The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy's body was broken.

Because the distance was too close, the heavy cavalryman was injured in the wrist and used the hammer recklessly, and the absolute cutting of the space attribute, Lin Hao's time and space dagger easily broke through the opponent's defense.


A trace of blood was splattered, and the heavy cavalryman was indeed experienced in actual combat.

In the face of Lin Hao's unexpected attack, at the critical moment, he subconsciously turned sideways, and the time and space dagger flew out by grazing his chest.

The combat uniform, which was already a little tattered, could no longer bear it at this time.

Blood spurted out like a fountain.

The incision, which was nearly one centimeter deep, was horizontal on the chest cavity, and it looked extremely bloody.


The heavy cavalryman gasped and cried out in pain, his body suddenly flashed back, stretched out his hand to take out a potion from his waist, and stabbed it directly into his neck.

After just one encounter, the heavy cavalryman had lost the ability to continue fighting.

Most of his internal energy was used to stabilize the existing injuries.

Otherwise, if it expanded further and there was no effective treatment, it would easily leave irreversible injuries, and it might even be life-threatening at the critical point.

"Fuck, I missed it!"

The other two attackers saw their teammates staggering back and reacted quickly.

They waved their daggers and short swords and went straight to Lin Hao and Su Xiaoyu.

However, how could Su Xiaoyu miss the great opportunity of the opponent's defense gap?


Su Xiaoyu shouted, and an invisible shock wave instantly attacked the surroundings.

Everyone within a radius of 30m, including the air, fell into a moment of stagnation.

Her combat skill ‘Wrath of Broken Wings’ is a single-target attack skill.

The effect of the first characteristic ‘Broken Wings’ is: release an energy wave, and after hitting a unit, the unit’s displacement speed is reduced by 40% for 2 seconds.

This has great advantages in dogfights, pursuits, and even protracted battles.

And the third characteristic ‘Triple’ is to continuously cut out three shock waves, each of which forces a relative displacement of 20m.

First, she relies on her own displacement speed, plus the forced advance of ‘Triple’, which can achieve a near-hundred-meter dash in an instant.

As for the second characteristic, which is the ‘Fury’ she is performing at this time, its effect is even more amazing.

A total of two shock waves can be released, causing damage to targets within 30m around, and a forced stun effect lasting 1s.

In close combat.

Not to mention a one-second strong control, even if it is 0.1 seconds, as long as the controlled time is greater than the nerve reaction speed, that is, the so-called sensitivity, it can seize the initiative!

"Die for me!"

Su Xiaoyu was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time.

Taking advantage of the moment when the two attackers were stagnant, she swept the high-frequency oscillation particle knife in her hand and chopped it out mercilessly.


A red light flashed.

Su Xiaoyu only felt a numbness in her wrist.

"Sister Xu?"

Su Xiaoyu looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of her, and it was a little difficult to understand.

"Okay, it's okay to see blood on the mother planet, but it's not good to kill people!"

Xu Yu flicked the high-frequency oscillation particle knife with her fingers, and lightly blocked Su Xiaoyu's strong attack.

Then she saw her other hand waving slightly.

The three awakeners in the sharp blade team suddenly felt the pressure like a mountain, and they rushed towards them unscrupulously.

"You shouldn't have thought about it first, ten times the compensation, no objection?"

Xu Yu glanced at the three people next to him coldly.

It's just trash.

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