The star is not only immune to the damage of the failed fusion spirit core to the natal machine.

Even if it is successful, the awakener can choose to give up this iteration, but the cost of collapse is the same as the fusion failure.

Both will destroy a star.

"If it succeeds, there is no need to collapse."

Mu Bai shook his head decisively.

What a joke.

51.5% natural fusion degree, this success rate is just over half.

It is lucky to succeed.

In this case.


Isn't that just a brain twitch!

"Okay, do you have the auxiliary materials ready?"

Xu Wenya didn't ask too much after hearing what Mu Bai said.

Anyway, she was very excited.

"Finally it's my turn!"

These days, Xu Wenya has witnessed so many people successfully iterating with Mu Bai's assistance, and she has been impatient for a long time.

Now that she heard that she could iterate, she was so excited.

"Uh... auxiliary materials, I didn't prepare them."

Faced with Xu Wenya's question, Mu Bai was ashamed for a moment.

He just wanted to try this natural fusion degree, and didn't consider the auxiliary materials at all.

And even if he considered it.

He didn't bring a high-precision electronic scale.


Xu Wenya was dumbfounded.

He didn't quite understand what Mu Bai meant.

And Su Xiaoyu next to him rolled her eyes, yawned, and said confidently: "This spirit core still has 24 hours of validity. Mu Bai means that you keep it first and I will give you the ratio tomorrow."

After saying that, she twisted her waist and turned her head to go to the next room to catch up on her sleep.

According to the return ticket, she can still sleep for three or four hours.

"Well, that's not what I meant."

Mu Bai looked at Su Xiaoyu who was trying to figure out what he meant, and said with some embarrassment: "I want to fuse the spirit core now."


Su Xiaoyu's feet were suspended in the air, and she turned her head mechanically.

"Are you sure?"


Su Xiaoyu's eyes were full of confusion.

She didn't understand.

"Right now, without adding any auxiliary materials, just fuse directly!"

Mu Bai nodded firmly.

He set his eyes on Xu Wenya, waiting for his choice.

In fact.

If a few auxiliary materials were added, the fusion degree of this spirit core could be raised to 100%.

But with such a high natural fusion degree.

Mu Bai always felt that it would be a pity not to try it.

"Will this work?"

Xu Wenya was also a little embarrassed at the moment, but when he asked this question, he had already mobilized his own source power to cover the spirit core.

"It's hard to say, maybe it will succeed!"

Mu Bai was unsure.

"Haha, your words are enough. As long as there is a possibility of success, I can give it a try!"

Xu Wenya laughed, and her life machine hovered above the spirit core, and her whole body's source power surged wildly.

However, time passed by.

There was no auxiliary material.

The shell of the spirit core was like an insulator, and Xu Wenya's source power could not penetrate it.

There was no sign of softening on the surface of the spirit core.

"What should I do?"

Xu Wenya looked up at Mu Bai.

Mu Bai obviously didn't expect this, and he quickly turned on the electronic eye.

He described the problem Xu Wenya was facing in detail.

"Identified a valid command, looking for the answer to the question."

Mu Bai nodded gently at Xu Wenya, indicating that he should be patient.

Ten breaths passed like this.

The electronic eye ejected a prompt box again.

"The surface structure of the spirit core is in a stable state, and the source power cannot penetrate it temporarily. You can try to use a third party to intervene and destroy its stability."

"Third party?"

Mu Bai frowned. In theory, the auxiliary material is a third-party substance.

"In addition to the auxiliary material, what other third party can destroy the stability of its surface structure?"

Mu Bai continued to ask.

This time, the electronic eye did not let Mu Bai wait for long.

It was almost a second reply.

"The methods to destroy the stability of the surface structure of the spirit core are:

One: Use a spirit core of the same level for high-intensity collision.

(The collision intensity needs to be controlled, and the spirit core has a certain probability of damage)

Two: Use auxiliary materials to slowly penetrate under the compression of the source power.

(It is necessary to control the ratio of auxiliary materials. After breaking the surface structure, the "more" or "less" participating materials will affect the fusion degree of the spirit core with the life machine.)

Three: Use auxiliary materials to penetrate a third-party spirit core, use a third-party spirit

The core covers the spiritual core, which can destroy the stability of the surface structure of the spiritual core.

(This method consumes a lot of energy and source power. It is recommended that multiple people cooperate to use it. Single people should use it with caution)"

As the electronic eye projected the relevant information into Mu Bai's mind.

He immediately understood the relevant operation methods.

