"Forty years ago, there were still secret manuals to steal!?"

Ye Ruoli said it was impossible.

She debuted late, and only relied on her hard work to become a second-rate master.

However, stealing secret manuals was extremely difficult even when Shenzhou was first established a hundred years ago, let alone in the later period.......

Tian Boguang did not answer. He was just guessing and had no idea.

But Jiang Chen knew that it was probably true.

Outsiders could not know the method of stealing the secret book, but seeing that this person's martial arts were obviously genuine, but he wanted to hide his head and show his tail, it was basically right!

Moreover, although the Heart-Destroying Palm was not as good as the unique skills, it was not something that everyone could learn.

Especially for a guy like Yu Canghai, except for his own son, no one else could even think about it!

As for the previous generation of the head of Qingcheng, there was indeed a chance.

But if he had a legitimate background, he must have been a famous master of Qingcheng Sect. Why would he make a living in a small gang at the foot of Huashan Mountain?

"The stolen secret book, without any guidance, is extremely difficult to practice for those with insufficient qualifications!"

Jiang Chen pointed directly.

The black-clothed man's cultivation level is absolutely���Not only is he not at the level of the top ten masters of Qingcheng Sect, but he is far from it.

For forty years, hiding and hanging around in small places, it is not easy to gain experience. In addition, there is no one to guide him, so he can only explore on his own. It is impossible for him to perfect this palm method.

However, looking at his current level of cultivation, it is still a bit terrifying compared to himself....

He must be at level 150 in advanced palm techniques, his internal strength should be around level 100, and his lightness skills may be close to level 100, at least around level 80.

His realm may not be first-rate, but his strength is definitely first-rate.

Because he practices the martial arts of his sect, which is a complete set.

Those first-rate masters who have become first-rate with intermediate martial arts may not necessarily be stronger than him.......

"Humph, dying people only say useless things."

That being said, the man in black was obviously restrained when performing his palm technique.

"Elder Yu, as long as we kill that guy and take down Tian Boguang, it's just a small Qingcheng Sect, why should we take it seriously?"

Leng Ruian said leisurely.

He said this as if he had known the secret for a long time.

For the gang, these past events really don't matter.

But once exposed, the Qingcheng Sect will definitely suffer this loss and will definitely come to hunt them down with all their strength. Ordinary gangs are not qualified to go against the Qingcheng Sect and must protect themselves.


If it can be kept secret, Elder Yu definitely doesn't want to be exposed.

Leng Ruian's words are equivalent to reassuring him. As long as these people are killed, he will definitely help cover up.


Elder Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and several fierce lights flashed in succession.

"Elder Leng, you and the leader have done me a favor. Even if I risk my life, I will not let these bastards go.~!"

With a determined heart,

Elder Yu's palm technique instantly became fierce, and his deep internal strength was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Boom boom boom!

Every palm strike was like thunder exploding in the alley.

Such palm power, even without contact, was enough to knock the Jade Sword away.

And this was just an open move!

In secret.

The hidden wind of the Heart-Destroying Palm, with the help of the cover of the open move, was even more difficult to detect.

The sky was full of palm shadows. How could you find the opponent's killing move that deliberately erased the wind and traces from so many palm shadows! ?......

""Swords attack all directions!"

Jiang Chen's jade sword shook, and the sword shadows in the sky rushed over instantly.

In terms of speed and moves, he could even break the fishing net formation with one sword.

Good guy~

If you fight me with this, then I really won't be sleepy.~......

"Brother, get ready to fight~?"

Tian Boguang was a little panicked.

He was not afraid of a heart-destroying palm from a martial arts school.

But this man was very well hidden, with a full set of martial arts, plus forty years of experience. Even if he was not as good as Yu Canghai and other masters in the Qingcheng Sect, he should at least be a well-known existence. Even if he wanted to kill this old thing, he would probably have to fight with real fire for a hundred moves before he had a chance.

Palms are not swords.

Speaking of defense, as long as you are not afraid of sharp blades, you can be impenetrable.

Once they enter the state of competing in internal strength, he has high skills and is still somewhat confident, but Jiang Chen is dead.

In fact.

