The crowd was in chaos.

Lin Tao was even more chaotic.

"Cousin, look...What do you think we should do now?"


Lin Hai gave Lin Tao a fierce look, which immediately made him shudder. Then he turned around and shouted:


"Anyone who killed my Windfury Gang must pay with blood!"

"Inform the gang, send people to keep a close watch on all the city gates, and never let that kid out of the city!" Whether he is a spy from the Demon Cult or not,

Lin Hai doesn't care. He is the leader of the Sword Hall, and he personally led the team to attack, but in the end, a stinky boy killed two people in the street.

This loss of face is too big.

If it is not recovered, the Angry Wind Gang will not be able to raise its head among the gangs in South City in the future, and will become a laughing stock.

And he, the leader of the hall, will also be punished.......

South City Old Street.

Jiang Chen turned into a swallow, flying through the air, landing on the eaves from time to time, using the force to turn, and shuttled gracefully over the streets and among many buildings.

But behind him.

The people of the Fury Gang were also not vague, even if their Qinggong didn't look so cool, their speed was not slow at all.


"You haven't died before, right?"

Jiang Chen retreated because his internal energy was empty and he had no way to continue........

Internal Force.

It can be restored by meditation, but the efficiency is very slow, and it takes about three hours to restore it.

Daily exercise can also restore it, but it is slower.

As for pills.

Ordinary Qi-recovering pills can only restore about 30% in half a quarter of an hour.

The best ones, such as the Bailing Pill, can naturally restore it to full in one breath.

"It's a bit of a waste to eat the Bailing Pill now."

Jiang Chen certainly didn't plan to use it.

As for the internal force, he still had to see if the internal force could be restored.

Just now, in the battle on the long street, he got nearly 200,000 experience points.

It must be said that when fighting with a master, the experience points are soaring.~

"A low-level martial art, when upgraded to level 50, would require a total of about 7 million experience points, but he only needed about 70,000. Considering his current level, he would probably only need more than 60,000."


Just a few hundred thousand experience points, it's worth it.

In the previous battle, Jiang Chen had already discovered that in a life-and-death fight, it is not only martial arts that can determine victory or defeat.

Rather, martial arts, internal strength, and body movements are all indispensable.

If it weren't for Feiyan, he wouldn't be able to reverse the situation of being surrounded.

If it weren't for his shallow internal strength, he would have turned around to kill the pursuers.

"First improve your internal strength and body skills, and the rest will be all sword skills."


【Feiyan breaks through the upper limit! Current level, level 500%!】


【The Great Ming Power has broken through the upper limit! Current level, level 500%!】


【Daming Sword Skills breaks through the upper limit! Current level, 55 level 8%!】......

【[Martial Arts]

Daming Sword

Skill Grade: Grade 1

Level: Level 55 8%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 55%, increased by 448 strength, 224 points of agility, and 112 points of root bone.

Additional bonus: Sword skill move conversion speed increased by 40%, when using internal force, can stimulate up to two sword qi (sword qi power is equivalent to 40% of the total power of the sword skill)

Second stage bonus: increase 60 points of strength, 60 points of agility, 60 points of root bone



Grade: None

Level: Level 50 0%

Attribute: Increase agility by 250 points

Additional bonus: When using Qinggong, you can enter the accelerated state, and increase the movement speed by an additional 100% (need to consume internal force)

Five-stage bonus: Increase agility by 100 points, lighten your body (when using internal force, you can reduce your weight by 50%)

【[Internal Strength]

Great Ming Jin

Grade: None

Level: Level 50 0%

Attributes: Increase internal strength by 250 points, increase internal strength by 750 points

Additional bonus: Increase internal strength recovery speed by 50%, increase internal strength burst speed by 50%

Fifth stage bonus: Increase internal strength by 100 points, make internal strength stronger (internal strength cohesion is improved, and the power of external true qi is increased by 50%)

【Available experience points: 170 points】......