"Hold on here!"

Mu Bai opened the spiritual core that Xu Wenya had sealed before and chose the one with the lowest value.

"88,000, it's yours!"

Mu Bai took out the spiritual core, glanced at it casually, and saw a nail clipper.

This thing itself is also a mixture of various elements.

Without considering the degree of fusion.

It can also be used as an auxiliary material.

"That's it!"

Mu Bai released the source power to cover the spiritual core and the nail clippers.

After a while, the surface of the spiritual core in his hand was softened, and the nail clippers were completely swallowed by it.

"Fatty, you control it, don't shake your hands! "

Mu Bai gave a warning, then controlled the spirit core and slowly moved towards Xu Wenya.

"No problem! "

A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Xu Wenya's forehead. As the two spirit cores slowly approached, the attraction between them gradually increased under the stimulation of the source power.

Just like a rubidium magnet.

Mu Bai was fine. When he entered the spirit core data earlier, the source power had already been replenished to full state.

The mental aspect was okay.

But Xu Wenya was not so good.

Just now he released the source power to smelt the spirit core and support the summoning of his life machine. At this moment, his source power was less than 1/3.

In addition, he was nervous all the way from Pengcheng to the Magic City.

Now his mental state is not so good.

As Mu Bai controlled the spirit core to slowly approach, Xu Wenya gradually lost control, and his fat palms began to tremble at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Mu Bai, who was next to him, saw that Fatty Xu's hands were shaking badly, and the attraction from the spirit core was getting stronger and stronger.

He hurriedly shouted to Su Xiaoyu next to him: "Xiaoyu, help fix the fat man's spirit core!"

"Okay! "

Su Xiaoyu vaguely guessed Mu Bai's plan at this moment.

At the moment Mu Bai ordered, she excitedly exerted her own source power and slowly enveloped Xu Wenya's spiritual core.

This is too exciting.

There was no introduction to this aspect in the textbooks before.

Could it be.

This is a new way of fusion?

Su Xiaoyu's breathing became rapid.

If only Sister Xizhu or Sister Xici were here.

"Fatty, you will directly invest in your life machine later! "Mu Baiding reminded.

With Su Xiaoyu's joining, Fatty Xu's pressure was greatly reduced.

In the end, he even withdrew most of his source power, and only needed to keep his mind pulling the spirit core and his life machine.

After a while.

The surfaces of the two spirit cores came into slight contact.

The spirit core in Xu Wenya's hand melted quickly like a candle touching a flame.

Su Xiaoyu and Mu Bai both had a layer of fine sweat on their foreheads at this moment.

The mutual suction force between the two spirit cores was nearly 100 kilograms!

This was tantamount to asking Mu Bai or Su Xiaoyu to lift a bag of food without contact by borrowing source power.

The consumption between them was beyond his ability to bear now!

The source power in the two people's bodies was venting crazily.

"Fatty, why are you still standing there? At most twenty breaths, I can't hold on any longer! "

Su Xiaoyu was furious when she saw Xu Wenya still had the mood to look at the spirit core in her hand.

In this case, if her hand shook a little, the two spirit cores would be scrapped.


"Oh, I'll fuse them now!"

Xu Wenya was scolded by Su Xiaoyu, and he reacted and quickly used his mind to pull his life machine into the spirit core.

"Fuck, what the hell is this! "

Xu Wenya's face turned pale, his life machine was suspended between the two spirit cores, and he clearly felt the attraction of Mu Bai's spirit core to his life machine.

Xu Wenya was tense and pushed his life machine with all his strength.

It lasted for five breaths.

He then pushed his life machine into the golden fruit wood spirit core under great pressure.

At the moment when Xu Wenya's spirit core was pushed in, Mu Bai and Su Xiaoyu looked at each other.

The two of them worked together to push to both sides.

It took a lot of effort to pull the two spirit cores ten centimeters apart.

The strong attraction disappeared in an instant.

The spirit core in Xu Wenya's hand also emitted a dazzling light at this moment.

Different from the past.

The time for Xu Wenya's life machine iteration this time was very long.

Under normal conditions, the iteration can be completed in a few seconds, or at most ten seconds.

This time it took nearly a minute.

Later, Xu Wenya's source power and mental power were not even needed. The spirit core seemed to have intelligence and drew source power from the space on its own.


Bai, is there any problem? "

Xu Wenya tried her best to clench her teeth, but she couldn't stop shaking while speaking.

This was the first time he heard of smelting a spirit core without auxiliary materials.

