"What did you say!?"

The person on the other side shouted and immediately slammed the table and stood up.


The small table by the river was instantly shattered by the other party's palm power.

Deep internal energy, bursting out instantly.

Even though the distance was more than ten meters, the amazing internal energy was like a substance, pressing Jiang Chen's face so hard that it hurt.


What level of internal energy cultivation must be able to use internal energy to push the body dozens of meters away?


How could such a heaven-defying master exist in the small South City?

In fact, Jiang Chen was a rookie and didn't even have a sect. How could he not have seen a few masters in the world.

But the man in front of him, with just an internal energy burst, was able to suppress the area within dozens of meters around him before he made a move.

It was really too terrifying.



Jiang Chen did not move, nor did he panic.

Facing this level of master, nothing he did was actually useful.

However, among the players, Jiang Chen really had never heard of such a perverted cultivation. Even if there was one, it should not be so plainly dressed.

Therefore, the opponent could only be an NPC.

For others, encountering an NPC of this level was definitely a fortuitous encounter.

What amazing bones, what heaven-defying skills, what divine power initiation......

It's all possible!

But, for me, it seems that I messed up.

It's so funny!

Jiang Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing.


"Are you going to kill someone just because of a disagreement?"

"Good, good, good, you understand very quickly~"


The man with his back to Jiang Chen suddenly put his palms together, chanted a Buddhist name, and layers of golden light suddenly appeared all over his body. The terrifying internal energy bursting out in the field melted away like snowflakes under the golden light.


With a light shout, he instantly stopped the other party.

But the anger between his eyebrows was still there.

"Senior sister~ This person is vicious and ruthless....It is so vicious. If we don't take care of it, it will become a peerless demon in the future!"


The woman called Senior Sister sighed slightly, stood up slowly, and looked at Jiang Chen

"The Jianghu is in turmoil, worse than a hundred years ago."

"But seeing that you have achieved internal strength at such a young age and have extraordinary swordsmanship, if you can stop at the brink and be kind-hearted, you will be able to be of use to the people of the world within three years."


It was not until this time that

Jiang Chen finally saw the other person's appearance clearly.


Even the blue clothes and plain cloth could not hide her stunning beauty.

Her facial features were natural, and her eyes were like the stars. She was like a lotus in clear water, naturally without any decoration!

Such a beauty, if you can see one in this life, you probably have to burn incense for eight lifetimes to beg for it.

And now, there are two people standing in front of Jiang Chen.

If the appearance of the two of them is a full score of 100, then Anya, who has a large number of licking dogs in the martial arts hall, is directly a failure.

Of course,

Anya's actual appearance is not bad. Speaking of appearance, compared with the two of them, she can barely pass, and even have 80 points level.

But in terms of temperament, it is a direct killing, there is no comparison.

Standing at a street stall, one can see at a glance the feeling of"after the spiritual rain in the empty mountain, it is like a dream come true".

If you have to use one word to describe it.

It can only be"fairy"!

Too fairy~

The same stunning beauty, the same temperament.

Double happiness!

If there is a difference, the one who was angry just now was a little immature, while the one who persuaded Jiang Chen had three more points of background.

Not like sisters, but like twins.



Tsk tsk, if this is replaced by a licking dog, it is estimated that he will kneel on the spot.

Jiang Chen must be thankful that he has a special mentality and is naturally immune

"Everyone in the world?"

"What does the world have to do with me?"


"If you can't even take care of your own life and property, how can you still care about the people of the world?"......

"The grudges in the martial arts world are only the affairs of one person."

"Peace in the world is a matter of millions of people"

"The great hero Guo of the Song Dynasty once said that the greatest heroes serve their country and their people."

"Fei Xuan believes that people who practice martial arts should take the world into consideration, otherwise if they only pursue power, they will eventually embark on the path of evil...."

Having said this, Shi Feixuan hesitated for a moment and looked at Jiang Chen with a sincere look:

"Meeting is fate"

"Since you said you can't care about your life, why don't you go with Feixuan?"


Jiang Chen was shocked by the other person's appearance, and for a moment he couldn't remember who the other person was.

Cihang Jingzhai, Master Feixuan!

Then her junior sister...Why haven't I heard of the name?