There is no need to fight to win. Once you can't free your hands, the fishing net above falls, you are finished.

And there is also...

The dead fish eyes in front of him were not so easy to deal with either. He was at the top level. He was a master at using the folding fan in his hand.

Although he couldn't kill him, the characteristics of his weapons and the fishing net formation made him cautious.

In this way, it was almost impossible to kill these two people.

And this was the other party's territory. If time passed, maybe another expert would come.

By then, let alone killing him, you wouldn't be able to leave even if you wanted to!.......

"Brother Tian~"

"Victory or defeat is determined by fighting, not by watching!"

Jiang Chen was slightly startled, and then said in a cold voice

"If you are afraid, run away"

"In the future, when you are in the martial arts world, I won’t say anything to you. Anyway, you are just like this~"

Puff! Damn it!

Tian Boguang almost vomited blood.

"Would I be afraid?!"

"I, I'm worried about you!!"

Good fellow!

Tian Boguang traveled the world, and being a flower thief was a reward for him, and he liked it very much.

But if you say he has no loyalty and left his brothers to run away alone, it would be better to just cut his neck.

People need face, and trees need bark.

In fact, there is nothing else in the world, just the word loyalty!

"Good brother! Today I will show you how I kill dogs.~!!"

As soon as the words fell.

Tian Boguang's knife momentum suddenly changed, and the previous state of ease suddenly became extremely fierce.


Every knife must be fought to the end, and killed until there is no further progress.


Even if it is an inch of body position, even if it is a finger's distance, it must be grabbed!


Some flesh wounds, he doesn't care at all!

If he doesn't kill Dead Fish Eyes, how can he have the face to come out in the future?

Such a fierce fighting style immediately made Leng Ruian have no time to speak.

A folding fan, flying up and down.

It looks clever and elegant.

But who knows, any mistake here means death!

It was a battle before, but it was not desperate.

Now it doesn't matter, it must be a fight to the death!......

"Elder Leng, don't panic. I will kill this beast!"

Elder Yu's skills obviously improved when he faced the sword shadows all over the sky.

Just now , he was still hiding.

At this moment, he finally let down his guard and fought with all his strength.

Jiang Chen used his sword to attack all directions. The sword shadows were all over the sky. The slight advantage he had gained was about to be taken away by the opponent.


Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

The experience points had been used up.

In terms of swordsmanship, it was impossible to defeat the opponent in a short time.

He had just killed two hall masters in a row, and with the rewards, the experience gained was less than 1 million.

And what could be improved was only the 20th level of swordsmanship and the 10th level of body skills.

Although the swordsmanship was low in grade, the higher the level, the more terrifying the experience requirements would be.

And the level of body skills was there, 1 million, at most level 10 or 11.

In terms of bonus, the body skills might have to be dozens of points more.

Even so, Jiang Chen still chose the swordsmanship.

【[Martial Arts]

Chasing the Wind Sword Skill

Grade: Grade 3

Level: Level 120 0%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 180%, increased by 1080 points of agility, 600 points of strength, and 360 points of root bone.

Chasing the Wind with a Sword: Sword skill speed increased by 180%

Calm Advance and Retreat: Change of move speed increased by 180%

Additional bonus: When the internal force is released, the interval is shortened by 30%. Using internal force can stimulate up to nine sword qi, and when the internal force is released, three additional sword qi can be stimulated (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 100% of the total power of the sword skill)

Fourth stage bonus: Increase 80 points of strength, 80 points of agility, 80 points of root bone......

Previously, when Jiang Chen was reshaping his swordsmanship, he had conducted countless deductions on the battle.

Among them, the most difficult thing was probably the perfect combination of swordsmanship, body skills, and internal skills.

This was not difficult for the sect cultivators.

Because there was a master, what he taught you must be matching things.

But it was too difficult to practice alone.

The things to learn were too mixed.

The internal skills of the Quanzhen foundation, Qinggong was good, but it was a foolish dream to say that it matched with his own extreme fast sword route.

If it was not naturally compatible, then it could only be cultivated the day after tomorrow.

The so-called Qinggong only taught you how to speed up your luck. If it was a high-level Qinggong, there would be many uses.

