The more you grow, the more you will be in trouble.

With the cultivation of feelings, the highest level that an awakener can reach is the peak of the silver level.

The gold-level resources mentioned by the other party are definitely a lie, and they are completely illusions.

But he soon realized it.

The 28-year-old sister in front of him is not a good person.

A person who can sit in the position of captain of the core team of the Bloodthorn Guild must be a gold-level awakener.

Fatty Xu was terrified for a while.

The moment Xu Yu's eyes swept over him, he slapped himself on the mouth and said with a wry smile: "Look at my broken mouth, I didn't keep it for a moment, sorry."

"Ha, no problem."

Xu Yu laughed when she saw Xu Wenya like this.

Boys only swear occasionally, she is not so petty.

"However, I don't agree with your empty promise. The gold level is based on a two-hundred-year validity period."

"If you don't sign for such a long time, then I can only guarantee the investment of silver-level resources."

Xu Yu's smile faded, and he said seriously: "I can guarantee that as long as you sign a contract with our guild, we will try our best to help you hunt spiritual weapons of the same race to maximize the success rate.

That is, when the data link is not sure whether it is complete.

For all the spiritual weapon cores used in your first iteration of the black iron level, the first iteration of the bronze level, and even the first iteration of the silver level, our guild will try its best to hunt mechanical creatures of the same spiritual weapon race and different ranks to help you iterate.

Each rank has nine iterations, and the last three are combat skills, which can be ignored.

The most important thing is the first six iterations, for which we will select six spiritual weapon races for you."

Xu Yu's words involve random hunting and designated hunting.

According to what she said.

As long as Han Yuting signs the relevant contract.

From the moment she signed the contract, Bloodthorn would pre-select six spiritual weapon races with at least silver level.

Starting from the black iron level, they would hunt cores for her.

This was tantamount to packing up three generations of people, from young to old.

In the star sea, the workload was not ordinary.

After all.

The star sea was so big, not just the mother planet.

The cost of interstellar navigation alone was an astronomical figure.

So the resources that should be invested would only be more than expected, and definitely not less.

"No wonder."

Han Yuting nodded thoughtfully.

Although Xu Yu's training program had tried its best to increase the success rate, it was still too slim.

From the public data of the Academy of Sciences, the highest level of keyboard awakeners was bronze level.

There was not even a silver level.

What if in a certain iteration, the black iron level data was incomplete, and the data of the spiritual weapon core of the bronze level race was still incomplete?

There is a 1/2 probability that a single iteration of the bronze level cannot be given life.

In the nine iterations, the first six times, that is six 1/2 multiplied together, 0.015625, according to the highest calculation, the maximum is 0.016, an average of 625 iterations.

Only one person can successfully complete the bronze level iteration and advance to silver.

The probability decreases as you go up.

However, awakeners of spiritual plants and spiritual beasts can use supercomputers or purchase other awakeners' talent stars to increase their success rate.

So their success rate at each stage is actually relatively stable.

"How is it, what do you think?"

Xu Yu picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

She had said everything she should say, and whether to add the rest depends on the other party's decision.

"Two hundred years is not realistic."

Han Yuting glanced at Mu Bai, frowned and asked: "How many years do you need to sign for silver-level resources?"

According to the data of keyboard-type awakeners, it is easy to reach the bronze level, but it is difficult to break through.

If she fails to break through, she will only have a natural lifespan of 300 years.

"For the silver level, 100 years will be enough."

Xu Yu said frankly: "The basic contract period of the bronze level is 30 years, the same as the military camp, but the resources consumed by the silver level are exponentially increased compared to the bronze level.

A hundred years is fair.

And this time passes very quickly. It took me three years to suppress the Snow Region Branch after I came back from the Star Sea.

With the increase in level, a task often takes several years or even more than ten years.

In this hundred years, I feel that I can't do much, and it passed in a flash."

Xu Yu has been awakened since he was 18 years old.

, and emerged in the rookie list of the year.

Then she entered Bloodthorn as a sequence seed.

In the following three years, with the support of the guild, she successfully upgraded to silver.

And in many peer competitions, she won the position of captain of the reserve team.