But that's not right~

The Ming Dynasty also had descendants of Cihang Jingzhai, but the ones who came out should be Qin Mengyao and Jin Bingyun...

Why did Shi Feixuan come to the Ming Dynasty instead of staying in the Tang Dynasty?

To steal the jobs of her family members?

To do other people's work and leave them with nothing to do?......

As for going with her?

It seems that she is planning to use the ultimate killer move of Cihang Jingzhai, persuasion!

Facing the devil in the world.

This move can be called a sure kill!

In the Sui Dynasty, Bi Xiuxin used a move of persuasion to directly abolish the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

In the Ming Dynasty, Yan Jing'an called a dog and directly made the magic master Pang Ban dizzy and couldn't even find his home. He was offline for decades on the spot.

As for Shi Feixuan, she was born in the top green tea club in the world of Zongwu, and she is also a master in this field.

If Anya is a third-rate green tea, then Shi Feixuan is the grandmaster of green tea, one step away from entering the realm of heaven and man.

It can be said that her licking dogs are not only numerous, but also of extremely high quality.

All of them are masters, and all of them are willing to accompany her.

No matter what it is, as long as she opens her mouth, the licking dogs can give it to her.

Even brothers, even thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

The most important thing is that once this licking dog title is hung, it is a lifelong system.

No matter how many years have passed, as long as she comes back, she can immediately awaken your dog-licking memory and activate your dog-licking nature.


When she first came out of the mountain, she also used a lot of her master Fan Qinghui's old dog-licking. After a few years, her own dog-licking team was basically formed.

Master, really a master!

In the past.

Jiang Chen felt that Tiandao Song Que and Magic Master Pang Ban probably had brain surgery and moved their heads to their buttocks, so that they could put down the country and the people and pursue hegemony after only meeting once.

After meeting, Jiang Chen finally understood that this kind of top-level green tea really has that kind of almost metaphysical power that makes people unable to extricate themselves.......

"Sorry, I have no interest in being a licker."

"The world has nothing to do with me, and you have nothing to do with me either."

Faced with Shi Feixuan's invitation to go with him, there are definitely no more than three men in the world who can directly refuse.

And Jiang Chen is one of them.

"What is a dog licker?"

Shi Feixuan was a little confused about this term.

Wu Qianyue seemed to understand, and immediately glanced at Jiang Chen angrily:"Senior sister, this person speaks abusively, does not distinguish right from wrong, and ignores our kindness. Why do you still care about him! ?"

Shi Feixuan said:


"At such a young age, you have been able to cultivate the Great Ming Sword Technique to such a level, which shows that your intelligence and understanding are all extraordinary."

"At this moment, I am in the midst of the grudges in the martial arts world and it is difficult to escape."

While speaking, Shi Feixuan glanced at the distance from the corner of her eye.

There were dozens of figures between the buildings, leaping and flying, performing Qinggong, and rushing towards them.

"Although Fei Xuan is not considered a martial arts expert, she knows a thing or two about swordsmanship. She is confident that she can protect you and help you escape from this vortex of grievances."

That's right.

Not only can you travel with a beautiful woman, but you can also ask her for advice on swordsmanship.

You know, that's the Cihang Sword Canon! It

's beyond the level of unique skills and is included in the ranks of divine books.

If Hou Xibai came here on this day, his teeth would be crooked from smiling~

However, traveling with such a top-level Green Tea Club member, even Jiang Chen would be worried about being tricked.

What is top-level?

Top-level means extremely superb means that you can be tricked without knowing it!

Think about Shi Zhixuan, Xu Ziling, Pang Ban, which one is not a genius, which one is not a shrewd person.

Even they are going to be tricked, why can't you be tricked?

Metaphysics! The main point is that you know you are going to be tricked, but you still can't defend yourself.


Jiang Chen would not give the other party a chance at all, and waved his hand directly:"Not interested, goodbye! Oh, no, I won't see you!"


Shi Feixuan's eyes flashed with surprise, and she nodded silently.

"Since you have made up your mind, Feixuan can't force it."

"If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again in the rivers and lakes."

After saying that,

Shi Feixuan pulled Wu Qianyue up and jumped into the river. She lightly touched the surface of the river with her toes and floated away, leaving only a few ripples.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Chen barely managed to handle it:

"Boss, have they paid yet? Let me first tell you, I’m not familiar with them~"

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