"It should be okay!"

Mu Bai stared at the spirit core in front of Xu Wenya with fiery eyes.

Such a long time has passed, success or failure, there must be one!

This has been hanging in the balance.

It's really tormenting.

However, just when the patience of the three people was constantly being worn out, the incandescent light suddenly flashed.

Mu Bai seemed to see a low tree shadow vaguely.

The light and shadow were instantly restrained.

Then there was a golden color all over his eyes.

"Fuck...Fuck? Success, success? "

Xu Wenya screamed in horror, like a duck with its throat pinched, and her face flushed in disbelief.

Compared with the original bright red fire extinguisher.

At this time, the appearance of his natal machine has not changed much, but its appearance seems to be coated with a layer of gold.

At the same time, it is eye-catching and gives a very vulgar feeling.

"Hey, no, Fatty, the tank of your fire extinguisher seems different."

Su Xiaoyu is more careful, and she quickly noticed the difference between the gold fire extinguisher and the previous natal machine.

The original fire extinguisher body structure is simple, just a single tank, but now this one is obviously much more complicated. Not only is the tank doubled in size, but there are also two faint depressions in the middle, as if the inside of the body is separated.

"Okay, Fatty's route is determined!"

Mu Bai looked at the tank in Xu Wenya's hand, and then compared it with the successful fusion effect diagram given by the electronic eye, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fatty's route, heavy tank? "

Su Xiaoyu blinked her eyes. At this time, Xu Wenya was still immersed in the shock of the single spirit core and the fusion iteration without auxiliary materials.

"You have to ask him personally!"

Mu Bai kept it a secret, patted Xu Wenya on the shoulder with a smile, and said: "How is it, has the route been determined?"

"Huh? Hahaha!"

Xu Wenya recovered, and he consciously checked his natal machine, his mouth almost grinning to the back of his head.

"According to the feedback from the natal machine, the iteration route is moving towards the ejector.

Now the main body has been iterated, and the subsequent iterations are: nozzle, nozzle seat plate, guide plate, diffuser and one-way valve.

Because it is similar to a fire extinguisher, I think the iteration difficulty is not high.

Since it is an ejector, combined with my initial talent of "absolute dispersion".

I can completely take the group control route! "

Xu Wenya smiled and took the gifted star back into his body.

He was very satisfied with this iteration direction.

Take the flamethrower and fire extinguisher in reality for comparison.

The strength of both is obvious.

Not to mention the difference between the natal machines.

The attack of this jet is in the form of aoe, a range attack. Compared with the weak fire extinguisher, the jet vacuum jet speed is obviously farther and faster.

Coupled with the characteristics of absolute dispersion, Xu Wenya has a lot of room for operation.

"You can be proud of it. It's been a month late, and it's finally iterated!"

Su Xiaoyu saw that Xu Wenya was emotional and in an excited state, and knew that this guy probably couldn't sleep tonight.

"Hehe, isn't this all thanks to Mu Bai! "

Xu Wenya placed the golden sprayer on the bed, took out her phone and took several photos.

At the same time as sending it to her parents, she also sent a copy to the private group.

"Okay, I see you can't sleep now, so you can help watch it for a while, and Xiaoyu and I will catch up on some sleep first?"

Mu Bai and Su Xiaoyu looked at each other.

It's the middle of the night, it would be a lie to say that they are not sleepy.

The morning alarm of Qingshan Courtyard rings at seven o'clock, and Mu Bai has not closed his eyes for nearly seventeen or eighteen hours.

"Ha, don't worry, I'm here, I'll call you when Lin Hao arrives! "

Xu Wenya nodded decisively.

Then he and Su Xiaoyu walked out of the room.

Su Xiaoyu pushed open the door of the next room, without taking off her clothes, and lay directly on the quilt, hugging a pillow and fell asleep.

And Xu Wenya went to the living room on the second floor and called his father directly.

Confirming the route.

It is necessary to talk to his parents, although it is already 1:30 in the morning.

After Xu Wenya called back, he was scolded by his mother and the call was hung up before he could finish three sentences.

But this did not affect his interest at all.

After wandering around in the living room for nearly an hour, Lin Hao finally rushed back.

"Ha, Fatty, has your life machine completed its first iteration? !"

Lin Hao smiled and pushed open the door, and saw the golden ejector at a glance.

He saw all the messages in the private group.

Because the distance was very close, he

I came here alone.

Lan Xizhu, Qin Shuyun and the other two were still waiting for Xing Yi at the airport.

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