The white bees were flying aimlessly around in search of prey, but now they have changed their direction and are approaching the location of the Yuan Weiyang team in a nearly straight line.

Just as those white bees rushed towards everyone.

At almost the same time, the electronic eye checkbox flashed again at a high frequency.

In a collapsed dead tree 7.3 kilometers away from everyone, a large number of white bees emerged overwhelmingly.

"Prepare for battle!"

Mu Bai snorted coldly, no longer holding on to luck.

Since they have been discovered.

That means there is no need to hide any more.

"F-level combat skill: clustered particle flow!"

Mu Bai shouted softly, and his mind moved slightly. One of the six yellow crystal secondary eyes of the electronic eye in the sky flashed at high frequency several times.

A series of ping-pong-sized "light spots" instantly rushed down from the sky and hit the white electric bees that were rushing towards the crowd.


A slight burning sound was heard.

To deal with these single targets that were not in the level, Mu Bai did not even need to activate the combat skill characteristics.

Just a face-to-face.

The drone and several worker bees turned into a handful of flying ash.

"Ha, Mu Bai's combat skill is not bad!"

Gu Xici praised.

The attack speed of the clustered particle flow is comparable to the speed of light. No matter how fast the white electric bee flies, it will be useless.

As long as they are locked by the electronic eye, no one can escape.

"You're talking too early!"

"My combat skills are OK against single targets, but I'm at a loss against a group."

"Fatty, quickly cover them with your combat skills!"

After dealing with several nearby white electric bees, Mu Bai shouted coldly.

Xu Wenya didn't dare to neglect it at all.

As Mu Bai's orders were issued.

A thick blue-gray mist spread out from the nozzle of his life machine, the golden jet.

The mist split into two.

One part surrounded everyone tightly, blurring their vision and covering their breath.

Another part quickly pounced on the bee swarm, and the two met three kilometers away and quickly entangled.

On the Yuan Weiyang team, Mu Bai's electronic eyes provided auxiliary vision, so the impact of the fog was limited.

But the white electric bee swarm was different.

"F-level combat skill: Corrosion Swamp!"

Xu Wenya smiled grimly, and slapped the golden jet with her palm like a palm leaf fan, and a faint light was instantly projected.

"Third characteristic: Swamp!"

"No airspace for me!"

With a strange cry from Fatty Xu.

The fog covering the white electric bee colony seemed to have countless tentacles, and it carried the colony with it and smashed it to the ground with a "bang".

In the area covered by the fog, the area with a radius of 1000*1000m was forcibly twisted into a swamp.

With the blessing of Fatty Xu's combat skill characteristics, the thousands of white electric bees were caught in one net.

Buzz buzz buzz——

The sound of fine wings flapping sounded.

The colony of bees kept struggling, but it was pulled back by the fog less than a meter away and slammed hard on the swampy ground.

After struggling several times, the opponent's yellow and white body was already covered in mud.

If you don't look carefully, it looks like thousands of toads flopping in a pond.

"Xici, why are you still standing there?"

Seeing Xu Wenya confining the swarm of bees in place, Mu Bai turned his head and looked at Gu Xici.

This girl was so interested that she forgot to use the heavy sniper to cover the firepower at the first time!


Gu Xici's little brain suddenly reacted the moment Mu Bai's reprimand sounded.

Xu Wenya's corrosion swamp covers only one square kilometer.

Although it is forbidden to fly, it also reduces the opponent's displacement speed by 20%.

But the number of white electric bees is too large. Even if they are fluttering on the ground, a small part of them will break out of the swamp restriction area.

So she must solve it as soon as possible.

"F-level combat skills: Explosive Flame Bomb!"

Gu Xici shouted delicately and pressed her fingers repeatedly.

A series of bullets connected in a straight line, rushing directly to the coordinate position marked by the electronic eye.

Unlike Xu Wenya who only used characteristic three.

Gu Xici added two characteristics to each bullet.

They are characteristic two's 'explosion' and characteristic three's 'burning'.

Among them, when using characteristic two to bombard the target, if the remaining unit source power in the target is less than 10%, the remaining spiritual power in the target will be detonated.

And characteristic

The third is to cover the explosion effect within a 10-meter radius of the bombardment point, forcibly burning the opponent's 10% spiritual power.

These two characteristics, combined with Gu Xici's original mechanical characteristic "sputtering", directly produce a terrifying chemical effect.