After that, it took another four years for her to lead the team to do tasks crazily, and then she successfully entered the second sequence of Bloodthorn from the reserve team.

After that, after all the team members reached the gold level.

After several rounds of challenge duels, their team was promoted to one of the top ten core groups of the sequence.

According to the system of Bloodthorn, or many guilds on the mother planet.

The captain and members of the core team can sign the bronze-level training agreement at any time. And there is a signing quota for the silver training agreement and a recommendation quota for the gold training agreement every year.

Because of this, Xu Yu dared to guarantee that she would help Han Yuting get the silver-level contract.

As for the gold-level training agreement, this requires the sequence leader of her sequence, or the captains of the top ten core groups, and more than five of them agree.

"This time is still too long."

Han Yuting shook her head.

She was an eighteen-year-old girl, and she was inevitably resistant to signing a contract with a validity period of one hundred years.

"Well, how about you feel the atmosphere of our union first and systematically learn the knowledge of building the beast nest central system in advance?"

Xu Yu still didn't want to let go when she saw Han Yuting refused.

She invited again sincerely: "I also have selfish motives. It will take at least two or three years to systematically learn the basic system framework. During this time, all your daily and learning losses will be borne by me.

After you finish your study here, you will help me and my team members to build the beast nest central of the natal machine.

This process can take five or six years at the fastest and eight or nine years at the slowest. The speed of building the central is based on your mastery of basic knowledge points.

After completing the central of me and my teammates, you can decide whether to join the union at that time."

It's hard to meet a keyboard-type natal machine.

The conditions offered by Xu Yu can be said to be very tempting.


Hearing Xu Yu's request, Han Yuting's breathing became heavy, and she turned her head to look at Mu Bai.

To be honest, she was a little tempted.

Isn't this a free training class!

If it is true as the other party said, the ten years before and after is quite cost-effective.

After all.

According to what Xu Yu said, her core competitiveness at this stage is to assist high-level awakeners in building the center.

And she does not have the relevant knowledge yet.

Therefore, learning relevant special knowledge points is essential.

"Sister Xu's conditions are very tempting."

Mu Bai saw Han Yuting's thoughts from her eyes.

She really wants to go now.

Mu Bai also knows when to stop, so he said to Xu Yu with a serious face: "Sister Xu, how can you guarantee Yuting's safety and meet the conditions you just said?"

Mu Bai's meaning is very clear.

Empty words are not enough.

In response to Mu Bai's concerns, Xu Yu said without hesitation: "I will sign an employment contract with Yu Ting in my personal name at the official awakener protection center."


Mu Bai nodded gently.

On the mother planet, the Awakening Protection Center has a strong binding force.

This organization is transnational in nature.

It is led by governments of various countries and built with many platinum-level awakeners as the core.

Unless you don't want to stay on the mother planet.

Otherwise, few people dare to disobey the contract witnessed by the protection center.

"Ha, then I will leave it to Sister Xu to arrange for the next ten years."

Han Yuting felt more at ease when she saw Xu Yu's promise.

"Okay, okay!"

Xu Yu also smiled at this time.

After exchanging contact information with Han Yuting.

She picked up the cocktail shaker from the counter and mixed a few more glasses for Mu Bai and others on the spot.


Just when Mu Bai and others calmed down and tasted the wine at ease.

Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance of the tavern, exclaiming: "Oh, Boss Mu, you are here too!"

The voice was very thin and a little familiar.

"Boss Mu?"

Xu Yu raised her head in surprise. She glanced at Mu Bai, and then looked at the entrance of the tavern.

"He Qianqian?"

Mu Bai looked in the direction of the voice and found that the person who came was the first person who asked him to come up with an iterative plan when the consulting room opened.

At this time, there were six people next to her.

Three men and three women.

It was a standard group at first glance.

"Boss Mu? Qianqian, is the boss of the consulting room you mentioned here too?"

Next to He Qianqian, a tall woman heard the other party's call and her eyes lit up instantly.

She looked around at Mu Bai and Xu Wenya and several other boys.

It seemed that she wanted to confirm who was Mu Bai.


What a coincidence! "

Mu Bai looked at He Qianqian and nodded slightly.

Because she was one of the first batch of people, she had completed the first few iterations before the reputation of the consulting room spread.

