a child!


Cough cough!

This is weird.

The elf girl Sophia outside the door coughed dryly.

She pushed open the door and walked into the house, bringing fruit tea to Wang Xuan.

“Master, your fruit tea.”

The proprietress Fini took another look at the maid elf.

Obviously they don’t know each other.

The elf girl and the elf boss should not come from the same world.

It is the spirit of two different worlds.

The elf girl stood beside Wang Xuan, looking like she wanted to monitor the newcomer.

She asked jealously: “Master, what are you talking about children??

Drinking tea, Wang Xuan replied calmly: “This new elf elder sister wants a blood elf child.”

“Oh!” The little maid breathed a sigh of relief, what was she thinking.

The elf elder sister’s face was full of sincerity: “Mr. Little Seller, I want to cultivate my descendants into blood elves, is it okay?”5


Wang Xuan agreed so readily that the two people in the room were caught off guard.


Putting down the teacup, Wang Xuan tilted Erlang’s legs and leaned back on the chair: “Really, but your child belongs to me.


Without waiting for her to refute, she directly threw out the reason: “First! The embryo is yours, but the blood elves were bred by me. Second, the lifespan of blood elves is very short, only one year! 35

“I know it’s only been a year and I…

Wang Xuan raised his index finger and sealed the eldest sister’s red lips.

“And I have a way to make the blood elf alive to a few hundred years old! Think about it, how powerful is a blood elf that is a few hundred years old?

Hundred-year-old blood elf!?

She knew that blood elves became stronger at the cost of burning life…

A blood elf who lives to a few hundred years old? Isn’t that a god? Beyond the control of lifespan, it directly becomes infinite lifespan?

Her offspring…can become gods?

Wang Xuan said with a smile: “I’m not black here, I want to make sure that every blood elf born in my place can become a god! 35

good guy.

Is this directly Chengshen Kindergarten?

I will take care of the child, and the parents may go out, anyway, the descendants of the blood elves will be supernatural sooner or later, right?

Wang Xuan quickly offered an offer they couldn’t refuse.

“As long as you and your villagers hand over the embryos to the giant tree for safekeeping, I will raise these children. And you can also return to your world, and I will let you go.

As long as the embryos are given to Wang Xuan, they will be able to return to the Elf King City.

Not only will they continue their bloodline, their descendants will also become the strongest blood elves.

“Really? Good! I’ll let them hand over the embryos to the giant tree!

Watch the elf elder sister leave.

The elf girl Sophia asked curiously, “Master, you don’t plan to let them stay?”

Wang Xuan shook the fruit tea in the cup and smiled proudly: “According to the fierceness of the human coalition, they can’t stand it back. Sooner or later, they will come over by themselves.

Why is Wang Xuan so sure?

Because there is a slave contract, he can spy on some of the slaves’ thoughts.

2.8 Pick up the phone and open the data.


[Race: Elf of the Forest][Combat strength: 150,000][Current thinking: This island is very good, I really hope to stay here. However, I have to go back to Her Majesty the Queen, in order to defend the glory of the elves! 】

Elf dorm on the second floor.

The proprietress of the Elf Bow Workshop had her hands on her hips.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the small seller promised to let us go back! 35

The elves sitting in the house looked confused.

“go back?”

“I… don’t want to go back.”

“Life is good here, the food is delicious, and you don’t have to worry about being caught by humans.”5

“It’s safe here, why go back?

Facing the inquiries of a group of elf female villagers, Fini was dumbfounded.


Don’t want to go back!?.

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