
【In the process of reshaping martial arts, you have deduced thousands of swords and methods, your sword skills have improved, your martial arts comprehension has deepened, your internal strength level has increased to level 30! Your light skills level has increased to level 50! Your sword skills level has increased to level 100!】......

【Regional Announcement!】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen for breaking the low-level martial arts remodeling record in 3 minutes and 12 seconds! Reward experience points of 300,000 points! Reward reputation points of 100 points!】

【Regional Announcement!】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen for breaking the low-level martial arts remodeling record in 3 minutes and 12 seconds! Reward experience points of 300,000 points! Reward reputation points of 100 points!】

【Regional Announcement!】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen for breaking the low-level martial arts remodeling record in 3 minutes and 12 seconds! Reward experience points of 300,000 points! Reward reputation points of 100 points!】......


Yan Shi was stunned when he heard the regional announcement.

Ye Ruoli looked at where Jiang Chen was as if he had seen a ghost:"Reshape martial arts in just 3 minutes?...What kind of incomparable talent is this! ?"

Tian Boguang scratched his head:"Damn it, this little brother's talent, why does it feel even more outrageous than Brother Linghu's?"

The entire South City, Huashan area, all players and NPCs heard the system announcement

"Oh shit!"

"It's late at night, and you're making this announcement?"

"The announcement of reshaping martial arts has been issued, so the grade must be upgraded...."

"Damn it, I haven’t been able to learn third-grade martial arts for three years, and now you come here and reshape it yourself?"

"What to play?"

"Why can't I recreate one of higher quality?"

"Pervert! Too perverted.~"

"This Jiang Chen succeeded in reshaping himself in just three minutes. If he is given a few more days to play with him, won’t he be able to reach the sky?"

"Not necessarily, maybe this person is already a master? It is said that masters can quickly reshape low-level martial arts...."

"Yes, yes, yes! He must be a hidden master, maybe even a master.~"

"Well...Jiang Chen, do you think it is possible that the martial arts boy being hunted by the Wind Wrath Gang is also called Jiang Chen?"



"Jiang Chen is still in the martial arts school, a complete rookie....No! It's absolutely impossible!"

The players were woken up by the announcement in the middle of the night, and the NPCs couldn't sleep either........

Yuelai Inn.

Shi Feixuan stood up and looked out the window:"Jiang Chen...Did you miscalculate me again?"

Reshaping martial arts in three minutes, this talent is much higher than she expected!

"Humph, it's just a low-level martial art, what's so great about it?~?"Wu Qianyue was grumbling,"I'm just too lazy to do it, otherwise I would have broken that little bastard's record in a minute!"

Shi Feixuan turned around and smiled,"Qianyue, you studied sword classics and learned martial arts from all over the world. With such a high starting point, you can naturally reshape low-level martial arts very quickly. But, what about him? What foundation does he have?"

"Not to mention advanced martial arts, he may not have even seen a few intermediate martial arts books...."


Wu Qianyue was even more unhappy:"Senior Sister, something is wrong with you, ever since you met that Jiang Chen, you have started to be partial to him, um, too partial!"

"I don't agree~"

"or...Senior sister, go and catch that little bastard and let him read the Sword Manual, then we can compete again. I don’t believe that with my qualifications, I will be worse than him! ?"

Shi Feixuan just shook her head and said secretly.

The Sword Manual is not something that everyone can read, especially...man......

Yicui Tower.

Ximen Chuxue slowly opened his eyes and looked across at Lu Xiaofeng who was already drunk.

"You lose, his talent is really amazing"

"Huh? What~"

Lu Xiaofeng's four eyebrows raised at the same time:"When did I bet with you?"

Ximen Chuxue:"Just now..."


Lu Xiaofeng tilted his head and patted the woman next to him on the chest:"Uh-huh, what's the point of gambling? It hurts our feelings...."

As he spoke,

Lu Xiaofeng's voice became quieter and quieter, as if he was about to fall asleep, but he suddenly said,"Since that boy has good aptitude, would you consider accepting him as a disciple?"

Ximen Chuxue had not drunk all night, but at this moment he poured himself a glass of Yu Lu Chun:"Qualification is important, but it is not the most important thing...."......

Outside the South City, Shilipu.

A handsome young man in white, fanning himself with a folding fan, looked up into the distance.

"My godfather was right. This young man is indeed very talented."

