The explosion was too powerful.

Just the explosive bomb just now.

The power is really terrifying.

This is a heavy sniper.

Those who don't know might think it's a mortar shell.

Within a radius of ten meters, it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This is just the most intuitive visual effect.

And inside.

The "burning" effect of characteristic three will burn 10% of the target's source power. Of course, this is the same as Xing Yi's "rebound" characteristic, which is also based on the level reduction percentage.

Gu Xici is now Black Iron Level LV9. For every level higher than her, the source power burning percentage will be reduced by 1%.

When her target is bronze level LV9, even if her combat skills hit the opponent, she can only burn 1% of the opponent's source power.

As for the silver level.

Then it is invalidated, only the surface fire damage, and it can no longer burn the target's source power.

"It's better to do it now than today, the ninth iteration of the spirit core, let's take it!"

Lan Xizhu nodded heavily.

This blood hemp vine is afraid of fire.

As for attack, there are only three tricks.

Xing Yi was so embarrassed just now, it was entirely because the opponent ambushed and attacked in advance.

But even so, the dozen vines pierced the AT force field, but they couldn't penetrate, but broke themselves.

Compared with the surprise piercing.

The entanglement of the blood hemp vine is what needs attention.

When its roots entangle the target, it will release neurotoxins to paralyze the target, making the target lose resistance unconsciously.

"Okay, then this one!"

Seeing that Lan Xizhu was more fond of the blood hemp vine spirit core, Mu Bai didn't say anything more.

He pulled the electronic eye to the air above the blood hemp vine root system, turned his head and said to Gu Xici: "Five meters below the electronic eye!"

With Gu Xici's long-range output, there is no need for everyone to gather at the front line.

"Ha, no problem!"

Gu Xici chuckled, jumped onto the branch again, and aimed at the direction marked by Mu Bai's electronic eye with a heavy sniper.

In the cold pond forest.

The snow layer is about two meters thick, and below it is the solid ice layer, which is about one meter thick.

And below the solid ice layer is the dark frozen soil.

The blood hemp vine is now rooted in the frozen soil, and the root system stretches for nearly two hundred meters.

Usually, they all move under the solid ice layer. Once they find prey, they will actively pierce the ice layer, wander on the snow layer, and hunt.

Previously, Gu Xici's energy bullet not only blew away the snow layer within a radius of dozens of meters, but also pierced half of the solid ice.

This is the result of the heavy sniper aiming at the vines.

If you aim at the ice layer.

One energy bullet is enough to blast a big hole in the ice layer.


A dull firing sound was heard.

Gu Xici fired again, aiming directly at the roots of the vines.


The energy bullet effortlessly penetrated the ice layer and hit the frozen soil.

Because of the confined space.

The energy bullet explosion did not look as gorgeous as the first time, with a rain of fire all over the sky. It just blasted away the ice and snow above the impact point, creating a hole with a diameter of about three meters.

But the reality is far from that.

Let's not talk about the nearly fifty-meter-long, spider-web-like cracks on the ice layer.

Let's just talk about the frozen soil.

Gu Xici's energy bullet hit it, and a cavity of more than five meters was directly blasted out inside.

Countless flames burned inside.

Like a gasoline bomb, it catches fire when it touches anything.

You should know that in the snowy area, the land is frozen all year round, and the hardness of this frozen soil is not inferior to steel.

"It missed the target, and the distance from the main body is nearly ten meters!

Mu Bai controlled the electronic eye to model the underground situation.

The scenery that could only be seen through perspective was directly controlled by the electronic eye to render it into a thermal map.

This simple image rendering can be completed in less than a second in front of the powerful computing power of the semi-intelligent center.

Xu Wenya and others stared at the image displayed by the electronic eye on the mobile phone, and did not notice any abnormality.

"Hey, the big sister's heavy sniper is powerful!"

Xu Wenya enlarged the picture and pointed to the blood hemp vine root system and said: "From the thermal map, at least 1/3 of his roots were broken. "

The entire main root of the blood hemp vine covers an area of ​​about ten meters. Although Gu Xici's energy bomb missed the target, the aftermath alone has already left the blood hemp vine in a semi-disabled state. The remaining vines danced like blood snakes under the ice, madly retracting and curling to protect the main root system. It's a pity. Spiritual plants are only spiritual plants after all. Before evolving to the silver level, even if it is powerful, it cannot leave its birthplace.

All the protection.

It's just in vain!

"Bang, bang!"

Under the detection and calibration of Mu Bai's electronic eye, Gu Xici fired two more explosive flame bullets in a row.

