"No hurry."

Jiang Chen heard this, but replied lightly.

He just closed his eyes and listened above, and did not see the Songfeng swordsmanship with his own eyes.

Going up first would give him more confidence, but facing unfamiliar swordsmanship, there would also be great risks.

With his pitiful bones now, let alone the vital points, any sword hit anywhere would be a dead end.

Jiang Chen only has more than a thousand health points.

Not to mention the second-rate, even if the third-rate master bursts out his internal energy, he can kill him instantly.

At this moment.

Facing the emerald jade sword in front of him, Jiang Chen saw it clearly, and the Qinggang sword shot out from behind, flashing in the air.


The sword blade was like among thousands of needles, miraculously finding the needle eye of the target and hitting it with one click.

The long swords of both sides collided, and bursts of sword sounds shook in the alley.

"Humph! There is something, but not much!"

The Sword Hall Master sneered, and then changed his sword moves. He was not affected by the block and continued to kill.

How could there be only one wisp of wind when it enters the forest?

The wind is invisible, but it has power.

The power of the wind is sweeping across the world and sweeping across the Spring and Autumn Period.

Once the Songfeng Sword Technique is used, the sword power should be like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, as fierce as the tide.

But Jiang Chen only needs one sword, and he can stop the enemy and cover the water with earth.

No matter what sword you use, I will provoke you with my sword.

Ding ding ding ding....

Where the two men fought, sword shadows immediately burst out all over the sky.

The sound of the swords was actually connected in a series, like a battle song, as fast as a rhythm.

Both of them fought fast.

Dozens of moves passed in a breath. Outsiders could only see the sword shadows, phantoms, flashing back and forth, and could not tell who was better or worse, who was higher or lower....

"Hiss~ Damn it!"

Ye Ruoli frowned and said,"Jian Changfeng has been in the sect for many years, and his skills are so profound that other hall masters cannot compare to him. Jiang Chen is just a newcomer. If the battle lasts for a long time, I am afraid he will lose...."

Huh? ? ?

Tian Boguang seemed to be able to handle Leng Rui'an, who was using a folding fan, with ease.

After all, the folding fan, a strange weapon, was strange, treacherous, and changeable, making it hard to defend against.

When facing ordinary masters who had no experience in martial arts, the folding fan could often catch them off guard, but for an old martial artist like him who had traveled all over the country, it was of little significance.

Therefore, his focus was on the side.

"Tsk tsk, beautiful girl, you are indeed pretty, but your vision and cultivation are really poor~" Tian Boguang did not forget to tease her at this time

"What did you say! ?"Ye Ruoli was stunned:"My cultivation is poor? I can even kill first-rate masters, how am I bad?!"


Tian Boguang didn't care at all, just grinned and said:"Poison a few, assassinate a few, don't say you, even a child can succeed if he gets close to you~"

"you..."Ye Ruoli was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

The assassination sword skills and poison knowledge that he had worked so hard to cultivate were actually devalued by an NPC rapist. Who could bear this! ?

"To be honest, you don't have to worry about it. After all, women just need to be pretty."

Tian Boguang said as he fought, looking quite pleased with himself.

"Although I have never seen this young man's swordsmanship, he can hit the opponent's weapon with every move of his sword in a life-and-death fight between fast and fast and sword against sword."

"Tsk tsk, this level of cultivation and swordsmanship, what level is that?"

Tian Boguang said, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

"Damn, that’s really awesome!"

"I can do that if I use my sword skills, but this kid has barely any hair on his face, so how can I do that?"


"It may be the advantage of kendo. The sword is lighter than the knife. It is indeed three times easier to achieve this step than the knife~"



Ye Ruoli finally understood until this moment.

Tian Boguang could actually see the two people fighting clearly.

The gap...

What she couldn't see, Tian Boguang could.

But even if he could see it, what he just said was a little too scary.

"With swords against swords, if every move can hit the opponent's weapon, doesn't that mean that he has the opportunity to break the opponent's weapon at any time and anywhere?"

Ye Ruoli uses a sword.

She naturally understands what it means to be able to hit the opponent's weapon with every sword in a battle.

As long as she is well prepared, when the two swords collide, a sudden burst of internal energy will surely break and shatter the opponent's weapon.

A sure kill.

If you can't win with weapons, how can you win without weapons?

"Can...That's not right!"

Ye Ruoli still didn't believe it.

"If Jiang Chen had this level of cultivation, he could almost completely suppress the opponent. Why?...Why did it end with one sword, taking his life?"


Tian Boguang thought it was reasonable

"My little brother must be a genius. If he is a genius, how can he have the same idea as a fool like you?"

