Chapter 122 What? Do you want to meet my maid? (3 more)

Can be ok.

Death Game.

The fat man holding the microphone grinned and showed his golden teeth.

“Everyone can bet, choose 1~10, as long as the selected person survives, you can get 5 times the reward.

Parked – Wang Xuan looked up to the roof.

Another 10 people were standing on the top of the building wearing lifelines.

There are men and women.

Old people, children, students, girls…

They shouted excitedly to cheer themselves up.

The passers-by around shouted loudly: “Did you start to jump!”


“We’re all set!”

Ten people walked forward and stood on the wood.

Three two one! Pull the wood away!


Nine more lively lives plunged into the spikes, and the surviving children danced with excitement.

However, many people signed up…

Many people went to the death game for the 1,000 gold bars.

The elf girl covered her eyes: “Too perverted!!

Ellie frowned: “This game of death is meaningless! Can’t you earn money by yourself?”

Wang Xuan, who was smoking a cigarette, said lightly: “They have no time and can only rely on this method to make money.

Just glance at it.

These people are the weak with ten thousand fighting strength.

There is not much time left for them.

Sunday’s upcoming infinite wave of attacks may be the last straw for many.

In the face of this suicide game, the gamblers blushed, and the participants upstairs were almost insane.

Soon, the gamblers who lost all the gold bars in the audience will also stand on the roof and become the contestants of the game of death.

This intoxicated trading island has become the last madness of many people.

Starting the car, Wang Xuan looked towards the next area.

There’s a bunch of perverts going to extremes here, nothing worth seeing.

Wang Xuan is more curious, what are they going to buy with those gold bars?

What can I buy?

When he drove to the store area, the streets were full of equipment and weapons stores.

All kinds of exquisite and gorgeous weapons are displayed in the window.

Just like visiting a brand-name store, many people stood in front of the mirror, admiring their newly bought armor and clothes.

Truly a rich man’s paradise.

All kinds of mithril weapons and mithril equipment fill the store.

Prices range from dozens of gold bars to hundreds.

But none of this worked for Wang Xuan.

He can make legendary ones himself, so there is no need to buy them.

At this time, the big screen in front caught Wang Xuan’s attention.

written on the screen.

【Trading Island Auction House】

【Auction will start at 1:00 in the morning】

【Cheats and exercises, hero-level weapons and equipment, rare herbal seeds, all kinds of things are all available! 】


Seeing this scene, Wang Xuan’s eyes lit up.

This is what he wants to see!

As soon as the accelerator was stepped on, a roar resounded throughout the street.

He slammed the steering wheel and drifted the car into the parking space dashingly.

Taking a look, there are still 20 minutes before the auction starts.

Wang Xuan wrapped his arms around the elf girl’s waist and got out of the car with her in his arms.

The blushing Sophia muttered: “Master, they are not children… It’s embarrassing for you to hold a child like this.”

“Heh, with a height of 1.55 meters, what is not a child?”

Hearing this, the shy little elf maid retorted: “I’m Ellie’s mother!”

The blood elf Ellie covered her mouth and snickered: “Walking down the street, I think I’m more like your mother.”

“No big or small! How did you talk to mom!” Sophia was angry!

Ellie, this child, really filial piety to her!

It was obviously her embryo a few days ago, but now she is so arrogant?

Aili put her arms around Wang Xuan’s arm: “Master, brother, I want to eat ice cream! I’ve seen it on my phone, but I’ve never eaten it!

Seeing this daughter, who was born less than a few days ago, actually competed with her for favor?

Sophia angrily hugged Wang Xuan’s left hand: “Master, I want to eat ice cream too!

It’s a mother’s kindness and filial piety!

The elf mother of 1.55 meters, the blood elf daughter of 1.75 meters.

This mother-daughter contrast…

The countless survivors who passed by were stunned.

“That’s Wang Xuan, right?

“Big Boss Wang Xuan!”

“Is he surrounded by elf mother and daughter flowers? 35

“This daughter is too cute, 1.55 meters tall.

good guy.

This made Ellie die of laughter, and she stuck out her tongue childishly: “Look! Others say you are my daughter.”

“You! You! Master, you don’t care about her! She is too small! I blame the master for spoiling her!

…… ask for flowers…..

This elf mother and daughter are just as jealous as sisters, but it’s okay…

Wang Xuan waved his hand: “Stop, stop! You go to the auction to take a seat for me, and I’ll buy you something to eat.”

Just scan the door, you can have a separate private room.

Not bad for money!

Spent 10 gold coins to book a separate private room for the auction.

Let Sophia and Ellie take the seat first.

He went to buy something to eat, it was rare to be able to relax here.

After Wang Xuan leaves.

Ellie hugged the angry Sophia from behind.

“Mom~ don’t be angry.


From an outsider’s point of view.

Ellie, 1.75 meters tall, seemed to be coaxing her daughter.


In fact, Sophia, who is 55 meters tall, is Ellie’s mother in name!

“Next time in front of the master, how dare you laugh at me?”

Ellie winked mischievously: “Mom, I still dare! 95


The two elves fought each other and walked into the auction scene giggling.

The noble temperament of the blonde elf quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

Many people looked over in surprise.


“Is it a survivor from another world?”

Looking at the tall Ellie holding the elf girl Sophia.

One is noble and glamorous, the other is petite and charming.

Immediately earned the attention of everyone in the audience.

One of them exclaimed.

“Blood elves! 100,000 combat power!””

“It’s a Tier 3 powerhouse!

So strong!

This 1.75-meter blood elf girl is actually a third-order!

At this time, a blond young man stepped forward and wiped his hair.

“Cough, the two elf ladies, under the Freedom Alliance Jack, hope to be friends with the two ladies, I don’t know…”

Just when Jack was trying to get acquainted with the elf beauty.

A woman’s scream came from behind.

“Wang Xuan!”

“Here comes Wang Xuan boss!”

“Mr. Wang Xuan…with Peanuts Beer, Coca-Cola Spicy Bars? 33

Under the attention of the audience, he came behind the elf girl with a plastic bag.

Gently hugging the slender waists of the two, Wang Xuan raised his brows, “Why, do you want to meet my two elf maids?” Gong.

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