He didn't give the blood vine a chance to breathe.


Two consecutive flames rose up almost at the same time.

The distance of one kilometer is too close.

According to the data captured by the electronic eye.

The energy bullet of Gu Xici's life machine 'Liuyan Heavy Sniper' has an astonishing muzzle velocity of 1800m/s.

In this case, Gu Xici doesn't even need to adjust the variables.

Just lock the crosshairs at the target position.

"What's the result?"

Gu Xici leaned on the branch, tilted his little head, and said hesitantly: "Do you want to make another shot?"

In just a few minutes.

Gu Xici has already fired 4 energy bullets.

There are still 8 energy bullets left in the current magazine.

"Uh... no need."

Mu Bai glanced at the area where the spiritual plant was, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The two energy bombs just now were located exactly at the main root of the blood hemp vine.

In this case, even with the protection of ice and frozen soil, it would be useless.

The blood hemp vine, which could still see its main shape, now only had a bare bottom root system.

Nearly 4/5 of the main root was completely turned into a bunch of charcoal.

As for the tentacle roots outside, because the main root was cut off, it was slowly losing its vitality at this moment.

In this case, why do we need to make up for it!

"Ha, then leave the rest to me and Xiaoyu!"

Under the tree, Lin Hao took the initiative to stand up after seeing that the situation was stable.

In the team, he and Su Xiaoyu are both assault warriors.

Cleaning the front battlefield is usually their responsibility.

Although Xing Yi is a heavy tank and is also in the front row, he must always be on guard against possible dangers from all directions when the battlefield situation is unclear.

The entire team has to output around his position.

His presence plays the role of a stabilizing force.

"I'll go with you!"

Just as Lin Hao and Su Xiaoyu were about to go to the location of the blood vine wreckage, Qin Shuyun immediately summoned her original mechanical two-handed claw.

With Mu Bai's auxiliary iteration.

Qin Shuyun has completed the Black Iron level iteration in the Magic City.

At this time, she has reached the peak of the Black Iron level like Gu Xici.

She went with Lin Hao and Su Xiaoyu, so there was some care.

"Ha, okay."

Su Xiaoyu did not refuse and readily agreed.

She carried the high-frequency oscillating knife in one hand and quickly shuttled through the snow.

Lin Hao and Qin Shuyun followed her on both sides, and the speed was not slow at all.

With the blessing of source power, a distance of one kilometer.

It took the three of them only half a minute.

"Damn, how can we find it!"

Lin Hao stood beside the pit that Gu Xici had blasted out, looking down.

Not to mention the seven or eight meters deep inside, it was pitch black inside, and the air was full of the smell of burnt things.

It was really difficult to find a fist-sized spiritual plant core in it.

You can't just grope around inch by inch!

Thinking of this, Lin Hao's face turned green.

"This, you can just use the source power to sense it!"

Qin Shuyun smiled gently, and she jumped down the pit with a swish.

The source power dissipated from her body, filling the surrounding space.

The core cannot be directly penetrated by the source power, but the soil and ore can.

Check based on this feature.

This pit only has such a small area.

As long as you are patient and explore inch by inch, you can still find the spiritual core.

"Uh, all right!"

Lin Hao saw Qin Shuyun jump down first, he and Su Xiaoyu looked at each other, and the two jumped down one after another.

"Xiaoyu, can you sense the area 1.1 meters ahead of you?"

Just as the three were searching carefully, Mu Bai suddenly said: "The electronic eye detected that there is an object with a regular shape in that area, which is suspected to be a spiritual core."

The electronic eye itself has night vision.

In the pit, after being burned by the explosive flame bomb, the temperature has not dropped in a short time.

The thermal image alone can detect the temperature difference in that area.

Combining the two, Mu Bai decisively turned on the perspective scan of the electronic eye and quickly found the location of the spiritual core.

"Ha, it's really a spiritual core!"

Su Xiaoyu followed Mu Bai's instructions, released the source power to completely cover the area, and soon found the blood hemp vine spiritual core.

"Lin Hao, Sister Shuyun, we can go back!"

Su Xiaoyu pulled out the time and space dagger from her waist and put the spiritual core into the void space.

Seeing this, Lin Hao and Qin Shuyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

The underground environment was dark and narrow, and it was somewhat depressing to stay here.

The three of them jumped out from the ground one by one.

"Hey, Sister Xizhu!"

Su Xiaoyu handed the freshly baked spirit core to Lan Xizhu.

"Thank you very much!"

Lan Xizhu took the spirit core and thanked everyone.

