
【Battle victory, experience points gained, 182,000 points】


【Fighting one against many, gain extra experience points, 100,000 points】


【Kill the enemy in desperate situation, get extra experience points, 100,000 points】......

Jiang Chen had no time to check, and when the white light faded, he took Lin Hai's Qiankun bag directly.

In the field.

Some members of the Sword Hall were still alive.

"No...don't want..."

Facing Jiang Chen again, they were left with only fear.

It was too horrible!

An entire sword hall was destroyed in his hands alone. Even the hall master was dead. What else could they do to resist?

Being seriously injured was only painful.

But death was definitely a torment ten thousand times more painful than pain.

"Do not kill me!"

"I beg you~"

"It took me eight years to reach my current level of cultivation. Really, I really don't want to die...."

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Jiang Chen used Qinggong to kill all the members of the Sword Hall with one sword. He had no experience in killing these people at this moment, but Jiang Chen could not let them leave alive.

As for the scattered Qiankun bags, there was no time to look for them carefully.

This battle made too much noise. Outside the river bank, there were countless eyes watching.

Although Nancheng is not big, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

Even Shi Feixuan can run here. Who would believe that there are no other masters?

Except for the NPC forces.

There are more than one player guilds, and the Fury of the Wind Gang has more than one branch.

Lin Hai is not the strongest in the Fury of the Wind Gang.

So be quick.

Jiang Chen hastily collected the results of the battle, immediately used Qinggong, and flashed into the intricate streets and alleys.......

Outside the river bank, people from the underworld soon gathered around.


"The fighting in the city hasn't been this fierce for some years.~"

"The people are from the Blade Hall of the Wind Fury Gang. It seems that all of them are dead, even the leader is dead."

"Tsk tsk, now the Black Tiger Gang and the Viper Gang are going to fire cannons to celebrate!"

"Who says it isn't?~"

"It was a big gang, all the members were mobilized, but they were all killed by a rookie"

"What's that guy's name? I've never seen him before."

"have no idea~"

"But looking at his Daming Sword Skill, it was really outrageous, it seemed like he was almost at level 100."

Level 100?


The gossipers who were listening in were shocked:"This is abnormal, Daming Sword Skill is level 100, is he going to the sky?"

Just as they were about to ask for details, a group of people walked like wolves and tigers and came to the center of the battlefield.

The onlookers were immediately silent.

"Hush! Keep your voice down! Elder Leng from the Stormrage Gang has arrived!"

"Hehe~ Now there is something interesting to watch"......

Leng Ruian was dressed in white, with a jade belt on his waist and a folding fan in his hand.

If you hadn't recognized him as the elder of the Nufeng Gang, you might have thought he was just a handsome scholar.

However, if you were closer and saw that extremely gloomy face and murderous eyes, you would know that this person is not to be trifled with.

It has been eight years.

Since the gang leader's martial arts skills have been perfected, he has never suffered such a big loss.

An entire hall was wiped out.

This is intolerable in any gang.

If the action was outside the city, it could be covered up to some extent, and manpower could be replenished as soon as possible to avoid being attacked by other gangs.

But now, in the South City, in full view of everyone, the Knife Hall was destroyed.

And it was destroyed by a newcomer.

This is almost like roasting the Nufeng Gang on the fire. If it is not handled properly, the reputation of the Nufeng Gang will inevitably plummet!

By then, everyone will push the wall down, and the Nufeng Gang, which has stood for decades, may even fall in this storm....

"Lock down the whole city! Search for me!"

"Everyone listen~"

"Anyone who kills Jiang Chen will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver and a copy of the sixth-grade martial arts!"

"Anyone who dares to help Jiang Chen will be the mortal enemy of our Nufeng Gang and will be killed without mercy!!"

No matter what, Jiang Chen must die!

And he must die quickly and miserably!

Otherwise, it will not be enough to deter the rest of the forces in South City.


Leng Ruian suddenly opened the folding fan in his hand, and his cold eyes swept around:"Tonight, this elder wants to see who will jump out first to seek death...."......

Across the river, in the teahouse,

Shi Feixuan sat down slowly.

Wu Qianyue thought to herself that it was a pity, and turned around to ask,"Senior sister, did that little bastard run away?"~?"

"If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again."

Shi Feixuan was not in a hurry, not at all.

Because she was waiting for someone.

As for Jiang Chen, it was just an accident.


A Buddhist chant suddenly sounded in the teahouse. It sounded very far away, as if it was still downstairs, but when I looked up, I saw an old monk with a short stature and kind eyes, walking slowly towards me.

Shi Feixuan stood up and clasped her hands together in greeting:"Master Fangzheng, Taoist Chongxu."

Only then did I realize that there was another Taoist priest beside the old monk.

