
【The level of Golden Goose Kungfu has been upgraded! Current level: Level 400%!】......

【[Golden Goose Skill]

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 40 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 720 points, increases internal strength by 400 points.

Goose Steps: Circulate internal strength to walk in the air (current number of steps is 40)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength to suddenly accelerate (current increase 110%)

Xuanmen Entry: Improves the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 40%)......

"Finally reached level 40."

Jiang Chen took a breath, took out a Qi-recovering pill and swallowed it, then sat in meditation to regulate his breathing.

Since his internal strength was not all from internal training, even if his internal strength was constantly improving, the recovery effect it brought could not be fully restored.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could only take pills and combine them with the recovery bonus of meditation to barely recover to about 70% of his state within ten minutes.

It was very dangerous to find a place to meditate and regulate his breathing under the siege of the whole city, but there was no other way.

The internal strength must be restored, otherwise there would be no capital to fight the opponent.

Fortunately, the acceleration of the Golden Goose Skill finally broke through 100%.

It seems that this acceleration effect is similar to that of a level 50 Feiyan.

But you have to know that a level 50 Feiyan only has a 250-point agility bonus. Even if it is accelerated by 100%, it is not as good as the current state without acceleration.

And now, Jiang Chen's agility is as high as 1395 points.

This attribute suddenly accelerated by 110%, which is not an exaggeration to say that it is amazing.

Especially under the protection of the night, it is like a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

With this kind of Qinggong in hand, no matter how dangerous the situation is.

Jiang Chen has the confidence to continue fighting

"It's a pity that if the swordsmanship was at the seventh level, even if I met a second-rate master, I could fight him head-on, without having to pick and choose like I am now...."

In the final analysis

, Daming Swordsmanship is a low-level martial arts.

The bonus of special effects can make up for some of the gap, but it is impossible to be on par with high-level martial arts.

For example, the Golden Goose Art, even the internal strength bonus value attached to it, far exceeds the previous 50-level pure internal strength-Daming Jin.

The same level.

The bonus of one martial arts is equal to your three or four books. If you count the comprehensive burst, it is even higher by many times.

This is the value of high-level martial arts! What can low-level martial arts and intermediate martial arts compare?

Only when the level breakthrough is 30%, 50%, or even double that of the opponent, can it be possible to narrow the gap.

Similarly, the difficulty of upgrading high-level martial arts is far greater than any previous martial arts.

For ordinary people, the current Golden Goose Art requires more than 5 million experience points per level to break through.

And Jiang Chen now kills low-level gang members, and only the extra reward of killing them with one sword can get a lot of experience.

In other words,

Jiang Chen needs to kill at least 5 members of the Fury Wind Gang in seconds to upgrade the Golden Goose Art by 1 level.

As the level increases, the number of people required to upgrade the level will increase.

Correspondingly, the people of the Wrath of Wind Gang are becoming more and more difficult to kill.

Either the number of people has increased, making it difficult to kill.

Or there are hall masters and masters leading the team, which is extremely dangerous.

Even if you succeed, the speed of enemy reinforcements is getting faster and faster.

Especially in the last few times.

Jiang Chen didn't even have time to clean up the battlefield, and he could see the masters of the Wrath of Wind Gang coming to help from afar.

"We must be careful, as we may run into a master from the other side at any time...."

No one is a fool. If the Wrath of Wind Gang is not stupid, they will definitely arrange experts to ambush him.

Jiang Chen knew it.

But relying on his body movement and lightness skills, he had to fight this time no matter how dangerous it was.

Otherwise, if he just found a place to hide until dawn and his cultivation did not improve, he would only fall into a disadvantage in the subsequent encirclement and suppression, which would be even more dangerous.

Thinking of this,

Jiang Chen slowly stood up and prepared to go to the next target point.

At this moment, a group of Wrath of Wind Gang members rushed over from a street corner not far away.

Dingling and bang~ various debris on the street corners were thrown everywhere by them.

"Thirty ordinary gang members and one incense master..."

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and immediately recognized the enemy's formation.

Although there were many people, their strength was average.

Especially the incense master who was leading the group, his steps were weak and his internal strength was very poor.

Beside him, there was a woman with a white gauze on her face and flowing eyes. What was even more eye-catching was the pure white embroidered bodice that was only as wide as a palm and looked extremely charming.

"The red card of Yicuilou?"

Suddenly remembering the embroidered bra, which was the signature service of the famous brothel in the city, Jiang Chen was speechless.

You came out to fight, and you brought a lover with you?

That's something!

Jiang Chen couldn't even tell if this was a trap for a moment.

If it was, then the other party should be insulting his IQ.

Deliberately set up a team of so many people, and the leader's skills are so poor, what else is this?

If it was at the beginning of the hunt, Jiang Chen would definitely go up without hesitation.

Hundreds of thousands of experience~

But now it's the middle of the night, and the other party is still doing it so blatantly. If it's not a trap, then it's definitely a prank!

"Let's see first!"

Jiang Chen would definitely not attack directly, but he had no intention of letting go of this piece of fat meat.

He stepped into the air and used his Qinggong.

Jiang Chen retreated to the periphery of the team, intending to test the ambush outside before considering it.......


Jiang Chen came back after a circle.

"Damn it, there is no ambush! ?"

I looked around for places where there might be ambushes. If there were any, they would either make a move or be discovered by me.

But in the end, there was no ambush.

"Could it be...Is this incense master really just a complete waste?"

Jiang Chen wasted some time, but it didn't matter.

He had to kill the group of people in front of him.

With his Qinggong skills, even if there was an ambush, if the distance was too far, it would be the same as not having one.

Thirty seconds!


Twenty seconds!

Jiang Chen was sure that he could get rid of the other party within twenty seconds.

With a shock of internal force,

Jiang Chen was about to dodge and kill, but a black shadow suddenly jumped out in front of him.


Jiang Chen was really frightened by this.

What a guy.

Just now, Jiang Chen found that the shadow was hiding within a hundred meters of him.


Jiang Chen immediately thought of Shi Feixuan and the other two in the daytime.

But it was night and the distance was far, so it was difficult to judge how strong the opponent was.

More importantly, why did that person rush directly towards the team of the Nufeng Gang?

"Hehe, little brat, with your little ability, you think you can snatch food from me?"

"Go back and practice for another thirty years!"

A series of slightly sharp laughter suddenly sounded in my ears.

Obviously, this was said to me.


Jiang Chen cursed inwardly.

On the same night, besides me, there were actually people who were paying attention to the Wrath of the Wind Gang?

As a result, I almost bumped into them.

After all, it was right.

The Wrath of the Wind Gang has been in South City for decades, and it is rampant and overbearing. How can it not have enemies?

Jiang Chen thought very quickly and replied directly:

"This"friend" is too polite. If you like, just give it to me. Why hurt the relationship?"

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And this person's cultivation seems to be very advanced.

Just his lightness skill seems to be better than mine.

While he was talking, the black shadow had already killed into the team of the Wrathful Wind Gang.


In the dim light, a cold light flashed instantly.

The four gang members who heard the sound and were alert were immediately cut in half.

"Oh shit!"

"What a fast knife!!"

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