Then she borrowed the time-space dagger and took out a small handbag from the void space.

She opened the small handbag and placed four sealed glass bottles inside.

In the glass bottles, the fusion auxiliary materials that had been weighed long ago were placed.

And the outside of the glass bottles were labeled with written labels.

"Blood hemp vine, this is it!"

Lan Xizhu took out the glass bottle marked with blood hemp vine and stuffed the remaining glass bottles back into the handbag.

"I hope it can produce a good feature!"

Seeing that Lan Xizhu was ready, Mu Bai and others held their breath.

Lan Xizhu was also a little nervous.

However, her hands did not stop at all, and decisively opened the glass bottle containing the auxiliary materials.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Who would have thought that she was a two-star talent.

Two months after awakening her life machine, she had already reached the peak of the Black Iron level?

Lan Xizhu was really grateful.

She was grateful that she drove Changan and met Mu Bai.

Thinking of this, Lan Xizhu couldn't help but look at Mu Bai with gratitude.

Then, she stretched out her life machine with her right hand, and the medical injection gun appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.


Qin Shuyun exclaimed, her eyes kept flowing between Lan Xizhu's life machine and Mu Bai.

If she remembered correctly.

When in Qingshan Courtyard, the life machine that Lan Xizhu showed her privately was a 'syringe'.


Only six iterations can reshape the life machine into this?

This difference is too big!

Qin Shuyun felt that her worldview was challenged for a while.

But think about it.

She could even transform her own embroidery needle into a claw by Mu Bai, so it seemed acceptable.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuyun took a deep breath.

Her eyes fell on Lan Xizhu again.

As Lan Xizhu's source power continued to flow out.

The surface of the spirit core gradually softened when it came into contact with the auxiliary material, and finally swallowed the life mechanical medical gun.

For a moment, the forest's inner source power rushed madly to Lan Xizhu's palm spirit core.

The dark red blood light was high-frequency rhythmic.

The whole process lasted for a full minute.

When the light dissipated, the remaining shell of the blood hemp vine spirit core instantly shattered, revealing the revolver-style medical gun inside.

"It's OK!"

Lan Xizhu recalled the gifted star.

With a slight movement of his mind, the source power in his body enveloped the revolver.

Under the infusion of the body's source power, six halos slowly condensed in the magazine of Lan Xizhu's revolver medical gun.

"How is the effect?"

Mu Bai looked at Lan Xizhu with expectation and asked the doubts in everyone's hearts.

Different from the effect diagram of the previous iteration.

For the seven, eight, and nine iterations, the electronic eye can only give the best.

Even Mu Bai could not know the characteristics of the iteration in advance.

"A very strong characteristic!"

A rare smile appeared on Lan Xizhu's cold face.

In the expectant eyes of the crowd.

Lan Xizhu informed the 'characteristic three' of the frost source liquid he had just obtained:

"Characteristic three: blood therapy, build a blood barrier, and perform 24-hour all-round treatment on the target (2.4h after the characteristic blessing) (based on its own rank)."

Inform the characteristics of the combat skills.

Just when Mu Bai and others were still digesting the meaning of this characteristic effect.

Lan Xizhu took out the time and space dagger with his backhand, touched his index finger lightly.

A slight wound appeared.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Gu Xici noticed Lan Xizhu's 'self-harm' behavior and was immediately anxious.

"The blood therapy of characteristic three needs to be based on my own blood to build a relevant blood barrier."

Lan Xizhu pressed her index finger on her life machine.

It was a small wound, but blood was oozing out continuously.

"Can't other people's or animals' blood be used?"

Mu Bai was slightly surprised.

The first two characteristic effects of Lan Xizhu's F-level combat skill Frost Source Liquid are to suppress debuffs and increase resistance.

The other is to restore source power.

Under normal conditions, the reaction time of the liquid is 10s and 60s.

Under the catalysis of Lan Xizhu's "Rapid Reaction" initial talent, it only takes 1s and 6s.

But this third characteristic requires her own blood, and the liquid reaction time is as long as 24 hours.

Even with the blessing of talent, it will take a long two and a half hours.

The time is long and the cost is high.

This is obviously not in line with common sense!

"I can only use my own blood!"

Lan Xizhu shook his head slightly, and the blood between his fingers continued to fill the revolver's magazine.

The flow rate was obviously very fast, but the magazine was not filled.

"How long will it take to draw?"

"How much do you need to draw this time?"

Gu Xici reached out to support Lan Xizhu.

In just a dozen seconds, Lan Xizhu's face turned visibly paler.

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