Daming Changquan.

The initial level requires 1000 experience points, and each subsequent level increases 1000 experience points.

To break through level 5, you need 5000 experience points.

And to break through level 10, at least 45,000 experience points are required.

Experience points.

For martial artists, it is the foundation of everything. If you have poor comprehension, the most you will do is practice slowly. It takes 30 days for others to advance one level, but you may need 100 days.

Although it is slow, you are still improving. But once you have no experience points, you can't practice even if you want to.......

In the martial arts world, it seems that there are many channels to gain experience.

But most of them are inappropriate.

There is too little experience for blacksmithing, hunting, and fishing, only a dozen points a day.

Practicing on wooden stakes by yourself and finding peers to break moves is more efficient, but it is still not enough.

Fighting bandits and killing bandits can gain a lot of experience, but is that something you, a low-level player, can do?

You can't get by, the bandits rush over and kill you in one knife, and you will be reborn and clean.

However, you can easily gain more than a hundred experience points by listening to classes and being taught by masters.

If it weren't for this, everyone would not have paid to come to the martial arts hall to learn.

Half a day of class, half a day of self-study.

This is the fastest way for young people to practice.

However, how fast it is depends on the person. A fellow disciple with high comprehension will gain more experience than you by listening to classes, and will also gain more experience than you by practicing breaking moves and practicing wooden stakes.

When it comes to self-study, the efficiency is even more incomparable.

With such a gap over the years, although they entered the martial arts hall in the same year, others' martial arts, internal strength, and body skills are all at the maximum level.

You only learned one martial art, and it is only level 5.

Jiang Chen was so bad before because his comprehension was too poor.

But now, in addition to the difference in experience and cultivation speed, Jiang Chen found that even the experience points consumed by cultivation were different.

"Is your understanding really that outrageous?"

"Others need thousands of experience points to level up, but I only need a few dozen! ?"

Jiang Chen calmed down and calculated the ratio. When I practice martial arts, the consumption is only 1

% of the past!

The practice is accelerated a hundred times, and the consumption is reduced a hundred times.

What is fucking efficiency?

This is fucking efficiency!

"Damn, it exploded~"

Jiang Chen didn't dare to think about it at all. This rhythm was about to take off.......


Jiang Chen took a breath and looked at the experience points in front of him. He couldn't help

"There's no need to save."

"With my understanding, even fishing can earn me hundreds or thousands of experience points, so..."

Therefore, there is no need to save these experience points for future martial arts.

Even if you haven't learned the internal skills and body skills, you can learn them all by just getting some experience points.


Since he didn't save it, he would definitely use it to continue practicing.

The upper limit of the Great Ming Long Fist is level 10, but it can still be improved.

It's just that the experience consumption is 5 times that of the past, and the time for practice is also 5 times.

For other people, this is a natural chasm.

But for Jiang Chen, it's just a small ditch in front of the door, not worth it.


【Do you want to consume 5 times the experience points and break through the level limit? 】


Jiang Chen clicked to confirm without hesitation.


【Daming Changquan breaks through the upper limit! Current level, level 110%!】 continue~


【The Ming Changquan has broken through the upper limit! Current level, level 120%!】


【The Ming Changquan has broken through the upper limit! Current level, level 130%!】......


In one breath, the training is over.

Even if it takes five times longer, it makes no difference to me, I can finish it in an instant.

Look at the panel again

【[Martial Arts]

Ming Changquan

Grade: None

Level: Level 14 0%

Attributes: Increases 70 points of strength, 14 points of agility, 42 points of root bone

Additional bonus: Boxing move conversion speed increased by 10%, boxing move power increased by 10%

【Light Kung Fu: None】

【Internal strength: None】

【Available experience points: 470 points】......

"Hiss, this is......"

Jiang Chen was stunned.

He had never heard of such a situation before.

A martial art that broke through the upper limit actually had an extra bonus?

5 times the experience, 5 times the time.

With unimaginable efforts and sweat, what he finally got was an extra bonus that normal martial arts didn't have at all?

"Damn! I made a lot of money~"

Jiang Chen really made a lot of money.

He had too much experience and nowhere to use it, but he actually found this hidden bonus.

Jianghu people, don't you know?

Not necessarily...

Even if this secret is known, it is impossible to tell outsiders.

In the martial arts world, most people actually practice similar martial arts.

You are from the Huashan Sect, and I am also from the Huashan Sect. Our martial arts are both Huashan swordsmanship and boxing. Why are you stronger than me?



Or adventures?

These things, except for adventures, actually have ways to equalize them, and the bonus obtained by breaking through the upper limit is a gap that the opponent will never understand.

The additional bonus after breaking through the upper limit completely brings the martial arts to another level.

Even...They can't all be called the same martial arts.

The speed of transition between moves is the speed of changing moves, and it cannot be simply understood as the speed of body movements.

Body movements are about moving fast and punching fast.

But when you throw a punch and change moves in the middle, can you still maintain the high speed of the first time?


Because the change of moves is more determined by the ability and grade of the martial arts itself, the body movement has an impact on it, but it is a secondary impact.

Why are the moves of advanced martial arts so chic? It's because the moves are exquisite, the changes are incredibly fast, and they can even turn three swords into one, showing a realm that ordinary martial arts can't reach.

And the power of the moves looks similar to strength.

In fact, it is a comprehensive addition.

If you add internal strength when using a move, the power of the move will increase both the power of internal strength and the power of strength.

"Very strong!"

"Even if it is only a 10% bonus, it is very strong~"

Jiang Chen was excited, not only because the bonus was very strong, but also because he knew this secret.

This is just a low-level martial arts. What if it is a first-grade martial arts, or even a third-grade martial arts?

How strong will the attribute be after breaking through the upper limit?

The effort others put in to get this kind of bonus is almost unimaginable.

It can even be said that even if you tell others about this bonus, many people will still be discouraged by the cost of 5 times the experience and 5 times the time.

There is no way.

Because the same effort is enough to practice several martial arts.

Just now.

Jiang Chen practiced the full-level Daming Changquan, which consumed only a few hundred experience points, and broke through the upper limit of level 4, which directly consumed more than 2,000 points. With the same effort, if you learn internal skills, you can not only get full, but also have more.

Even a higher-grade martial arts can be practiced to make a name for yourself.

For the extra bonus, if it is just experience, then some people may still be willing to accept it.

But what about time?

5 times the time.

Time is the most difficult wealth to obtain.

Others upgrade in a few months, but you have to calculate it in years.

If there is a day or night when your mind is shaken, you may not be able to persist.

Jiang Chen thought of this and couldn't help but secretly gasp.

What level of mind does it take to stick to a low-level martial arts book for several years?

"Fortunately, this is not a problem I need to consider..."

"With my own comprehension, I don't need to spend so much time, and I can also use my comprehension to gain more experience."

Thinking of this,

Jiang Chen immediately got up and went to the martial arts hall.

He had to learn internal strength and body skills, and he had to break through the upper limit.

With the foundation of cultivation and his own extraordinary comprehension, there was no place in the world that he couldn't go.

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