With the blessing of the attributes, the Qinggong was displayed, which was the broad sense of body skills in the rivers and lakes.

And Jiang Chen.

The swordsmanship was of the third grade, and the body skills were of the seventh grade. It was extremely difficult to cooperate with the two.

But fortunately, he had enough comprehension.

As long as the attribute added by the sword technique exceeds the agility, then with one's own understanding, one can use the sword technique to guide the agility and integrate the agility into the sword technique, so that the two are no longer incompatible.

Now, the 120-level sword technique just exceeds the agility attribute.......


Jiang Chen dodged and retreated three steps away from Elder Yu. At the same time, he took out a resuscitation pill and swallowed it.

Elder Yu suddenly laughed and said with contempt:"It's too late to run now!"


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Today, I will tell you what a genius is! What does it mean to be one with the sword and body!"



Elder Yu almost laughed out loud when he heard this.���

"Sword and body become one?"

"Where the hell did you make up that new word?"

"This elder has been in the martial arts world for more than fifty years, and has never heard of the unity of sword and body. Unity of heaven and man is possible, but is that something you, a stinky boy, can understand?"

This time.

Not only Elder Yu couldn't stop laughing.

Even Ye Ruoli had a black line on his face:"Little brother Jiang Chen, do you want to consider retreating?""


The unity of sword and body, this kind of statement, has never been heard of!

No need to ask Tian Boguang.

She is a swordsman, although not a pure swordsman, but she is confident that she understands all the major and minor cultivation methods in the martial arts world.

The unity of sword and body, there is really no such thing.

The unity of sword god, the unity of heaven and man, the unity of man and sword, etc.

But this sword body...

I don’t know, never heard of it!!......

Yuelai Inn.

Wu Qianyue's pen moves like a dragon, and in the blink of an eye, a piece of paper is gone, and she finishes writing the last Qingxin Mantra.


"We're done, call it a day~"

Shi Feixuan looked at her and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows:"I asked you to copy the Heart Purification Mantra with all my heart, but you ended up using your pen as a sword and treating it as practicing martial arts?"


Wu Qianyue looked innocent.

"Sister, I actually use a pen instead of a sword. I am one with the pen. I am the pen. Whatever the pen writes is naturally what I am writing."

"A single stroke of the pen clears the mind, the whole body clears the mind. This kind of copying effect is unprecedented and will never be surpassed.~"

"Oh, I'm such a genius!"

Shi Feixuan's cultivation is already very high, but facing this extremely talented junior sister, she is always speechless.

"The so-called unity of man and pen, unity of man and sword, only requires unity of sword body, perfect harmony of man and martial arts."

"With your skills, you have already passed this stage. You are just using it now to make up the numbers. Do you think I am stupid, your senior sister?!"

Shi Feixuan said and turned around:"Copy it a hundred times again, and you are not allowed to use martial arts!"


Rewrite...One hundred times!?


Wu Qianyue almost burst into tears.

Shi Feixuan's face was solemn:"In the past in Jingzhai, you were just showing off your temper, but now that you have gone down the mountain, if you still don't repent, don't blame me for sending you back!"

Go back?

Go back to Jingzhai?


Wu Qianyue slammed her head on the table:"Senior sister, Qianyue knows I was wrong, I will rewrite it right away, please don't send me back~!"


Shi Feixuan hummed:"Write well. If you can change your temper, with your comprehension, you should have realized the sword heart clear."

Wu Qianyue:"Senior sister, if you realize the sword heart clear, do you not need to write?"


Shi Feixuan affirmed.

A person with a clear mind for swords will have a thorough understanding of both people and swords. He will have a clear mind for both the inner and the outer.

Therefore, a person with a clear mind for swords does not need anyone to teach him. He can rely on his clear mind to eliminate the dross and retain the essence, and correct the wrongs.......

On the other side,

Tian Boguang was in a killing mood and suddenly said,"Little brother, I think you should stop messing with that useless guy. Hold on, I will chop this guy into pieces soon.""


Elder Yu laughed wildly

"This palm of mine, with forty years of skill, what can you use to resist it! ?" The words fell.

