Chapter 211 The people from the underworld haven’t arrived? (4 more)

[Orange Heart Small Seller: Is the OEM fee so expensive? Can you explain why it is expensive?]

Wang Xuan can’t be taken advantage of either.

This brand store can’t just charge such a high price.

Our money is not blown by the wind.

【Weaver Girl: The silk is very tough and needs special machines to cut and sew, you see. 】

The Weaver Girl sent Wang Xuan a video of their loom and some machines.

[Weaver Girl: We need to wear out several scissors and blades to make a set of clothes, because the silk is really strong and needs to be cut with sixth-grade gold and steel. 】

After listening to her explanation, Wang Xuan could only recognize it.

Wait until you upgrade to Tier 5! It’s definitely cheaper for him to do it himself.

Now that he is only fourth-order, there is no way to do it, so he can only pay Zhinu to help him do it.

[Orange Heart Small Seller: I have placed an order, please prepare. I went to find someone to help me design a suit. 】

[Weaver Girl: Good dear! After removing the design fee and wiping off the fraction, you will be charged 10 million gold coins. 】

Ah! The flesh hurts.

The fierce man wept.

【Balance: 9,118,750】

Immediately, I felt my body was hollowed out.

Get out of the castle.

Step on the flying sword and fly towards the north of the city. This is the forest 717 where the elves live.

One of the most beautiful treehouses in front is the residence of the Elf Queen.

The two elf female guards at the door saw Wang Xuan and immediately saluted, “Hello, Mr. Wang!””

“Well, I’m here to find the Queen.”9

“Come in, I’ll report it right away.

Let Wang Xuan enter the door, and the female guard quickly ran into the house.

Inside the huge treehouse palace.

Elf Queen Terina is lying in the bathtub.

Inside the bath, a snow-white carcass floated on the water.

The elf queen enjoys the nourishment of the elf spring.

Under the nourishment of the elf spring, she can speed up her cultivation.

Absorbing the water vapor from the Elf Spring and the aura on the island, her strength improved rapidly.

The female guard strode in: “Your Majesty! Mr. Wang is here.

“Well, I’ll go out to meet you.”

In the water, the Elf Queen was about to get up.

But I saw Wang Xuan leisurely walking around the house.

Wang Xuan is a stunner.

He looked left and right.

The walls of the tree house are painted by elves.

A piece of art.

Although Wang Xuan doesn’t understand art, he thinks these oil paintings are beautiful.

Art is meant to be understood by the people.

Now there are always some artists who come up with things that people can’t understand.

Wang Xuan scoffed at this.

Art should not be separated from the people, and the purest art should be understood by anyone.


This painting is really artistic.

Wang Xuan looked back.

The elf queen in the bath immediately dived into the water.

“Mr. Wang, you…”


Wang Xuan turned around awkwardly.

“Why is your bath in the hall?”

The elf queen in the pool was also embarrassed.

“We… our elves are all women, I used to take a bath like this in the capital before.

Embarrassed old man.

At this time, the female guard brought a white robe and asked the queen to wrap it.

She just came out of the water.

“Mr. Wang, what’s the matter?

Wang Xuan coughed dryly: “I want you to help me design a set of clothes, and I want to customize one in Wanjie Mall.”

“Oh I got it.”

The queen blushed.

After all, elves and daughters are no different.

Usually only the elves are here, except for Wang Xuan, no one else has the qualifications to enter.

The female guard also didn’t know that Wang Xuan would recklessly walk into the hall.

I happened to bump into the scene of the queen practicing in the pool.

never mind!

As long as Laozi is thick-skinned, it’s others who are embarrassed!

Wang Xuan was cheeky and pretended that nothing had happened.

Dressed in a white robe, the elf queen took out a ruler: “I’ll help Mr. Wang measure the three (cjfc) dimensions.


Helped Wang Xuan measure the three-dimensional and height, she looked absent-minded.

His face was still red.

Watching the Queen help him measure his measurements, it was the first time Wang Xuan observed the Elf Queen so closely.

The queen’s mature appearance is like a lady, the wife of a wealthy foreign family.

tsk tsk.

The two of them were also in awe at this time.

The queen picked up the drawing board and designed a suit for Wang Xuan.

The tip of the pen touches the white paper.


In less than ten minutes, a set of clothes has been designed.

“I incorporated your oriental elements and some elves to design this suit. Mr. Wang, do you think it’s okay?”

The queen approached and picked up the drawing board to show Wang Xuan.


White and black tops, oriental buttons, and black trousers are convenient for movement.

This set is nice!

“Thanks! This set is pretty cool.

Seeing Wang Xuan very satisfied, the elf queen was a little bit overjoyed in her heart.

Picking up the blueprint, Wang Xuan glanced at his phone: “By the way, get ready, it’s 7 o’clock in 2 hours.

“Okay! I can play with Mr. Wang at any time. 35

After watching Wang Xuan leave.

The Elf Queen clutched her heart, feeling her heart beating wildly.

Oops, embarrassed.

While cultivating in the pool, Wang Xuan ran into him unexpectedly.

How can you face him when you fight with Mr. Wang later?

The female guard looked at the blush of the Elf Queen, and she couldn’t help but ask, “My Lady Queen, are you not…’

The originally shy queen immediately changed her face!

“Presumptuous! Today’s events are not allowed to be disclosed to the public, and if I hear someone discussing this matter, you know what the consequences will be.

Her Lady Queen, who had been gentle before, suddenly became strict.

The female guard shrank her neck in fright.

“My subordinate understands!

the other side.

Wang Xuan, who got the design drawings, immediately sent the clothes styles and let Zhinu process them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

7 o’clock!

The portal of the Scarlet Forest opened in front of Wang Xuan on time.

in front of the portal.

The Elf Queen, Demon King Lu Bu, Sun Xiaokong, Ao Ye and others gathered.

Ao Ye looked around curiously.

“Mr. Little Seller, why didn’t the people from the underworld come?

Wang Xuan, who had put on the new Weaver Girl uniform, walked slowly into the crowd.

The corners of his mouth twitched into a mysterious smile: “No hurry, I have other arrangements for them! 35

Ao Ye found out when he arrived at the scene.

People from the underworld, the old road of Longhu Mountain, and the polar lord were not there.

Many people who bought tickets didn’t show up.

what happened?

However, Wang Xuan has already led everyone into the Scarlet Forest.

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