The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Okay, no more talking, let's eat!"

Gu Xici scooped a spoonful of bean soup for Mu Bai with a spoon, and changed the subject: "Have you chosen the camp we will change to later?"

So far.

Yuan Weiyang's team has never gone deep into the twisted jungle.

"There are three places to choose."

Mu Bai pondered for a moment, and he glanced at the coordinates of the places where Gu Xici killed Jingjin Liu before.

According to the comparison of the electronic eye's investigation, three coordinates suitable for camping were found.

Among these three coordinates, one is close to the water source,

The remains of Jingjin Liu that was killed are close to the shore, and there is a tidal flat area of ​​more than 50 meters in the middle, which widens the field of vision.

There is another small hill, which is about 30 to 40 meters high and more than 300 meters in diameter.

There are two golden willows around the hill, which have been destroyed.

From the observation, the bushes on this hill are sparse, and it only needs to be simply cleaned up to be used as a camp.

As for the third place.

It is the area that Lu Ze missed when collecting golden willows.

There are 27 golden willow spirit cores inside and outside, and the farthest distance between them is 4.7 kilometers, and the closest is 300 meters.

The whole area is narrow and dense.

It has been baptized by Gu Xici's heavy sniper firepower. Although some places are not covered, from the situation of electronic eye reconnaissance, there are no traces of spirit objects in the area.

"Let's eliminate those near the water source first!"

Gu Xici took a sip of tofu soup and analyzed: "All living things cannot live without water sources. It seems that the vision there is open, and there is no need for additional cleaning. We can set up camp there.

But we can't explore the underwater situation. It's okay during the day, and we can take some precautions.

But at night, the vision is not clear. If there are spirit beasts hiding in it and wandering around us, the time left for us to react will be very short."

The tidal flat area over there is only more than 50 meters in total.

From the warning of the garrison personnel to the time they put on combat uniforms, it takes at least four or five seconds.

If it is a premeditated raid.

Such a short distance cannot guarantee safety at all.

"The spiritual core is not okay either."

Gu Xici had just ruled out a coordinate, and Lan Xizhu followed up with her own opinion, saying: "Although there is no abnormality in that area from the electronic eye, Lu Ze and the others have ignored it as a whole.

The abnormal situation over there should be more serious than we thought.

Now that Sister Xu is not around, we should be more cautious and not take risks."

Lu Ze had said before that high-level "hallucinogenic" spiritual objects can distort the consciousness and perception of the awakened.


Since that area can unknowingly block the Hua Feihua team, it must not be difficult to interfere with the electronic eye's vision.

Even Lan Xizhu doubted whether the 27 golden willows in that area really existed.

"Huh? Sister Xu is not here?"

Lin Hao next to him suddenly raised his head.

He turned his head to look at the location of Gu Xici's tent, and then found that it was empty.

"Shortly after you and Xiaoyu changed shifts, Sister Xu left early because of something."

Xing Yi yawned, picked up a piece of spicy chicken and put it in his mouth.

Feeling the spicy taste of millet pepper and the tenderness of chicken, Xing Yi's spirits instantly improved a lot.

After two hours of deep sleep, although his condition was not fully recovered, it was also about 70% to 80%.

When it gets dark, he will just rest early this round.

"Uh, okay!"

Hearing Xing Yi's answer, Lin Hao's eyes flashed with a trace of worry, but he quickly suppressed it deep in his pupils.

One less safety guarantee.

They have to be more careful.

"Hey, it's actually not a big deal."

Su Xiaoyu noticed that the atmosphere had become slightly colder, and smiled as she took out the biochip that Xu Yu had given her from her pocket.

"Sister Xu has a backup plan."

"This biochip contains the data of Sister Xu's life machine. After the source power is activated, you can summon the data clone of her life machine."

Su Xiaoyu shook the blue chip in her hand.


"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Lin Hao glanced at Su Xiaoyu speechlessly.

With the biochip as a backup, at least there is a safety line, so psychologically, there is no need to be so nervous.

"You didn't ask!"

Su Xiaoyu handed the chip to Lan Xizhu.

After telling the other party to pay attention to the combat form and use it when the opportunity arises, she concentrated on dealing with the spicy chicken.

Lan Xizhu carefully put the chip away.

Make sure it will not be lost and can be retrieved at the first time

After using it, he picked up the rice bowl.


Everyone finished the battle.

The mushroom tofu was eaten up, and half a basin of spicy chicken was left.

The reason was simple.

It was too spicy.

"I'll go pack up the tent, Lin Hao, you help move Lu Ze's luggage."

Mu Bai saw Gu Xici start packing spicy chicken and pots and pans, and he was not idle.

"No problem, I'll pack all their backpacks and put them on Sister Xu's rickshaw."

Lin Hao walked to the side with his luggage and backpack.

In order not to cause trouble, they were relatively low-key.

Some large objects, such as tents, cooking utensils, and some packaged fast food, were all placed on the rickshaw.

After a while, everyone packed up everything.

"I've marked the coordinates of the new camp on the map for you."

Mu Bai informed Lu Ze of the team's change of camp.

Their backpacks are still here.

"Okay, be careful."

Lu Ze responded quickly.

Mu Bai chatted briefly and waited for Xu Wenya to report the location again before everyone started to advance into the twisted jungle in an orderly manner.

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