���The old man's inner strength shook, the bluestone under his feet shattered on the spot, and the whole person turned into a black cloud, rushing straight towards Jiang Chen to kill him.


Jiang Chen smiled calmly:

"He stole a complete set of advanced martial arts, practiced hard for forty years, and in the end, he didn't even understand this?"

"But it's true, a frog hiding in a well who doesn't even dare to look at the world, how can he have any knowledge! ?"

Elder Yu's eyes were sinister.

If a famous master in the world said this, he wouldn't dare to say anything, but what right do you have as a young boy?

"Look, I'll tear your mouth apart!!"......


The sword comes out~

The Jade Sword vibrates slightly under the internal strength, making a pleasant sound.

Wandering in all directions!

The moment the sword moves, Jiang Chen also disappears.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen appears on the left side of the black cloud that is the incarnation of Elder

Yu. With one sword, it pierces through the black cloud that is transformed by the palm shadows in the sky, and points directly to Elder Yu's armpit.


The sword is fast, and the man is fast too!

But Elder Yu still reacted, turned in the air, turned his palm, and blocked!

In this way, there is no flaw.

Jiang Chen's expression is indifferent. The moment the opponent turned around to block, he withdrew his sword and disappeared.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen appeared behind him and drew his sword again.

This sword is just as fast and accurate.

The tip of the sword pierces through the black cloud and points directly to the opponent's heart.

It seems.

This black cloud is just a group of empty clouds and mist in front of Jiang Chen, which is useless.

"The sword moves are good, but that's all!"

Although Elder Yu was surprised, he was not worried. He had profound skills, and even if he turned around and changed his moves, he would still be able to make it in time.

When he faced him again, he blocked him with another palm.

Jiang Chen dodged again, and this time, he appeared on Elder Yu's right side.


Elder Yu was about to catch up, but his face changed in an instant. His internal energy was unstable and he couldn't keep up!

If he relied on his movements, he had just turned right and now had to turn left to face Jiang Chen and block the attack.

Damn it!

Elder Yu stomped his foot, bursting with power, and used the recoil force to twist his body.

Seeing that the jade was about to pierce his heart, Elder Yu finally twisted his body, his palm returned to the front, and slapped the sword sideways to block!

"Not bad."

Jiang Chen commented lightly.

But the next moment, he appeared behind Elder Yu again. Wandering in all directions!

This sword move was supposed to deal with enemies from all directions, but this time it was modified to target one person.

Relying on speed, Jiang Chen circled the opponent and continued to attack.

Anyone, any move, has flaws.

People can't take care of the back.

Sword and body are one.

It is to integrate the advantages of body movement and lightness into swordsmanship and bring them to the extreme.

In terms of swordsmanship, the opponent's palm method changes quickly and is of high level.

It is indeed difficult to take down, and can even counterattack.

But once the body method is integrated.

How can a person who practices sinister internal palm method compare with me in body movement? Golden Goose Gong.

It is extremely light.

At this moment, the internal power and the shortened gap of swordsmanship allow Jiang Chen to change his body movement with sword moves.

The faster the sword moves change, the faster the body movement becomes.

Sword and body are one.

The power is completely different from before!

The third sword.

Elder Yu had to burst out with strength to barely rush over to block.

The fourth sword


Elder Yu didn't have time to deal with the internal energy that was coming back, and he completely ignored the endurance of his meridians and burst out, forcing himself to turn around.

The fifth sword.

Elder Yu wanted to kick again.

However, the jade sword shadow turned in the air and slashed down.

That position was clearly...


Elder Yu was instantly furious, but it was too late.

With a"pop"

, his left foot was cut off by Jiang Chen's sword.

His whole body was instantly unbalanced.

"You dare to use the same trick twice?" Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly. He was so stupid. No wonder he dared not show his head even after practicing hard for forty years.

Jiang Chen dodged to the side and attacked with the Jade Sword again.

This time,

Elder Yu could only watch Jiang Chen disappear from his sight. He could not move, could not raise his internal strength, his feet could not support the ground, and his body was still twisted into a knot.

With only five swords, he could only wait for death!

"This, this is the unity of sword and body! ?"


Before he died, Elder Yu let out a terrifying roar:"You fucking lied to me!!!"

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