
Tian Boguang was stunned for a moment, then he laughed out loud towards the sky.


"So there is a way to break the fishing net array?"

I am convinced!"

Tian Boguang couldn't help but say.

The fishing net array is made of black steel metal, fused with soft gold, so it can't be too thin. In addition, people are trapped, not fish, so the mesh is very large.

In order to suppress the trapped people.

Props are almost arranged at the nodes of the net line.

Either a short sword of an inch or a small piece of magnet. Anyway, the already thick net line is greatly thickened.

For normal martial artists, sword masters.

It is almost not difficult to hit this position.

But the fishing net is not afraid, because when you hit a position, At most, it will change the position of a piece of fishing net, which will not help you escape. It may even cause a pull, causing the surrounding fishing nets to close faster.

At the same time, the magnets around will also exert force, making your weapon unable to move easily.

In this way, even if you attack the node position of the fishing net, it will be ineffective and you will not be able to break the formation.

However, if you can hit all the nodes of the fishing net within a few meters at the same time, the entire fishing net cannot be pressed down at all, and may even be pushed back.

Jiang Chen.

This is how he broke the formation.

It's not difficult.

As long as your body skills are high enough and your swordsmanship is fast enough, it will be fine.


【Victory in the battle, gain 120,000 experience points】

【Win with one move and gain 50,000 extra experience points】......

【Regional Announcement】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen, who, at the second-rate realm, broke the famous fishing net formation with one sword. He was rewarded with 100,000 experience points and 1,000 reputation points!】

【Regional Announcement】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen, who, at the second-rate realm, broke the famous fishing net formation with one sword. He was rewarded with 100,000 experience points and 1,000 reputation points!】

【Regional Announcement】

【Congratulations to player Jiang Chen, who, at the second-rate realm, broke the famous fishing net formation with one sword. He was rewarded with 100,000 experience points and 1,000 reputation points!】......

The people in South City hadn't recovered from the previous system announcement when another one came.

"Oh shit!"

"What on earth is Jiang Chen doing?"

"He's posting an announcement....Or are you still trying to gain reputation?"

"One thousand reputation points!!"

"I fuck...I've been grinding my reputation for three fucking years, I've caught so many petty thieves, and it's still not even 1,000 points~"

"I am sick! Is there any big guy who can give me a thousand reputation points? My sect is not high enough and I cannot learn advanced martial arts. I beg you!"

Experience is hard to come by, and reputation is even harder to come by.

Reputation in the martial arts world involves too many things.

The level of reputation directly affects the NPC's view and attitude towards you, and determines your place in the sect, and even how much you gain in adventures. If your reputation is over 100, the NPC will at least not ignore you, remember your name, and will not treat you as air. If your reputation is over 1,000, it is considered to be a little famous, and it is the minimum requirement for being qualified to learn advanced martial arts in the sect, gang, and NPC forces.

After all, the sect also emphasizes human relationships.

You have no relatives or friends with the masters of the sect, and you have no reputation in the martial arts world. How can the sect be assured to teach you advanced martial arts? If your reputation is over 10,000, you can't say that you are thriving, but at least you have made a name for yourself and are qualified to compete for the positions of incense master, hall master, and deacon in the sect or gang. If your reputation is 100,000

, you are almost a well-known knight in the martial arts world.

NPCs will greet you politely when they see you, and you are qualified to participate in the selection of the top ten masters of the sect, compete for the first show, protect the law, and become an elder worshiper.".......

Jiang Chen's 1,000 reputation points were enough to make 99% of the people in the martial arts world jealous, but the most important thing was that the fishing net array...It's broken!!


"Have the times changed?"

"I remember that once this formation was deployed, even the top masters would fall to their knees in seconds. It was said that the inventor even used this formation to capture the top master Zhou Botong!"

"Second rate, can just second rate break the formation?"

"No, no, no, that's not the point. The point is that he only used one sword...."

Breaking the formation with just one sword?


All the players in the city had to re-read the history of Jianghu. It seemed that such a situation had never happened before.

The guests of Yicui Tower didn't even have girls to play with now, and they all gathered together to discuss

"Did the Stormrage Gang find the wrong person?"

"The notice said that the price for the manhunt was 10,000 taels, but a genuine fishing net would cost at least 300,000 or 500,000 taels, right?"

