The new sword was used to make the sword.


Spiritual core: Gold Mantis

Level: F-level

Expiration: 27.11.19

Around materials: 1. Dagger I (initial scalpel)

Fusion degree 15.9%, can be increased to 100%

(Note: 9 fusion routes with fusion degree above 90%)

Route 2: 100% fusion degree

Route category: Remodeling

Route consumables: 42g copper, 51g silicon, 81g iron, nickel....

Route effect: 1. Adjustment of the mechanical structure of the natal sword (scimitar) 2. Apply 8% physical armor-breaking effect.

Effect picture: (Click on the comment to view details)


According to the effect shown in the tutorial provided by He Qianqian.

Mu Bai quickly locked on to the relevant routes.

The optimal route structure was adjusted to a folding dagger, not the scimitar required by the tutorial.

Although this route is 3 percentage points worse than the optimal route in terms of armor penetration.

But it has the same mechanical structure as the original one!

And the fusion degree of this route is still a stable 100%.

"This is the required auxiliary material ratio."

Mu Bai picked up a signature pen and wrote down the auxiliary materials on the form.

Next to him.

Lin Hao took out the consumables from the space with great insight, and He Qianqian directly mixed them herself.

Every time the other party weighed the category.

Lan Xizhu completed the pricing.

When the other party repeated the confirmation and started the fusion, Lan Xizhu also completed the summary at the same time.


As the light of the spirit core gradually converged.

A 20-30 cm long scimitar appeared in He Qianqian's hand.

"It's done!"

He Qianqian's breathing was a little rapid.

She held the handle of the knife and gently slashed the wooden box that previously contained the spirit core.

She didn't apply any force at all.

It was just like cutting white paper, and she easily cut the wooden box in half.

Only the second iteration has already initially acquired a certain attack strength.


He Qianqian exhaled slightly, she suppressed her excitement, took back her life machine, turned her head and said respectfully: "Thank you, I am very satisfied with this iteration, how much is this time?"

It was already very late now.

He Qianqian knew that it would be inconvenient for her to stay for long.

"The auxiliary materials are 29110, the official price of the spirit core is 92,000, and the second iteration coefficient is 2.5 times, that is, 9.2*2.5+2.9, a total of 259,000."

Lan Xizhu signed the bill and handed it to He Qianqian.

As for the change of more than 100 yuan, Lan Xizhu directly wiped it out.

"Here, the auction price of my spiritual core is 170,000."

He Qianqian took out the auction receipt from her pocket a little embarrassedly, and said carefully: "How about we go with this price?"

Her family doesn't lack this little money.

On the contrary, she was afraid that the consulting room would mistakenly think that she was hiding something and was not honest, which would lead to not doing her best in the subsequent iteration process.

"That's the auction price. Our charging standards are based on the official announcement."

Lan Xizhu shook her head and did not take He Qianqian's auction receipt.

Without rules, there will be no order.

Compared with the basic price of 170,000, it seems that they will earn nearly 200,000 less, but if they really charge it, it will make people think that their consulting room is not authentic.

It won't work without an accurate charging standard.

"Uh, okay, okay!"

He Qianqian saw that Lan Xizhu had no intention of charging extra fees, and there was a hint of happiness between her eyebrows.

Then she found the account where she transferred money yesterday and directly transferred 259,000 into it.

Gu Xici will issue a receipt as soon as he receives the consulting fee.

"It seems that she is planning to go for the Mysterious Valley series of spirit cores."

Looking at He Qianqian's back as she left, Lan Xizhu whispered softly.

Using the spirit objects in the same foreign secret realm as the basis for smelting the life machine can stimulate special properties to a large extent.

But that is only after the silver level.

If you can't make it to the silver level.

No matter what series, it's useless.

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