The old man was busy, and the old man was busy.

"Hey, it's finally done!"

Su Xiaoyu threw down the rag and sat limply on the steps in front of the store.

She looked exhausted and had no image at all.

"Oh, it's a good thing this place was originally a real estate agency."

Gu Xici and Lan Xizhu walked in holding a big red book.

The house transfer was handled by the two of them.

The remaining five people, including Mu Bai, were all busy cleaning and clearing away some unnecessary things.

"It's basically done, and the only thing left is to change the house number."

Mu Bai stood up and rubbed his waist.

The shop is 50 square meters in total, and the layout is relatively neat, with a standard rectangular shape of 5*10 meters.

The former company divided the room into three areas, front and back.

The front is a 5*5m reception area, and the back is a small office of 3*5m, and the last 2*5m is an employee cloakroom and toilet.

Clean up the company's iconic things inside.

Then empty the cabinets in the cloakroom and clean the toilet.

The simple consultation room is completed.

"Hey, shall I go to Chang'an Palace to receive guests now?"

Su Xiaoyu's face showed a hint of excitement, and there was no trace of trickery in her clear eyes.

"It's dark now, why are you still receiving guests!"

Gu Xici stretched out his green finger and pointed at Su Xiaoyu's little head.

Everyone was busy all day, and it was almost nine o'clock.

Chang'an was affected by the snowy area, and the weather was so cold that normal people would have gone back to bed to rest.

"Oh, isn't the nightlife just beginning at this time!"

Su Xiaoyu hugged Gu Xici's arm and rubbed it hard.

They have been busy for so long, isn't it just for this period.

"Mu Bai, what do you think?"

Gu Xici calmly pulled his arm out of Su Xiaoyu's arms.

I don't know what this girl grew up eating.

"I'm fine here, otherwise, let's try our luck over there?"

Mu Bai was also a little itchy at this time.

He came here through time.

He is penniless, so he has to make some money.

Otherwise, he always feels uneasy.

But then he seemed to think of something and reminded him: "Before the other party confirms the consultation, I can't touch the spirit core. At the same time, if I touch the spirit core, you have to summon your own life machine so that I can make relevant comparisons."

These two are the key points and must be circled.

What if the other party doesn't plan to consult, and Mu Bai accidentally touches the spirit core.

That would be a lot of fun.

"That's easy!"

Xu Wenya smiled when she heard Mu Bai's words, "Before entering the meeting room, all of us should not touch each other's spiritual cores."

They can't just go and receive guests in broad daylight.

They have to find a private place.

After a few people had a simple discussion, they set off to Chang'an Palace.

"By the way, how about the consulting fee and compensation?"

Just when everyone was about to reach Chang'an Palace, Xing Yi suddenly squeaked.

They raised a total of 600,000 funds for the expenses of the consulting room.

Most of it was spent on the store, plus the company registration and some miscellaneous items, 370,000 had been spent before it opened.

They only had 230,000 left.

"How do you want to collect it?"

Mu Bai looked at Xu Wenya, Gu Xici and others.

For him, this thing is a sure win.

In the early stage, in order to make a name for himself, Mu Bai planned to choose a higher fusion route.

When my pockets are full, I will lower my standards and suppress my 100% optimization features.

"How about two or three hundred per time according to the price of the tutorial?"

Gu Xici pursed his lips. Compared with mature tutorials, the audience for optimization consultation is very small.

Not everyone is willing to take the gamble.

"No, the fee is too low!"

Xu Wenya shook his head and said, "At this price, even if Mu Bai puts the optimization data in front of me, I dare not try it!"

"How much is it?" Su Xiaoyu blinked.

Lan Xizhu next to her also cast her eyes on Xu Wenya.

As for the issue of charging, they have no idea in their minds.

However, since Xu Wenya had prepared to open a store before, he should know more or less about this aspect.

"Based on the value of the other party's spirit core, double the fee!"

Xu Wenya smiled slightly and said bluntly, "Not only that, if they also need to iterate in the future,

If you want to optimize, it will be 2.5, 3, 3.5... until 6 times the ninth iteration! "

"Fuck, it's so shady!"

Lin Hao swallowed his throat with a gulp.

Even the water spinach spirit core that is everywhere costs 10,000 yuan.

It costs 20,000 yuan for one consultation.

This fat guy really doesn't know how hard it is to make money!

"How can this be called shady? I can see that you don't know how to do business!"

Xu Wenya rolled his eyes in disdain. He counted on his fingers and said in a brisk tone: "As long as the first optimization is successful, before the iteration fails, this person will become our loyal customer.

Let's calculate it according to the simplest one, making 200,000 yuan from one person.

We only need to keep 500 people. Even if the spirit core types are not complete, we can buy all the remaining types of spirit cores with the money we earn! "

Xu Wenya said it with great confidence.

But Mu Bai felt that he was too idealistic. When it comes to actual operation, it will probably be difficult.

"What about the compensation amount?"

Gu Xici asked hesitantly.

Xu Wenya didn't even think about it and said, "Five times the value of the spirit core!"

"Why five times?"

Lin Hao was a little puzzled. He said, "If the ratio is increased to 10 times, wouldn't it be more attractive?"

"It's a matter of probability!"

Lan Xizhu thought about it and said to Xu Wenya, "It can be sold if the fusion degree is above 60%. We still have 230,000 now, which is roughly enough to compensate three or four times.

After the comprehensive success, with 2 times the basic value income of the spirit core, in the early stage of the start-up, Mu Bai will have a tolerance for 10 optimization failures.

Am I right in this calculation? "

After saying that, Lan Xizhu set her eyes on Mu Bai.

The hopes of so many of them are pinned on Mu Bai.

As long as there are no big mistakes, even if the tutorial just passed the threshold, there are 10 times of error tolerance to squander.


After hearing Lan Xizhu's data, Xu Wenya scratched the back of his head and said uncertainly: "Is that so?"

He had never thought of what Lan Xizhu said.

"If you calculate it based on the probability of failure, it is indeed 10 times of error tolerance!"

Mu Bai nodded gently.

He also knew that this was a reminder from Lan Xizhu to himself.

If there were so many mistakes in the starting stage, their consulting room would have closed down.

"Ha, since everything is ready, let's go to receive customers according to this idea!"

Looking at Chang'an Palace not far ahead, Gu Xici raised his little fist high and made a cheering gesture.

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