Chapter 168 Demon Monkey (4 more)

Watching Wang Xuan’s head fall.

Another Wang Xuan disappeared out of thin air.


Is this really Wang Xuan’s body?

If not, why did the other Wang Xuan also disappear?

Watching the corpse slowly fall, the human head fell to the ground.

The elf girl Sophia, the queen, the princess, and the blood elf Ellie were all stunned.

They covered their mouths in disbelief.

The Highlander cried out loudly: “Master! Master!!”

Ao Ye was stunned: “How is it possible? The orange heart seller was killed by the monster… from his training ground?”

Sun Xiaokong was stunned.

froze for a long time.

She couldn’t imagine that Wang Xuan really died like this.



Why is this “six eight zero”?

She hadn’t seen her father much when she was born.

She still doesn’t know who her biological mother is.

She could only stay in Huaguo Mountain since she was a child, and people outside avoided her.

Even one day, she heard the passing monsters talking.

“This Sun Xiaokong is Tiansha Guxing, everyone will be defeated by her! Anyone who has a relationship with her will surely die!”5

This sentence deeply stimulated her and echoed in her mind.

Although this little orange-hearted seller was very strict with her, he was willing to let her stay anyway.

Watching Wang Xuan’s head fall to the ground, her head buzzed for a while.

“Impossible… Absolutely impossible! 35

The yellow-haired girl’s eyes began to bloodshot.

Her fangs grew, and a terrifying demon energy began to be released.

Ao Ye was so frightened that he was sweating profusely: “What a powerful demon, female slut you… don’t lose control! 99

The yellow-haired girl’s fangs began to grow, and her nails turned black.

The whole body exudes a black-purple demonic aura that is visible to the naked eye.

“How dare you! How dare you kill the person I like!”

Lose your mind.

This monster is out of control!

Black and purple demon fire ignited on her body, she raised her golden cudgel and smashed it towards the evil ghost swordsman.

At this time, Ao Ye screamed: “The seal on her body is broken!!! Mr. Little Seller!!

I saw that Sun Xiaokong raised his stick and threw it towards the evil ghost swordsman as if losing his mind.

The evil ghost swordsman kept dodging left and right: “Oh, my whole body is full of flaws, I…”


It was swept away a few kilometers by a stick in the next moment.

Sun Xiaokong let out a roar, and jumped out a few kilometers to continue chasing and killing.

She flew out like a bullet, and chasing the evil ghost swordsman was an output.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the evil ghost swordsman: “Calm down! Calm down!!

bang bang bang!

The golden hoops smashed like a storm.

The evil ghost swordsman became more and more frightened: “Wait! Wait a minute!!”

It’s too knife! It’s cracking!

The cracks became more and more serious, the sword began to leak, and the resentful souls began to emerge.

The monkey’s eyes glowed red.

Using a golden hoop can no longer satisfy her.

She threw away the golden cudgel and smashed it with her fists burning with demon fire!

that scene…

If I had to use words to describe it…

That is – wood big wood big wood big! Euler Euler Euler!

One punch at a time!

Punch to the flesh!

As if to smash the body of the evil ghost swordsman, including its soul, into scum!

The last punch! Sun Xiaokong burst into a terrifying demon fire.

Hit hard!

The fist collided with the sword.


The Demon Sword Saint’s sword was broken.

It screams: “NO!!””

But Sun Xiaokong was even more ruthless.

She opened her mouth and bit the evil ghost swordsman, tearing its flesh with her fangs.


The two scuffled from the sky to the ground.

The evil ghost swordsman who slammed heavily on the ground was smashed into a pit dozens of meters behind.

It was dying with trembling hands: “Don’t… don’t hit me, give me a treat.”

The actual immortality is its physical body.

And once the sword of the evil ghost swordsman is broken, it cannot be resurrected.

Those souls that are sealed in the sword are like balloons that deflate, and all the souls escape.

Coughing out a mouthful of black blood, the evil ghost swordsman has been beaten into a human shape by Sun Xiaokong.

Sun Xiaokong tore off his arm in one go, and the demon monkey screamed in the sky.

“Why did you take everything from me! God damn it!! Why is my mother a lone star!!

Just when she was about to lose her mind.

“What are you talking about, Scorpio Lone Star? Ye is not dead yet, look at you crying.

Wang Xuan came out of nowhere.

A look of helplessness.

He is just playing.

At that time, the evil ghost swordsman wanted to kill him.

It’s not enough for Wang Xuan to have 2 clones.

Then he had an idea!

Doppelganger? Isn’t this the clown of lol?


Let one of the clones go to die, and let the other clone pretend to be the main body behind.

Actually pretending to be the second clone.

When the evil ghost swordsman slashes the clone, it will judge! The one who hides at the back and releases it is the main body.

I pre-judged its pre-judgment!

lol Those who like to play clowns are all sunshine boys!

The result was as expected.

The evil ghost Juggernaut was tricked.

And it really thought that the one it killed was the body.

When the head fell, it was also Wang Xuan’s avatar.

The clone technique can create a flying sword, and the effect of a person’s head falling to the ground is not difficult!

When Wang Xuan explained these 5.2 reasons to everyone.

Everyone looked at him angrily.

“You lied to us too!”

Ao Ye hurriedly asked: “Then why did your body disappear? 33

“I used teleport to run away, I was actually hiding in the room under the city wall.

Hearing this, everyone wanted to kill him.

This guy!

It’s too cheap to act to deceive even one’s own people!

Wang Xuan smiled meanly and asked, “Sun Xiaokong, why are you so excited when I die? 35

The demonized Sun Xiaokong gradually returned to normal.

She blushed and shouted angrily, “I want you to take care of it!”

While speaking, another punch hit the face of the evil ghost swordsman.

It was dying and raised its hand: “Please do well, and give it a good time…”

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