"Grade martial arts, 20 levels each stage, it seems that the next bonus will require at least level 60 to obtain"

"And there is another point, the stage bonus of grade martial arts is not that much~"

Jiang Chen thought secretly.

But it is true.

Others have worked hard to break through the limit level, and you also broke through, and the bonus is even more terrifying. Isn't it equivalent to not leveling, but widening the gap?

In fact, with the current bonus value, the first-grade martial arts have already surpassed the inferior martial arts by a lot.

What surprised Jiang Chen was that the stages of inferior martial arts were faster and easier to break through, but they gained additional stage special effects. Improve your energy and lighten your body.

Reduce your own weight by 50%!

"Good stuff!"

When Jiang Chen used Qinggong just now, he felt that his body was out of tune in the air. It was too heavy and too clumsy.

He couldn't be as light as a bird.

At this moment, he exerted a little strength, and his body weight was reduced by half.

The boy who originally weighed more than 100 pounds was only more than 50 pounds at this moment.

The effect can be imagined.

If it was lighter, he would really float up.

In the air.

Jiang Chen climbed onto the top of the five-story building and jumped up. His light figure was as graceful as a startled wild goose, like a floating duckweed.

It seemed slow, but in the blink of an eye, he had already swept a hundred meters away.



Is this taking off?


This is like a fucking cow riding a plane! It's so awesome!......

Behind him.

The chasing members of the Fury Gang were suddenly confused.

"Damn, this kid's lightness skill is simply amazing.~"


"How can one master this light skill without thirty years of practice?"

"You say this is a newbie?"

"Damn it, even dogs wouldn’t believe it!"......


As the unique light skill that Coach Wang is proud of, it did not disappoint Jiang Chen.

And the extra bonus obtained by the strong internal energy can almost be said to be entirely for the sword energy.

Internal energy itself has a power bonus, and an additional 50% is just a few attribute points.

However, the increase in the power of the true energy brought about by the increase in the concentration of internal energy is directly added to the sword energy.

Now, even if the sword energy after the bonus is not as good as his full-strength sword, it should have at least 60% to 70% of its power.


Jiang Chen stopped and landed beside the river bank:"Panel!"

【Jiang Chen】

【Level: Third-rate】

【Health: 697】

【Internal Force: 2500】

【Attack: 1375】

【Attack speed: 11.24 (attacks per second)】

【Movement speed: 59.92 (distance moved per second/meter)】

【Strength: 530】

【Body Movement: 649】

【Root bone: 199】

【Internal Strength: 350】

【Perception: 1000】

【Fortune: Unknown】......


""Within one day, he has become a third-rate player!"

This speed is absolutely explosive~

Moreover, he is not just an ordinary third-rate player, but his swordsmanship, internal strength, and body skills are all third-rate players.

Just looking at his martial arts skills, he has already left ordinary third-rate players far behind.

If you take into account his comprehension, then he is not something that other third-rate players can compare to.

Comprehension is not only reflected in cultivation, but is also equally important in battle.

Although Jiang Chen has been practicing for a short time, he has fought many times.

During several battles, he was able to find the flaws and weaknesses of the opponent's moves in time and attack them.

The comprehension and use of moves are also determined by comprehension.

For example, Wandering in All Directions.

This move, in the original swordsmanship, should be four attacks in the east, west, south, and north.

Just now, Jiang Chen took advantage of his identity given by the swordsmanship, splitting the sword into two, attacking two people at the same time, making the enemy completely confused.

"Well, with my current speed, I can probably kill four with one sword."

Too fast.

The 50-level Feiyan's agility bonus, the lightness of the body, the increase in speed is simply explosive.

The internal force value is fully restored.

Jiang Chen feels full of strength at this moment.


"Depend on!"

""I'm really hungry~"

Jiang Chen cursed inwardly, and turned his head to see three figures, bang bang, landing nearby. They were the swordsmen of the Wind Rage Gang who were chasing him.

As if they hadn't seen him,

Jiang Chen turned around and walked straight to a wonton stall on the riverbank not far away, and sat down openly.

"Boss, give me three bowls of wontons~"

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