Chapter 158 Listen to me make it up for you (4 more)

This is to be kept secret.

After all, Wang Xuan promised the Great Sage.

If I knew earlier, I should have arranged Xiao Bailong to go to another island.

However, Wang Xuan quickly calmed down.

He explained without blushing and heartbeat: “What is the daughter of the Buddha? She and you are not in the same world, right?”

“Ah?” Ao Ye looked confused.

“It’s like this, the people in Wanjie Mall come from different worlds. You think, maybe her character is really like Dou Victory Buddha, but it doesn’t mean that she and you are from the same world.”5

“Really? That’s what it is, I’ve been taught.

Xiao Bailong suddenly realized, and no longer doubted in his heart.

This makes sense.

Ao Ye raised his hand: “Mr. small seller, have a cup of elf tea. 39

“Ok, one thousand gold coins.

The Dragon Horn boy naturally picked up his mobile phone: “I scanned the code to pay for “117”.

As expected of the Dragon Palace, the child of a rich family.

The ghost clan teenagers next to him were drinking cool white water, but Ao Ye was very enjoying drinking a cup of elf tea with a thousand gold coins.

He couldn’t help but exclaim: “I didn’t expect this elf tea to be so delicious, sweet and sweet! The replenishment of spiritual power is very fast.

That is.

The tea grown on the island of Wang Xuan is not the elf tea sold in Wanjie Mall.

It’s just that the picture in front of me has an indescribable feeling.

Ghost clan teenagers can only drink water.

The well-dressed dragon horn boy drank expensive elf tea.

There is a gap between rich and poor.

Ao Ye noticed something at this time.

He found that the group of ghost youths were watching him swallowing.

Seeing this, he reached out and took out a box from his sleeve.

“If you don’t mind, Ao brought some snacks from the East China Sea Dragon Palace, seaweed for everyone.”5

The ghost boy looked hesitantly.

Ao Ye smiled innocently: “This is worthless, you can eat whatever you want.

After hesitating for a long time, the ghost clan boy took one.

“thank you.

Looking at this rich second-generation boy… oh no, it’s the second generation of gods.

Distribute small snacks such as seaweed to everyone on the spot.

This kid’s tutor is very good, and he is a good person.

Everyone was eating seaweed and looked happy.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside!


A thick stick fell from the sky and smashed thousands of monsters into the air.

Ao Ye touched the back of his head: “The more I look at it, the more it looks like this golden hoop…”

Wang Xuan hurriedly explained: “Cough! In other worlds, there are also Dinghaishenzhen and golden hoop sticks. Listen to me introduce you to the Monkey King in Dragon Ball.”5


Ao Ye half-believingly ate snacks and looked at Sun Xiaokong.

At this moment, Sun Xiaokong shouted again: “Look at my seventy-two transformations! Clone technique!”

Ao Ye spit out: “Mr. small seller! Look, sir! 35

“Calm down, there are clones in other worlds too. Let me introduce a person to you, his name is Naruto Uzumaki, and he has the ability to clone shadows.

Ao Ye pointed at Sun Xiaokong excitedly: “No, that’s seventy-two changes!!”

“Young man, the seventy-two changes are not unique to your world. You have to believe in science, and other worlds have them too. 99

Outside Sun Xiaokong shouted: “Tudun! Can’t hit, can’t hit! It’s stupid, the young master will go to the ground!”5

Sun Xiaokong drilled around in the ground, just like a groundhog.

Ao Ye was at a loss for words at this time: “Mr. Little Seller, this is also something in other worlds?”

“Well, let me make it up for you. Oh no, let me tell you, this ninja village also has earth escape techniques.”

At this time, Sun Xiaokong alone wiped out the ninth wave of monsters.

Her face is not red, her heart is not beating, her energy is infinite!

Her bloodline… this physique…

Wang Xuan looked envious.

What kind of fairy physique is this?

Others should be tired after playing for so long, but she is like a normal person, a perpetual motion machine.

【The tenth wave of monsters is coming, you get a 30-minute break. 】

Take a half hour break?

The tenth wave of monsters… Could it be very strong?

【Tenth wave of monsters】

[Start a random boss – random results are out! 】

Is the boss of the tenth wave still random?

【Undead Pharaoh】

[Combat Strength: 500,000][Level: Level 4]

【Characteristic: Immortal!】

[Skill: Summon desert servants. 】

Only 500,000?

That’s fine.

It’s really hard if you do it yourself.

But with Sun Xiaokong and Ao Ye at the scene, it’s not a big problem!

Sun Xiaokong will fly back through the clouds and fog..

Happy face all over the face.

“Little seller, this is so much fun! Really! So much fun! I come here every day.

“Every day? My training ground is open once a week, and it is impossible for you to come every day.

Sun Xiaokong was suddenly disappointed: “Ah!? I still want to find you, and Xiaobailong to play. I stay in Huaguoshan every day, so boring.

Having said that, as long as staying up late is not a fool, you will know.

this girl!

She is the illegitimate daughter who fought and defeated the Buddha!

Ao Ye kept calm and glanced at Wang Xuan.

He secretly sent a word.

[Ao Ye: I understand, according to the agreement of the training ground, I will keep it a secret. Otherwise I won’t be able to come later, right?]

Hey, this little white dragon is quite smart.

There is also no need for Wang Xuan to speak up.

[Orange Heart Small Seller: You just need to understand. 】

Sun Xiaokong in front of her was happy when she saw everyone eating seaweed.

“What’s so delicious about that papyrus, I’ll get you some fruit! Look at all of you malnourished, come! Try the fruits from our Huaguo Mountain. 39

Say it.

Sun Xiaokong took out the fruit from the space ring and sent it to the boys and girls of the ghost tribe.

After posting the things, she asked with a big smile, “Would you like to hang out with me? I promise to keep you well fed and warm, your clothes are too tattered! I’ll ask my dad for it later, he is an official in the sky and can Get the best 2.8 silk!”

The ghost boys and girls were stunned.

No one has ever been so nice to them.

Sun Xiaokong picked up the phone: “Let’s start a group, you can be my little brother, and I’ll take you to eat and drink spicy food!”

Ao Ye, who was standing beside Wang Xuan, lowered his voice: “I didn’t expect the Dasheng’s daughter to have a good heart, she is… straight and true.

“Yes, it’s just a little too noisy.

Just then.

Suddenly yellow sand rolled up outside.

Ao Ye’s body was shocked: “What is this breath!? 35

“Your new opponent, the undead pharaoh. Wang Xuan looked indifferent, he didn’t take it seriously.

But Ao Ye became nervous.

“Mr. Little Seller! Where did you catch this thing? I feel it… an endless negative life force! Its life force is negative, and it hardly dies!”

Not dead?.

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