Chapter 203 The undead are summoned! Not unexpected (1 more)

It is located that Wang Xuan is going to the main island of Longmeng.

This blood slave is an earth person, and was captured by the blood clan as a living blood bag.

You can also use him to inquire about the news of the Earthlings.

Wang Xuan and they were chatting through the phone.

In this way, all the information on the earth chat channel can be seen clearly by the blood race.

in the mobile phone.

【Ghost Buddha: Wang Xuan’s strongest servant is participating in the deathmatch mode. He went to Longmeng Island alone, which is a good opportunity! 】

【Blood Dracula: Lord Ghost Buddha, what do you need me to do?】

[Ghost Buddha: I need a thousand human lives as a price to sacrifice a thousand people! 】

[Blood Dracula: I’ll prepare now! 】

Dracula put down the phone and looked at the younger brothers beside him.

“Go to the “710” prison to get a thousand blood slaves, I want to use it as a sacrifice!


In the dungeon of the castle.

Clean environment and bright lighting.

A group of blood slaves were eating and laughing.

Here, they eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

You can also play billiards and play computer games here.

Only a happy blood slave can produce the most delicious blood.

For the weak, becoming a blood slave is indeed a good choice.

You can be sheltered by the blood family and live a carefree life like a pig in the island world.

It is only necessary to draw blood at a fixed point every day to supply blood to the blood clans.


These brightly dressed young men and women are playing billiards, drinking wine and chatting.

They were talking and laughing and seemed to live entirely in a high-end private club.

Suddenly! A group of vampires broke in.

One of the blond and blue-eyed beauties raised her hand: “Are you here to draw blood again, isn’t it time for today?

They have nothing to fear, thinking that they can live here without worries for the rest of their lives.


The vampire youth grabbed the blond beauty’s hair and dragged her out.

“What! What are you doing!! My blood is the most delicious, Lord Dracula likes to drink my blood, what are you doing!

Obviously, this group of people doesn’t know.

Even if they live a superior life, they are all pigs, cattle and sheep in the hands of the blood clan, and they can be slaughtered at any time!

They are not irreplaceable.

Dracula watched the blond beauty being dragged away, not feeling distressed at all.

Just do a good job of Wang Xuan!

He can dominate the entire Tier 3 world!

In the current third-order world, the werewolf leader, Zhang Tianyu of Tianyimen, the devil of the demon clan, and the corpse of the zombie.

All are dead!

Dracula was the only one left.

As long as Wang Xuan is dead, the world will be his!

When he dominates the entire third-order world, these blood slaves are gone, just change a batch!

These people originally supplied blood to the blood clan, thinking that they could live a life of carefree life.

All had their throats slit and were executed on the spot by bloodletting in the square.

The death was extremely painful, and he slowly lost consciousness as he watched his blood spurt out of the red-stained floor tiles.

[Blood Dracula: Lord Ghost Buddha, a thousand people have already sacrificed! 】

[Ghost Buddha: Very good! I’ll give you a talisman! 】

[Ghost Buddha presented you [Dead Soul Summoning Talisman]. (Each Survivor can only trade remotely once a day.)]

Undead come?

[Undead Summons (Epic Rank)][Level: Level 4][Introduction: Sacrificing a thousand survivors can attract a powerful undead in a designated place! Lasts 3 hours. 】

Dracula grinned and showed his fangs: “Can you summon the fourth-order undead? Very good! Wang Xuan is sure to die!”

[Tier 3 World Report: Dracula used the undead to summon (epic level), the location – the main island of Longmeng. 】

[Summon monster – Undead Giant King Yules. 】

Dracula started laughing frantically.

When Wang Xuan went to the main island of Longmeng, he certainly did not bring many people there.

When encountering the fourth-order giant king, he and all the people on the main island of Longmeng have to die!

In this way, he can dominate the entire Tier 3 world.

The line of sight shifted to the main island of Longmeng.

The whole island panicked.

I saw it by the sea….

A huge figure emerged from the sea.

The dead giant king Yuls.

He trod heavily, dragging a giant axe.

It exhaled a lot of undead breath, and looked at Wang Xuan in the distance.

“Wang Xuan! Villain!!!”

good guy.

Reborn from the dead, albeit in an undead state.

But the Giant King finally met Wang Xuan again.

Wang Xuan, who was standing in the distance, was not surprised at all.

It seemed that he had known for a long time that someone would plot against him.

Wang Xuan grinned, not too surprised by the arrival of the Giant King.

“Yors, do you dare to answer when I call you?”

Wang Xuan patted the purple gold gourd on his waist.

The giant king in the distance spewed out a lot of undead breath, and it was angry!

Do you want to use the purple gold gourd to collect this dog again?

Compared to Wang Xuan’s calmness.

The people on the island panicked.

At this time, there were several major alliance leaders gathered on the island.

Long Yuchen, Free Alliance Jack, Roman Legion, Star Moon Banner.

There are also the White Tigers and the New Edo Alliance.

Long Yuchen looked at the giant king in the distance and was speechless.

He is the strongest combat power of the Dragon League, which is 370,000.

The Free Alliance Jack by his side has a combat power of 340,000.

The whole island is third-order people.

Look at 5.2 to see the Undead Giant King.

[Undead Giant King Yules][Level: Level 4][Combat strength: 1.85 million]

1.85 million…


The people on the island, I’m afraid he won’t hurt him in the slightest!

The huge body was smashed with an axe, and it was estimated that hundreds of people would die on the spot.

Only the old god Wang Xuan was watching the giant king.

He muttered to himself: “Just in time to try my new skills, I don’t know what’s going on with Sun Xiaokong.”

He looked at the portal with a strange expression.

The portal of the blood clan castle lit up.

A yellow-haired girl carried a stick and walked into the castle leisurely.

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