"In recent years, fishing nets have been the last resort. They are too expensive and are not needed unless there is a major war or a decisive battle."

"Now facing a second-rate realm, not only did he use it, but it was also broken?!"


No one believed it!

If there was no system announcement, no matter who I told it to, no one would believe it!

Lu Xiaofeng was actually excited now:"Okay, I thought this Huashan Sword Contest was just a formality, but I didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing."


Ximen Chuxue didn't find it strange, and shook his head slightly and said,"To break the fishing net formation, a quick sword is enough."

Lu Xiaofeng raised all four eyebrows at the same time.

"Aren’t you moved?"

"He has extraordinary talent and is a swordsman. More importantly, he uses a fast sword."

"Looking at the world~"

"If we talk about fast swords, you are second, but who dares to say they are first?!"

Ximen Chuxue groaned slightly.

"The Jianghu is too big, the dynasties are too numerous, it is not possible for you and me to see clearly"

"Not to mention other dynasties, within the Ming Dynasty alone, Dongfang Bubai's body movements are very likely better than mine, and the rumored Zhong Fu Yu Sword will not be slower than mine...."


Lu Xiaofeng drank the wine in the glass in one gulp:"Speaking of swords, I believe you must be the fastest!!"

Ximen Chuxue looked at his friend with some contempt:"If you believe it, why do you always talk about taking in disciples?"

"You are afraid!"

"I am afraid that I will not be able to come down alive after climbing to the top of Mount Huashan and competing in the swordsmanship contest."


Lu Xiaofeng waved his hand:"A sword is a sword, a master is a master, the world is so big, you never know what kind of accident you will encounter one day, right?��

"What about your telepathic finger?" Ximen Chuxue asked back

"Uh~ I was born with this talent, it has nothing to do with my aptitude, right! ?"

Lu Xiaofeng paused and said:"If someone can learn, then of course I can teach them. After all, Huashan Mountain is not that easy to climb this time. If it weren't for..."

"Oh, let’s not talk about it~drinking!"......

At the same time.

In the capital of the Ming Dynasty, at Hulong Villa.

Zhu Wushi listened to the announcement and said slowly:

"In the martial arts of the world, the sword is the most respected"

"But my Hulong Villa can't even find an orthodox swordsman...."

Zhu Wusi paused:

"Tell Haitang to find Jiang Chen and bring him to Hulong Villa!"......

On the other side,

Wu Qianyue was almost mad.

"I finally managed to get down the mountain, but before I could become famous, a little bastard stole all the limelight?!"


"No, I'm going to find him!"

Shi Feixuan's brows tightened:"Qianyue! People who practice martial arts should never fight for fame and fortune!"

Wu Qianyue's face was about to wrinkle into a well:"Senior Sister!" ~"

Shi Feixuan:"Go, copy the Qingxin Mantra a hundred times."

Poof! ~

Wu Qianyue was about to cry:"Senior Sister~ Can it be less, fifty, or thirty...? Actually, I think ten times is also OK...."......

Under the moon, in the alley.

All the members of the Wind Rage Gang froze.

The fishing net formation was broken.

It didn't matter if Jiang Chen couldn't take it, but what about Tian Boguang?

This kid seemed to be quite familiar with Tian Boguang.......

Leng Ruian remained silent.

But his eyes were already red, as if they could spit fire at any time.

"Jiang Chen!!"

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it, there is no door to hell but you want to break in! ?"

"Good! Very good! This elder will grant you your wish today~"

Leng Rui'an waved his hand

"All elders and hall masters, do your best to kill Jiang Chen. Leave Tian Boguang to me!"......

Jiang Chen picked up the Qiankun bag on the ground with a sword, turned around and said:

"Brother Tian, do you need help?"

"Hahaha~Okay!" Tian Boguang couldn't say no at this time, his mouth was almost crooked with laughter:"Wait until my brother gets out, I will make him drink till he is dizzy."~!!"

Go out?

Jiang Chen shook his head slightly:"If you don't kill these people, how can you get out?"

Huh? ? ?

Tian Boguang was confused.

What the hell?!

Not only run, but also kill?

Not only kill, but kill them all! ?

"Hiss! Brother, what kind of gang are you in? How come you are more ruthless than me! ?"

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