A series of explosions sounded.

Twelve low mushroom clouds suddenly rose in the area covered by Xu Wenya's swamp.

Suppressed by the swamp characteristics, the height of the explosion of these mushroom clouds was only a dozen meters.

But its average coverage radius is nearly fifty meters.

In the ten meters at the core of the explosion, let alone the white electric bees.

Even the swamp distorted by Xu Wenya's characteristics was forcibly blasted away, exposing the normal ground within a radius of ten meters.

"Haha, keep going!"

Seeing Gu Xici empty a magazine and directly wipe out seven or eight hundred white electric bees, Mu Bai was overjoyed.

He controlled the electronic eye to provide vision and mark the coordinate points.

While releasing the beam particle flow, he shot at the fish that escaped the swamp area.

Bang, bang, bang --

Under Mu Bai's guidance, Gu Xici pulled the trigger attentively.

After a magazine was emptied, he paused for a few breaths, and continued to fire after the recharge was completed.

Gu Xici now has a total of 10 standard units of source power.

One unit of source power can complete 10 magazine recharges, and can stimulate 120 heavy sniper bullets.

Of course, if it is an additional feature.

Gu Xici filled 10 magazines and 120 energy bullets, and his own source power consumption would increase by 2-3 units.

In actual combat.

When Gu Xici is in full state, using the Liuyan heavy sniper with all features can roughly stimulate 300 energy bullets.

"Hey, big sister, enough, enough!"

"Don't shoot anymore!"

Seeing Gu Xici working hard, he emptied five magazines in just two minutes.

Mu Bai was so scared that he immediately called a halt.

This girl really didn't pay any attention to the scene.

More than 60 mushroom clouds rose in succession, and the swamp area twisted by Xu Wenya could no longer be maintained and was directly forcibly dispersed.

And most of the white lightning bee colony was also destroyed in this round of firepower assault.

The original number of bees was nearly 5,000 to 6,000, but now only more than 1,000 were left scattered in various corners.

Even if the swamp area was smashed by Gu Xici's heavy sniper, the no-air effect had been abolished.

These white lightning bees were still crawling on the ground, trembling like quails.

In this case, it would be a complete waste of firepower for Gu Xici to continue shooting.

The opponent was too scattered first.

This double special effect energy bomb was fired, and it couldn't even kill a hundred within the coverage area.

Instead of this, it would be better to save the source power and wait for the opponent to gather together again before bombarding.

"Be careful of the queen bee, retreat first!"

Mu Bai controlled the electronic eye, while sporadically finishing off the enemies, and commanded the Yuan Weiyang team to evacuate to the side.

Try to keep a certain distance from the bee colony.

He did not forget that the queen bee of the white electric bee colony had not shown her head from beginning to end.

"Where can the queen bee hide?"

In the dense forest, Xing Yi held the AT shield and moved forward steadily.

Although there was an electronic eye above his head to see the whole situation, there was still some loss of vision under the cover of the layers of branches.

At this time, the importance of Xing Yi was reflected.

The displacement and movement of the entire Yuan Weiyang team were all centered on Xing Yi.

"I don't know, I haven't noticed the queen bee yet."

Mu Bai controlled the electronic eye to kill the scattered white electric bees while paying attention to the surrounding environment, focusing on the dead wood where the bee colony originally lived.

The energy spots emitted by the beam of particle flow were like raindrops, densely shooting at the bee colony that had regained its flying ability.

I have to say.

This high-altitude view is really good.

After the check-in lock, the electronic eye can kill more than a dozen white electric bees every second.

At this speed, the remaining more than a thousand white electric bees will be killed by Mu Bai in less than two minutes.


Lin Hao, who was following Xing Yi, suddenly spoke.

Everyone stopped instantly.

At this time, the Yuan Weiyang team was a hundred meters apart.

Hearing the movement from Lin Hao, Xing Yi subconsciously raised his shield crutch and moved over there.

"I found a cave here."

Lin Hao used the photography function of the tactical helmet to take a picture of the view he saw and shared it on the communication platform.

A huge cave that was two meters high appeared in front of everyone.

The terrain here belongs to a semi-hilly area.

With the forest vegetation covering it, Mu Bai's electronic eye did not detect the existence of this cave after a rough scan.

However, after Lin Hao reminded him.

Mu Bai immediately directed his electronic eye's sight over.

"Perspective scan!"