"Although I don't think highly of Songfeng Sword Technique, it is at least one of the special skills of Qingcheng Sect."

"All the martial arts schools in the world, no matter how high or low, always have some unique features."

"You, who are still far from being super first-rate, won’t understand these things. Only when you are promoted to super first-rate and face the threshold of the ultimate master, will you understand..."

"What does it mean to combine the strengths of many schools, integrate the essence of ancient and modern times, and become a master's path! ~"

A polymath is not necessarily a master.

But those who can become a master must be erudite!

Throughout the ages, which master did not combine many martial arts in one?

What's more, like Emperor Shi Tian, his innate talent is completely useless, but he relied on immortality and the strengths of many schools to finally achieve the heaven-defying path.

Tian Boguang's martial arts are all due to family learning.

As the saying goes, the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts.

The existence of such a family learning in the Tian family, how can it be explained by a simple family?

Moreover, he is a person who does not cultivate morals, messes around all day, flirts with women everywhere, and his mind is full of women, but he can still practice martial arts to the top of the first-class. Can he be a waste?......

Jiang Chen was a little surprised by these words. He had never expected that he would be able to observe and comprehend the Songfeng Sword Technique by taking advantage of the battle, but an old pervert would see through it.

"Brother Tian understands me!"

"I've watched Songfeng Swordsmanship several times, and it's almost done, so I'll stop here..."


The Sword Hall Master almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

To be honest, he also heard what the bald man Tian Boguang said, but he didn't believe it.


"My level 120 Songfeng swordsmanship is definitely better than yours, how can you beat me! ?"

"It's like giving instructions to the younger generation....you...you..."

"You think you are worthy?!"

The Sword Hall Master was so angry that he exploded. He poured all his internal energy into his sword skills, and the wind and leaves in the alley flew everywhere.......


【Initial understanding of Songfeng swordsmanship!】


【You learned a lot from observing swordsmanship in battle and gained 80,000 experience points.】


Jiang Chen raised his lips, and his figure flashed, suddenly breaking away from the opponent's sword, holding the sword and standing

"Although your swordsmanship is complete, it is definitely not from the Qingcheng Sect. It must have been taught by someone else. You only have swordsmanship but no matching internal strength, and even your lightness skills seem to be put together at random."

"So, to kill you, I only need one sword."

One sword!?


The Sword Hall Master laughed like crazy

"Come on, little bastard!"

"Don't even mention killing. If you can injure even a hair of this hall master with your sword, this hall master will kneel down and take your surname!"


Since the Sword Hall Master debuted, he has never suffered such a great humiliation~



The Sword Hall Master shook his inner strength, and instantly killed him with a move of chaotic clouds hitting the air.

Jiang Chen looked at the opponent's long sword hitting the air, and the streams of energy blasted out, and shook his head slightly:"Sorry, I really don't need a son."

The next moment.

Jiang Chen flashed forward and rushed straight into the energy.

The Sword Hall Master's pupils shook:"Good death!"

Chaos clouds hit the air.

It looks chaotic and has many flaws, but if you dare to force your way in, you will be cut by dozens of chaotic swords immediately.

It's almost time....Almost there~!!

As long as Jiang Chen can make one more step.......

But at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the Sword Hall Master.

It was clearly a direct charge, but it changed direction in an instant, finding an incredible arc outside the sword force and spun past.


Such a change of direction, unexpectedly without any signs.


Changing direction halfway, it can actually accelerate faster than before!

The sword followed him and flashed in the air.

Puff ~

The blue steel sword pierced the opponent's throat an inch, and then cut it open.

A fatal blow!

The Sword Hall Master didn't even say a word, and fell to his knees with a plop.......


【Victory in the battle, gain 160,000 experience points】

【Win with one move, get 50,000 additional experience points]

Jiang Chen turned the long sword in his hand leisurely, and there was not even a drop of blood on the blade. If the attribute of body movement is higher than mine, it must be faster than me?


Songfeng swordsmanship is for speed, but as an intermediate martial arts, the attribute bonus is not exclusive to body movement.

If there are related internal strength and light skills, and the sword and body movement can take advantage of the wind, with the cultivation of level 120, it is estimated that it can be faster than me now.

Let's talk about just now.

In addition to looking at the opponent's swordsmanship, Jiang Chen's more important thing is that his jade sword is really good.

If he didn't want to find an opportunity to kill him with one sword and take this sword, Jiang Chen could kill him twenty moves in advance.

Wait for a moment.

The sword hall master turned into white light and disappeared, and Jiang Chen possessed him to pick up the Qiankun bag.

It was said that it was too late.

A black shadow suddenly burst out, flashed out from the darkness, and went straight to Jiang Chen's back.

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