And he was the famous Wudang Sect Leader, Taoist Chongxu.

Who would have thought that the two major sects, often called the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts world, and the two major sect leaders would appear in a small teahouse at the same time?

"Over the past hundred years, the fighting in the martial arts world has never stopped, but has become more and more intense."

Master Chongxu looked at the other side intentionally or unintentionally.

"Nowadays, even at the foot of Mount Hua, there is no peace. If we look at the world, I am afraid it will be even worse...."

"It is just as the Taoist said."Shi Feixuan nodded slightly."Nowadays, there are so many masters and strong men in the martial arts world. Many forces are fighting against each other and refusing to give in. If this continues, I am afraid that a catastrophe that will sweep across many dynasties is not far away."

"When a country prospers, the people suffer. When a country perishes, the people suffer."

Master Fang Zheng put his palms together, with a look of compassion.

"If the fairy master can resolve the grudges in the martial arts world and eliminate the catastrophe in the world when she comes down from the mountain this time, it will be a great merit."

"Feixuan does not envy merits, but only hopes that the world can be peaceful and tranquil, and the people can live and work in peace."After Shi Feixuan finished speaking, she asked the two of them to sit down, and then took out a list from her arms.

"This is the list of candidates that Feixuan has prepared. I hope you two masters will review it."

The list slowly unfolded.

���The first name that appeared was Feng Qingyang.

Following closely behind was the great hero Yan Nantian.

After that, Master Fangzheng and Taoist Chongxu also appeared on the list.

Continuing down ,

Lingxi pointed at Lu Xiaofeng.

Sword Marquis Mu Bai.

Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng.

Iron-hearted Marquis Zhu Wushi.

Yihua Palace, Hua Wuque, Hua Wuling.

Sword Sect Qin Shang......

If there were any people in the martial arts world here, they would definitely find that all the masters of the Ming Dynasty, whether NPCs or players, were listed.


"Before I came here, I thought that Master Fairy had already shortlisted the candidates."Master Fangzheng looked at such a long list and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Master Feixuan couldn't help but smile bitterly:"There are so many masters in the martial arts world, and Feixuan hasn't left the mountain for a hundred years, how could it be possible to shortlist the candidates easily?"

"However, the two masters do not need to be in a hurry. We can climb Mount Hua in seven days. It will not be too late to consider it then."

Taoist Chongxu stroked his beard and nodded in response:"This matter is of great importance. The martial arts world and the people of the world are all involved. It is indeed necessary to think it over again and again......."......

At night, the southern city at the foot of Huashan Mountain was brightly lit, with restaurants, brothels, and long streets, all bustling.

However, groups of martial artists were rushing around in the streets with swords and knives, causing the people and passers-by to dodge.

"Damn it, is Jiang Chen a gas thief?"

"Can’t even find a shadow for half a day?"......

At the same time, in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, at Hulong Villa,

Zhu Wusi was reading a book by candlelight at night. Suddenly

, the dragon head handle beside him opened, and a secret report was automatically delivered to his palm.

"Master Feixuan of Cihang Jingzhai and Wu Qianyue have a secret meeting with the two masters of Shaolin and Wudang in a teahouse..."

"Candidate list?"

The font on the confidential paper was very small, but if you look closely, this candidate list is exactly the same as the one Shi Feixuan had just unfolded.


"Shi Feixuan actually included me among them?"

How courageous!

As expected of the righteous leader, Cihang Jingzhai, who always looked down on the world and had high aspirations.


Just two women, two famous people in name only, want to control the martial arts world of the Ming Dynasty and point out the world's affairs. It's ridiculous!


Zhu Wusi's internal energy shook, and the secret report instantly turned into ashes and floated into the candlestick.


Another secret report was sent out.

"A young man from a martial arts school killed fifty third-rate swordsmen and a second-rate master in the street?"

"The martial arts used are entry-level martial arts, the Ming Swordsmanship, and the estimated level is above level 80. The internal strength and body skills are at least level 50. The comprehension is extremely high, and it is very likely to exceed 90 points."

This secret report did surprise him.

Although the world is big and there are many talents.

But the young men who can reach this level of cultivation, attributes, and records are rare after all.

Zhu Wusi secretly said:"Even if the level is enough, but if the skills are not enough, facing the encirclement and suppression led by second-rate masters, there is no chance of survival."

Continue to unfold the secret report

"Suspected of taking the panacea! ?"


If he took the Bailing Pill and his power increased by ten years, he would have a chance to fight back.

But, it was a one in a million chance.

Zhu Wushi made a quick judgment.

Even if all the conditions for fighting back were met, the chance of a young man who had just started out to accomplish such a feat was definitely a one in a million chance.


Zhu Wushi raised his hand and picked up a pen, writing two big words on the secret report:"Check again!"

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