[Bai Ling Dan]

Huashan Sect's unique elixir, which can increase one's strength by ten years, remove all poisons in the martial arts world, cure diseases, regenerate muscles, and heal serious injuries.

""What the hell?"

Jiang Chen was shocked.

This kind of elixir can almost be said to be on the same level as Shaolin's Great Rejuvenating Pill.

The only difference is that the effect is slightly inferior. After all, the Great Rejuvenating Pill can bring the dead back to life and heal all injuries.


The inner strength of strengthening is also inferior

"But this pill is still ridiculously strong. How could Anya have such a thing?"

Even if Jiang Chen didn't know much about the martial arts world, he should know that this kind of pill is definitely a good thing that everyone in the martial arts world is scrambling for.

Internal force.

It is a relatively special existence in cultivation.

Among the attributes, there is a column for internal strength.

Practicing internal strength and improving the level can increase the internal strength and internal force at the same time.

However, the level of internal strength is not completely equal to the amount of internal force.

Because after the internal strength reaches the maximum level, even if you don't continue to break through, as long as you practice the mind method, you can increase the internal force value over the years.

In short, as long as you don't die, and If you keep practicing the inner strength method, your inner strength will increase year by year.

This is power!

Due to the different levels of inner strength and the different levels of personal diligence, the inner strength that each person can obtain each year is different.

But it is generally believed in the martial arts world that 1,000 points of internal strength is one year of power.

The Great Huan Dan can increase the power by one decade, or 60 years.

In other words, one Great Huan Dan can directly increase the internal strength by 60,000 points.


The Bailing Dan in front of you has a slightly worse effect, but it can also increase the power by ten years.

10,000 points of internal strength!

Not counting the effects of healing and detoxification, just swallowing it can directly gain 10,000 points of internal strength.

"Swallow this pill and save yourself ten years of detours!"

Good guy.

This kind of thing, no matter how you think about it, should not be available to a new martial arts gym member.

Even in a sect, you have to fight hard to get this pill, right?

In addition to skill, detoxification and healing are actually more important.

In the martial arts world, there are countless sects that use poison. If you are not careful, no matter how high your cultivation is, you can only be bullied.

In the martial arts world, swords and knives are blind, and fighting is endless. If you die one day, your cultivation and decades of hard work will be wasted in an instant.

At this time, if there is a pill that can directly pull you back from the brink of death, how much would you spend to buy it?

The most terrifying thing is not the price.

And when you want to buy it, no one squats next to you to sell it to you.......

"Don't move for now."

Jiang Chen thought about it again and again, but still didn't swallow the Bailing Pill.

The martial arts world is dangerous, and you always have to have a trump card to protect yourself.

As for ten years of skills?

Jiang Chen is not in a hurry.

A hundred times the comprehension, I practice for a year, others must practice for a hundred years?


The detoxification and healing of the Bailing Pill are more important to me.

At the critical moment, more lives!......

"Anya, where did she get the Bailing Pill? It couldn't be that Yuan Hua gave it to her, right?"

After thinking it over, Jiang Chen felt something was wrong.

"Depend on!"

"This guy is really willing to spend a lot of money to pick up girls~!?"

After thinking about it, only Yuan Hua has the ability to get this kind of medicine.

In this case,

Anya is really not bragging.

Yuan Hua's father is definitely an expert among experts in Huashan, otherwise he would never give this kind of medicine to his son instead of keeping it for himself.

After all, no matter how important his son is, he can't be worth his own life.

Unless he has this kind of medicine in his hand, he will definitely not give it away.

If a person can get multiple Bailing Pills, then his cultivation must be extremely high.......


This is a bit troublesome~

Jiang Chen was originally just a little worried about Huashan Society, but now that the Bailing Pill is in his hands, he must be extremely careful.


I didn't do anything, but my stomach growled first

"Let's eat first~"

Jiang Chen had some food at home, but he didn't plan to use it now. He had to go to a restaurant! Where to go next?

Still go to Huashan?

After stealing the Bailing Pill from Huashan, why go to Huashan?

Why not?

The Bailing Pill was taken from Anya, what does it have to do with Huashan?.....

Just as he was leaving the house, several figures suddenly blocked Jiang Chen's way.

""You rapist, I knew you were going to run away!"

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that it was Lin Tao who had just been knocked unconscious by him.

And the woman next to him, who else could it be but Anya?

In addition, there were several people holding knives, wearing combat uniforms, with a word"anger" tattooed on their chests.

The Angry Wind Gang?


The Wrath of Wind Gang was definitely not here to treat him to a meal.

He just didn't expect that the Wrath of Wind Gang would find him before the Huashan Club arrived.

How much must Lin Tao, a bootlicker, have to do such a thing?

"A lecher?!"

Jiang Chen almost vomited


With your looks, you always call people lechers. Do you really think that others are blind?~

"You are Jiang Chen, right?"

A member of the gang spoke first with a nasty look on his face.

"His grandmother's little bastard~"

"How dare you be an undercover agent of the Demon Cult and kill people and rob people under the nose of our Lin Hall Master?"

While speaking, a man dressed in black brocade clothes and holding a goose feather knife came to the center of the street. Looking at his facial features, he was a little bit similar to Lin Tao.

It was the leader of the Blade Hall of the Nufeng Gang, Lin Hai

"How many more spies are there in the Demon Cult? What is the plan this time?"

Demon Cult?


When the people on both sides of the street heard the word Demon Cult, they all showed anger.

Some people with swords on their waists and some people with cultivation wanted to draw their swords and step forward.

The Demon Cult has such a bad reputation, not only because it is an evil sect.

More importantly, Huashan and the Demon Cult are two forces with deep hatred. They have been fighting for many years. The two sides have fought many times and killed countless people.

If you are a disciple of Huashan, you must have your fellow disciples, friends, and lovers who died tragically under the sword of the Demon Cult and suffered all kinds of ravages.

With such grudges, how can you not hate them?���?


Jiang Chen was slightly stunned, and immediately shouted:"Keep your mouth shut, who the hell do you say is the spy of the Demon Cult?"

In public, with the strength of the Wrath of Wind Gang, killing someone in the street is actually nothing.

But this is South City.

At the foot of Huashan Mountain.

It can be said that this is the only way for Huashan disciples to enter and leave the sect and perform tasks. If this person is labeled as a spy of the Demon Cult by the Wrath of Wind Gang, let alone any chivalrous men in the world will come to help, I am afraid that thousands of Huashan masters will be angry and hunt him down.

Now there is no need for Huashan to intervene, and he is already in a state of no return.

"I have lived in South City since I was a child, on this street. If you slander me, be careful or I will sue you for defamation!"

"Spy Spy..."

"That bitch said your mom was a spy, and you believed it?"



Jiang Chen gathered his inner strength and spoke in a voice as loud as a bell. His words were well-reasoned and well-founded.

The people around him were also a little confused at the moment and it was difficult for them to interrupt him.


"Over the past hundred years, the Demon Cult has been trying to destroy us. They have been making frequent moves recently. I think they are planning to use your spies who have been hiding for many years to capture South City in one fell swoop.~"

"Traitor, when you are sent to the punishment hall, I will see how hard you can keep your mouth shut! ?"

Lin Hai looked indifferent, his mouth turned down, and he waved his hand:

"Come on, catch this thief!"

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