The only way to make a breakthrough is to go back to the beginning.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Lin Hao was a little unsure.

His talent was only one star, which meant he only had one chance to make mistakes.

If the iteration failed.

He might be stuck at the Black Iron level for the rest of his life.

So even though he and Mu Bai had known each other for more than two years, he didn't dare to try it easily.

"The feedback from the electronic eye is that your natal mechanical fusion of the Ice Crystal Snake Spirit Core is better than the fusion of the water spinach!"

Mu Bai told the electronic eye what he saw truthfully.

"Ice Crystal Snake Spirit Core?" Lin Hao's eyes widened.

He thought that the optimization Mu Bai was talking about was based on the water spinach spirit core.

He never expected that Mu Bai would directly suggest him to change a spirit core?

"I have looked up the same type of life machine, and there is no tutorial for integrating snakes."

Lin Hao shook his head and decisively put the pen back into his body.

At the same time, he also took back his water spinach spirit core.

What a joke.

His talent was originally low, and now he is betting on an unknown iteration route.

Isn't this a joke with his happiness in the second half of his life.

Lin Hao smiled apologetically at Mu Bai and said, "I'd better follow the tutorial and expand the space honestly!"

"Uh... I can understand!"

Mu Bai smiled bitterly. He was not surprised by Lin Hao's choice.

Put yourself in his shoes.

If this kind of thing happened to him, he might not believe it.

It's mainly because it's too bizarre.

"Ha, Mu Bai, is there anything I can optimize here?"

Gu Xici saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she quickly stepped out to smooth things over and said, "I have a detailed tutorial for the Black Iron level. The probability of using the three fault tolerances is quite small. If you have a suitable optimization route, I can give you an experiment here!"

Anyway, there is a talent star to protect when merging.

If the effect is not ideal, just shatter it directly.

With her mother's detailed iteration route, the probability of her three-star talent being used at the Black Iron level is very small.

As for the Bronze level.

The talent stars have been refreshed.

Even if she uses up all three talent stars, she will breed three stars again when she advances to the Bronze level.

And even if she doesn't use any of them, it won't increase when she reaches the Bronze level.

This thing is refreshed once at each major level, and the number of initial numbers is the same as the number of final refreshes.


Mu Bai listened to Gu Xici's soft voice, and he was moved.

He looked through the data given by the electronic eye.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what the final iteration effect will be, but I can indeed provide you with a relevant optimization route."

"Ha, the iteration effect here is okay."

Gu Xici smiled sweetly and said without hiding: "According to the fusion tutorial my mother gave me, I should be able to reshape an energy magazine with a capacity of 8."

The initial characteristics of everyone's life machine need professional evaluation.

But Mu Bai's evaluation cost is too high.

It actually requires a talent star.

It is estimated that only Gu Xici, who has little experience, is willing to take the risk of the talent star.

Put it on other people.

Even the official professional evaluation agency may have to be scared.

"Hey, do you have paper and pen here?"

Seeing that Gu Xici trusted him so much and was willing to be a guinea pig, Mu Bai didn't know what to say.


Gu Xici walked to the side of the small living room and took out a notebook and a signature pen in a short while.

Mu Bai took the pen and the notebook, and directly recorded the ratio of consumables required for the optimal route given by the electronic eye.

Mu Bai had already checked the effect diagram of the optimal route iteration in advance.

It was also the shape of a magazine.

The effect was 12 rounds of ammunition capacity.

However, Mu Bai was not prepared to give the data. He carefully checked the written ratio and made sure it was correct before handing it to Gu Xici, saying with a serious face: "This is the ratio of consumables I saw through the electronic eye, and I don't know how it works."

It was terrifying to be able to give optimization.

Mu Bai didn't dare to say anything about 100% fusion at this time, or directly tell the effect after fusion.

"Well, 14 kinds of consumables, 3 more materials, this ratio of consumables is completely different from what my mother gave me!"

Gu Xici held the notebook and compared the data carefully.

It was found that not only all the consumables her mother gave her were included, but also

This gave Gu Xici a glimmer of hope.


Wasn't it just given randomly?

After all, she didn't tell him the types of consumables in advance.

"If you want to do the experiment now, you have to wait for me. I need to prepare the consumables again."

Gu Xici smiled and closed the notebook and held it in his arms.

She has all the regular consumables at home.

Some need special storage.

Then you can only go to the official website to apply for purchase.

Fortunately, the three new consumables added by Mu Bai are all regular and do not need to be purchased.

"Hey, big sister, just prepare with peace of mind, we have plenty of time anyway!"

Su Xiaoyu comforted, after hearing that Mu Bai could perform fusion optimization, and Gu Xici planned to test it himself.

She directly threw the ice crystal snake spirit core back into the wooden box.

By the way, even the life machine was taken back into the body.

If the test results are confirmed to be true.

That would give us a lot more options!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up.

The people next to her obviously thought of this and stopped all of them.

After a while,

Gu Xici returned to the living room with a bunch of weighed bottles and jars.

"Hey, everything is ready!"

Gu Xici placed the consumables on the coffee table, went to the third floor again, and took out a high-precision electronic scale.

"The accuracy of this scale is 0.001g-100g, I'll check it again!"

Gu Xici pursed her lips and put the electronic scale in place.

She compared the data given by Mu Bai, used the source power to take out the different types of consumables from the bottles and jars, repeated the weighing three times, confirmed that the data was accurate, and then put it aside.

Everything was ready. Gu Xici turned to Mu Bai and said, "Mu Bai, I'm ready to fuse!"


Mu Bai nodded heavily.

All of Gu Xici's preparations were carried out under everyone's eyes.

All the material ratios were in accordance with the data he gave, without any error.

This was the first fusion, and not only was Gu Xici nervous.

Even Mu Bai himself was very nervous.

If Gu Xici failed in the fusion.

Then he might not have anyone to experiment with the data.

"Then I'll start!"

Gu Xici calmly summoned his life machine.

A hollow steel pipe more than ten centimeters long suddenly appeared in her white palm.

Gu Xici narrowed his eyes slightly.

The source of power in front of him was continuously released.

Just a few breaths after the hollow steel pipe appeared, a transparent star fell from Gu Xici's forehead.

Then he casually wrapped the hollow steel pipe inside.

After everything was ready.

Gu Xici stretched out his hand and the water spinach spirit core that belonged to her on the coffee table, along with those auxiliary consumables, flew over together.

Quietly suspended above the hollow steel pipe and the gifted star.

As Gu Xici's source power continued to wash the consumables and the spirit core, the surface of the spirit core slowly deformed.

About ten breaths passed.

The spirit core seemed to have reached a critical point.

He suddenly collapsed inward, swallowing up those consumables in an instant, and melting into a solution similar to "molten iron" inside.


Under Gu Xici's traction, the spirit core swallowed up the life machine and the gifted star at the same time.

For a while, the spirit core was full of fire.

The dazzling light flashed at a high frequency, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

But fortunately it didn't last long.

After about ten breaths, the light gradually dimmed.

The basic structure of a heavy sniper rifle slowly emerged in front of everyone.

It looked very rough.

"Is this... the whole process of fusion?"

Mu Bai swallowed his saliva.

The suspended iterative product in Gu Xici's hand, in the previous life, looked a bit like something made by a soldering iron in a small workshop.

A steel pipe dragged a magazine, simply welded together.

The upper part of the magazine should have been the precise internal structure of the gun body, but now it was empty.

However, the structure of the magazine part was extremely delicate, completely showing two extremes.

If it was a rough shape.

The first impression given was that the iteration failed.

However, judging from Gu Xici's expression.

She seemed very satisfied with the result.

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