Mu Bai's mind moved slightly, and the main lens of the electronic eye in the sky slightly glowed with a dark golden halo.

With Lin Hao's location as the center, the panoramic view within a radius of 500 meters instantly appeared in front of Mu Bai.

The perspective of the electronic eye can penetrate obstacles within 10 meters.

Although there was a thick layer of soil covering the cave.

But with the penetration of the electronic eye, Mu Bai finally saw the scene inside the cave.

The entire cave is about 40 meters long, and the interior is winding and there are no signs of artificial excavation.

However, there are a lot of animal feces at the bottom of the cave.

At the end of the cave, a creature the size of a millstone was crawling quietly.

The thing shrank into a ball as a whole, and the electronic eye did not immediately determine its species.

"Be careful, there are abnormal creatures in the cave!"

Mu Bai used the electronic eye intelligence center to change the perspective image to a thermal image and issued a reminder.


Xing Yi received Mu Bai's reminder and immediately took over Lin Hao's position.

He saw his legs half-bent, the AT shield crutch across his body, alertly guarding the direction of the cave entrance.

In the cave.

The creatures that were originally crawling on the ground also noticed the movement outside at this time.

A ball of pale green light suddenly shot out from the depths of the cave.

"Fuck, what is this?"

Xing Yi instinctively used the combat skill "Thorn Shield".

The blue-gray energy shield "bang" and unfolded in front of him.


A shrill sound.

Along with the green light, he rushed out of the cave almost at the same time.


The energy shield in front of Xing Yi collapsed instantly.

A half-meter-tall rat appeared out of nowhere and rushed directly towards Xing Yi.

"Be careful!"

Mu Bai exclaimed, and a beam of particle flow instantly blasted in, intercepting the rat at the entrance of the cave.

Then the electronic eye quickly built a model to match the relevant data of the rat.

Soul-eating rat: F-level spiritual beast, main attack methods: attack, bite, plague venom.

Plague venom: Under the erosion of venom, it will trigger a weak state and produce a certain hallucination effect.

"Damn, venom? That green light just now, you told me it was venom?!"

Looking at the message projected by Mu Bai into the tactical helmet, Xing Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

While maintaining the AT force field state, he re-added an energy shield.

Among the main attack methods of the soul-eating rat, two are physical damage.

As long as it is physical damage, his AT force field is an unsolvable existence.

The only thing to be on guard against is plague venom.

That thing has a strong corrosive effect, and the energy shield can only resist one damage in front of him.

"Be careful!"

Seeing Xing Yi put up the shield again, Mu Bai also breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the first time they have come into close contact with a fully functioning F-level spiritual creature.

The two-headed rock snake they encountered in the snowy area last time was already in a dying state, and it is completely incomparable to this one.

"Lin Hao, Xiaoyu, I'll leave this to you!"

"Fatty, Xici, you two and I, continue to suppress the white electric bee colony!"

Mu Bai quickly issued combat orders.

This rat was completely an accident.

At the same time, the opponent only had one long-range energy attack, and the danger was not high.

With Xing Yi in front, Lin Hao and Su Xiaoyu joined hands to deal with it.

Mu Bai didn't want to spend too much energy on it.

What he was most worried about now was the white electric queen bee that had been hiding and had never appeared.

According to the current number of bee colonies,

Mu Bai initially deduced that the queen bee should not have broken through to the E-level.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as five or six thousand.

At least tens of thousands.

At present, the queen bee has not appeared, and the remaining thousands of white electric bees are still not to be underestimated.

The destructive power and danger of them together are far greater than that of the soul-eating rat.

"Understood, leave it to me!"

Hearing Mu Bai's order, Lin Hao did not hesitate at all, drew out the time and space dagger and rushed up.

As for Su Xiaoyu, although she was a beat slower because of the distance problem.

But she still obeyed the order immediately.

"What does this rat eat? It grows so big!"

Su Xiaoyu held the E2 war knife, guarded the position on the left side of Xing Yi, and together with the two, blocked the soul-eating rat at the entrance of the cave.

The reason why she did not summon her life machine.

The main reason is that this E2 war knife is still quite handy.

In addition, she wanted to practice more with this rat and did not want to kill it too early.

"How would I know? I'm not one of those old scholars from the Academy of Sciences!"

Lin Hao grinned. He saw that Su Xiaoyu did not use this

When I was communicating with a machine, I could roughly guess what the other person was thinking.

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