The principle is similar to that of a tuning fork, which allows the blade to vibrate at a high frequency through vibration. The main components include a motor, a vibrator, a blade, and a blade head. These structures are relatively simple, and only five iterations are required to complete the reshaping of the natal mechanical body. Unlike Xing Yi, who lacked one iteration. Su Xiaoyu had one more iteration. Mu Bai thought about it. In the end, there was really no other way. He borrowed the electronic eye to help her natal mechanical temper a layer of protective film. Mu Bai used uranium elements very appropriately for this protective film. In this way, even if the source power is not infused, the vibration attribute can be stimulated. The natal mechanical itself can also have a certain lethality. "No matter how the natal machine is reshaped, the awakener itself will not be affected."

"But others don't know!"

Mu Bai looked at the iteration route he had sorted out, and felt a sour feeling for a while.

In terms of radiation, the awakeners can rely on the source power for protection.

But for those who have not awakened, it is dangerous.

If the iteration is successful.

Su Xiaoyu summons the natal machine all day and puts it on her body. Isn't it a mobile radiation source?

"Hey, Mu Bai, what are you doing!"

Su Xiaoyu saw Mu Bai squatting beside the coffee table, staring at the high-precision electronic scale, but he didn't move for a long time, and she was anxious.

She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Mu Bai, saying: "Are you missing any auxiliary materials?"

"Uh, not for the time being!" Mu Bai shook his head and came back to his senses.

"Forget it, let's iterate first!"

Mu Bai gritted his teeth secretly and started to match the auxiliary materials directly.

The first few iterations of the oscillating knife did not require the application of auxiliary materials for the control direction. Only the sixth iteration required uranium rod support.

And the amount required was not small.

A full 670g.

For this kind of element with high radiation and high strategic value.

Even if the application is approved, it must be used in front of the official and kept on file.

"Ordinary people can't use so much uranium for iteration."

"It seems that we have to report in advance."

"When you buy the spirit core tomorrow, fill out the application!"

Mu Bai rechecked the auxiliary materials, and finally confirmed that they were correct, and then handed them to Su Xiaoyu.

He had seen so many people iterate before.

Lan Xizhu and others were already familiar with the iteration process of the life machine.

After the three got the auxiliary materials.

Each of them moved aside a certain distance and started iterating directly.

The whole process was extremely smooth.

The first iteration was completed in less than half a minute.

"Haha, finally I don't have to worry about my life machine draining out its source power!"

Xing Yi held the life machine that was reshaped into a pair of crutches, and waved it a few times with a smile.

With the sound of the collision between the two.

Everyone was caught off guard and felt confused.

"Damn, your trait is too sinister!"

Xu Wenya recovered first.

He raised his hand and put it on Mu Bai's shoulder, exerting a little force.

"As long as the sound is emitted through the life machine, it has a hypnotic effect!"

Mu Bai shook his head.

He glanced at Xing Yi's crutches with lingering fear.

This is only the first iteration, and the crutches have not been widened into a shield.

If this becomes a shield crutches.

When the enemy target approaches, it will be hit by a careless bombardment.

This hypnosis is fatal.

In close combat, this short-term loss of consciousness is enough for Xing Yi to seize the initiative.

"Hey, Lin Hao hasn't come back yet?"

Just as everyone was sitting on the sofa chatting, Gu Xici walked out of the bathroom, leaning against the wall.

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