"I just don't know if such a young man deserves the title of the world's number one genius...."......

North of the city.

Huashan Society headquarters

"Brother Yuan, it was this Jiang Chen who stole your Bailing Pill, which is why his cultivation level skyrocketed.~!!"After Anya's plan failed, she naturally couldn't stay with Lin Tao anymore. She turned around and contacted Yuan Hua, and immediately pushed all the things out.


Yuan Hua was stunned:"Didn't you just say that he bullied you before?"

Anya bit her lip:"It was originally...He, he wanted to steal the Bailing Pill, so he wanted to kill me. I, I thought that the Fury of the Wind Gang was also part of the Huashan Society, and they would definitely get the pill back, but I didn't expect that even the Fury of the Wind Gang was no match for him...."


Yuan Hua was simply amused:"The Wrathful Wind Gang may not be able to call the shots in South City, but it is definitely one of the three major forces. Even they are no match for them?"

"Is this Jiang Chen a top master or a hidden master?"

An Ya shook her head:"Demon Cult! It's the Demon Cult~ He is basically a spy of the Demon Cult~!!"

Demonic Cult?!

Well, it must be a demonic cult.

Otherwise, even he would have a hard time explaining why the Bailing Pill was lost for no reason.

At this moment, the two Huashan masters who were accompanying him suddenly whispered,"Mr. Hua, there is a secret letter! NPC Tian Boguang appeared in the south city, and the Wrathful Wind Gang is besieging him."

"Hiss, Tian Boguang.."Yuan Hua's eyes lit up:"Could it be the Dugu Nine Swords?"

"Yes! Ninety percent possible!"The Huashan master paused and said:"Also, this letter was sent by an insider planted by the elders. The Wind Rage Gang seems to be trying to conceal it...."

I understand!

Yuen Wah instantly realized that Feng Nu wanted to have the cake and eat it all. Maybe he wanted to use this to control Huashan Society....

"Let's go, set off immediately!"

The Wrathful Wind Gang?

Ha, you have been really crazy these years, even daring to conceal such news!?

As for the Bailing Pill?

A thousand Bailing Pills are not as good as a copy of Dugu Nine Swords.

As long as Tian Boguang is captured and Dugu Nine Swords is obtained, my father will be able to take the position of president in one fell swoop.

By then, the entire Huashan Sect, and even the entire Ming martial arts world, will not be in my pocket?......

In the dead end.

A group of people have not yet reacted to the announcement, but Leng Rui'an's eyes are shining.


""Nancheng doesn't need geniuses!" Upon hearing this, Master Yan shook the spear in his hand, and it immediately turned into dozens of spear shadows, with a cold light in the middle, going straight to Jiang Chen's heart.

Jiang Chen stood up safely. The Qinggang sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed and flicked in the air. When the sword blade hit the tip of the cold light spear without any error. At the same time, Jiang Chen retreated and opened the panel.

【[Martial Arts]

Chasing the Wind Sword Skill

Grade: Grade 3

Level: Level 100 0%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 150%, increased by 900 points of agility, 500 points of strength, and 300 points of root bone.

Chasing the Wind with a Sword: Sword skill speed increased by 150%

Calm Advance and Retreat: Change of move speed increased by 150%

Additional bonus: When the internal force is released, the interval is shortened by 25%. Using the internal force can stimulate up to nine sword qi, and when the internal force is released, three additional sword qi can be stimulated (the power of the sword qi is equivalent to 100% of the total power of the sword skill)

Three-stage bonus: Increase 60 points of strength, 60 points of agility, 60 points of root bone

【[Light Kungfu]

Golden Goose Kungfu

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 50 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 900 points, increases internal strength by 500 points.

Goose Steps: Circulate internal strength to walk in the air (current number of steps is 50)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength to suddenly accelerate (current increase of 130%)

Xuanmen Entry: Improves the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 50%)

【[Internal Strength]

Yan Xing Gong

Grade: Fifth Grade

Level: Level 30 0%

Attributes: Increase internal strength by 420 points, increase internal force by 2250 points

Sitting and Looking at the Void: When meditating, the efficiency of internal strength cultivation increases by 40%, and the speed of internal strength recovery increases by 160%

Continuous Rivers: The speed of internal strength recovery increases by 80%, and the interval between internal strength operations is shortened by 25%.

Retained attributes: Increase internal strength by 300 points......

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