With Mu Bai's assistance, she iterated the original surgical blade into a crescent blade.

A standard melee assault route.

However, after completing the sixth iteration, Mu Bai never saw her again.

For the selection of the next three combat skills, the consulting room will not provide relevant suggestions for the time being.

"Have you completed the black iron level iteration?"

Mu Bai looked at He Qianqian and asked.

He Qianqian nodded heavily and said excitedly: "I just completed the ninth iteration at noon, and brought my teammates here to celebrate. "

Speaking of this, He Qianqian introduced the people next to her.

Mu Bai simply said hello to the other party.

Then the girl named 'Ling Lin' next to He Qianqian pleaded: "Boss Mu, I have no room for error here, and my natal machine only has one more time to complete the sixth iteration.

The fact that we can meet today shows that we are also destined.

Can I cut in line and use your rest time to help you, please. "

Ling Lin clasped her hands together.

She herself was not very talented, with the same two-star talent as Xing Yi.

In the case of purchasing tutorials.

She had already failed twice in the previous five iterations.

Now she no longer has the protection of the talent stars.

In theory, the sixth iteration is just a matter of gritting her teeth.

After holding on, the Black Iron level will be unimpeded.

However, the other party saw with their own eyes that He Qianqian completed six iterations from the first generation with 100%.

The courage that Ling Lin had finally mustered up was instantly dissipated.

Through He Qianqian's introduction, she had already joined the work group of the consulting room.

The lottery is drawn on time every day.

But it has been more than half a month.

She didn't get a single number.

It's not that she is unlucky, but there are too many people in the group.

The competitive pressure is too great.

"Are you alone? "

Mu Bai pursed his lips and looked at Ling Lin.

It only took a glance to come up with an optimization plan.

"Just me."

Ling Lin nodded.

In their team, other members have completed the early iterations and are now selecting combat skills that suit them.


Mu Bai did not refuse.

"Thank you, thank you."

Ling Lin summoned her own natal machine with great gratitude, and then took out the required tutorial results and spirit core.

She knows the rules of the consultation room.

"Like Qian Qian, I use the Mystic Valley series spirit core. The iteration direction of my natal machine is to reshape it into steel wings, and go the defense system and heavy cavalry route. "

Ling Lin took out her own spiritual core.

There are five days left.

In order to ensure that the iteration can be completed as soon as possible after the number is drawn.

For more than half a month, she has been keeping her spiritual core with her, and three spiritual cores have expired.

This is already the fourth spiritual core.

"Remember the optimization plan, 24g nickel, 22g silver, manganese..."

Mu Bai quickly determined a suitable iteration route according to the other party's needs.

Related auxiliary materials, reported like flowing water.

Ling Lin asked for a pen from the bar and wrote the auxiliary material ratio directly on her arm.

"Thank you, Boss Mu."

After confirming with Mu Bai again and again, Ling Lin smiled and took out her mobile phone, and said happily: "I know the rules of the consultation room. This spiritual core is worth 21,000 yuan, and the consultation fee is 42,000 yuan. I scan you? "

Although it is the sixth iteration of data.

But Ling Lin's side is the first consultation, so the fee is only twice the basic.

"Well, today is not a working day, you are not invoiced, and this fee is not easy to record."

Mu Bai shook his head.

If this money is collected, it will break the rules set by the consultation room.


Ling Lin was stunned for a moment when she saw Mu Bai refused to charge, and asked suspiciously: "What should I do?"

Mu Bai already had a countermeasure in mind.

He pointed to the blood thorn bar and said: "How about you pay for our consumption tonight? "

If it is not deposited into the company's account, it is not considered an order.

He had also looked at the Bloodthorn wine list before, and the average price was 200 per glass.

Of course, there are also some wines on the list that cost hundreds or thousands of yuan.

As for the higher-priced ones, similar to the ones Han Yuting drank before, they are added with ingredients, but there are restrictions on the awakener level.

Mu Bai did not plan to try it.

As for normal wine.

He and Gu Xici and others did not drink much in total for the whole night, so they just regarded it as making extra money.

Anyway, Mu

Bai didn't intend to take much advantage of the other party.

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