Damn it!

Jiang Chen really wanted to say this now.

Damn it!

I asked you to be fair, are you really fair?!

Still want to fight?

Why don’t you go down and fight! ?......

Lu Xiaofeng!

Is this man's martial arts top-notch?

I don't know, pure metaphysics!

But are his bodyguards top-notch?

Absolutely top-notch!

And they are the top of the top!

As for whether Ximen Chuxue has improved since the opening of the martial arts world a hundred years ago, and whether he has broken through the strength of a grandmaster, no one knows.

But no matter how you look at it, at least he is at the level of a top master.......

"Okay, okay, it’s still Mr. Lu who has to be fair!"

"As expected of the first-class incarnation of justice in the Ming Dynasty, I think it will work!"

Although there were some surprises, the result was what everyone wanted to see.

As for Yu Changan.

Even if he was dissatisfied with what Lu Xiaofeng said, he did not dare to speak out.

"" You little bastard, get off here!" Jiang Chen sighed softly,"I've seen many people who are anxious to reincarnate, but I've never seen one as anxious as you.



"By the way, Boss Mu, this chicken wings dish is good, please prepare two more plates for me.���I want to pack up."

Pack up!?"

Mu Qingcheng thought, you have to come back alive first!! Ye Ruoli unexpectedly said yes.

Jiang Chen stood up, drew his sword, and leaped out. The whole person was as light as a feather, and slowly floated down.


Everyone present was a gangster.

Just by hearing your reputation, no one knew how capable you were.

But once you made a move, you could tell.

"Good lightness skill!"

"To be able to perform such graceful and elegant martial arts, it must be at least a high-level martial art."

"Moreover, his level is not low, which means he has achieved a lot in cultivation!"

If it was a famous master, no one would be surprised.

But rookies often debuted for a short time, and it is amazing if they can cultivate their sword skills and internal strength to a good level. How can they have time to cultivate Qinggong? As soon as

Jiang Chen appeared, his Qinggong was not comparable to that of ordinary rookies.

"There's something to it!"

"Today's game is a big win, and the outcome is still hard to predict~"

Everyone was discussing.

In the special seat upstairs, Mu Qingcheng looked at her sister:"Ruoli, are you really optimistic about your man?"

"But it's useless, he can't come back!"

Luo Xin also nodded:"If it's an ordinary rookie, you can try it, but Yu Changan...Really not!"

Tian Boguang was only interested in picking flowers. He knew a lot about the famous masters in the martial arts world, but as for the rookies, to be honest, he didn't pay attention to them.


"The rookies from Qingcheng are at best first-rate, and they are the weakest ones, how could they be better than my brother?"

Mu Qingcheng then explained:

"When the Exorcist Sword mission was launched, the entire Qingcheng Sect was mobilized. Yu Canghai's son died, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as he managed to snatch half of the sword manual."

"Later, the Qingcheng Swordsmanship was modified with this method, and the martial arts world called it the Exorcist Version"

"Few people in Qingcheng Sect could learn this kind of martial arts, but someone was very thoughtful. Knowing that Yu Canghai had no son, he named him Yu An'an, went up the mountain to worship his godfather, and became Yu Canghai's adopted son."

"Qingcheng Wushu Exorcism Edition, estimated that no more than ten people have learned it, but Yu An'an and Yu Chang'an brothers definitely know it...."

Damn it!

Tian Boguang couldn't help but curse inwardly. Speaking of the Exorcist Sword Technique, he had experienced it before.

Too fast!

Too fierce!

To be honest, it was not comparable to the Kuangfeng Sword Technique, it was really outrageous.

Even if the sword technique was modified from the Exorcist Sword Technique, it would probably be one level higher than his Kuangfeng Sword Technique.

And Jiang Chen's sword technique was at most the third rank.

The level of realm was not even first-rate.

Even if there was an entry-level sword and sword combination, it was hard to say whether this battle would be successful..........


The stage instantly became a competition arena.

When Mu Qingcheng explained, although her voice was low, she deliberately used her power to penetrate and penetrate the whole audience.

For the sake of her sister, she finally reminded Jiang Chen.......

Although the people in the underworld like gossip, few dare to confirm this kind of inside information.

After all, in terms of being well-informed, how many places in the underworld can compare with the brothel?

"Oh shit!"

"The evil-repelling version of Songfeng Sword has rarely been seen since it came out.~"

"I thought only the young leader might have it, but I didn’t expect that even his younger brother might have it?"

"Wow, that’s awesome!"

"Yu An'an was really awesome back then. On Mount Qingcheng, he knocked his head down and became the young leader, gaining both fame, wealth and power."

"Hey, why can't we think of it?~"

"Now I know, go and knock it! ?"

"Look, Ximen Chuxue is upstairs, that's even cooler, why don't you go and try it?"

"No, no, no~ forget it.~"......

Wudang Sect private room.

Several Wudang disciples are chatting and laughing.

"Senior Brother Shang, that kid is dead!"

"How dare you insult Wudang? Do you really think that since Lu Xiaofeng is an NPC, we should give him justice?"

"In terms of relationship, our Wudang and Lu Xiaofeng are really close~"

Shang Wanli's face was calm:

"It doesn't matter whether Jiang Chen is dead or alive. The key is that if he dies, Tian Boguang will be exposed. Keep a close eye on him and don't let the Huashan Society snatch him away~"


"Don’t worry, brother!"

"Just that group of despicable Huashan dogs want to learn unique skills?"

"It's just a dream!"

"Relying on the remaining martial arts that he learned from the original Sunflower, he has been rampant in the martial arts world for decades. Does he really think that this is Huashan Dog's own ability?"

"that is~"

"Now that I have opened up my Wudang secret skills and my strength is increasing day by day, how can I give Huashan Dog another chance to turn things around!"

Shang Wanli nodded slightly:"Okay!"

"As long as we can capture Tian Boguang this time, if there are any unique skills available in the future, you will definitely get one."

Everyone was immediately delighted:"Thank you for your cultivation, senior brother!"......

Lu Xiaofeng finally found a job, and took a deep sip of the red wine.

"How to say?"

"Who are you betting on to win?"

Ximen Chuixue raised his eyelids and said,"Are you going to pay the bill?""

You're kidding!"

Lu Xiaofeng stood up and said,

"When has anyone ever broken a bet I made?"


Lu Xiaofeng shouted directly to the outside:

"Jiang Chen wins, pays three to one"

"Yu Changan wins, pays two to one"

"Come on, anyone here can take any orders. I, Lu Xiaofeng, will take all of them.~!"

What the hell?


Jianghu Jianghu.

Fine wine, beautiful women, plus a deck of Pai Gow dice, perfect!

"If Mr. Lu says go, then I will go.....Yu Changan!"


"As soon as the odds were announced, it was clear that Hero Lu was optimistic about Yu Changan!"

"I bet three thousand taels, and the rest is in Chang'an!"

"Five thousand! Yu Changan~".......

The whole brothel was in an uproar.

Seeing this, Mu Qingcheng could only sigh,"Someone, come and help Hero Lu start the game and settle the accounts~"

Anyway, the game was already started, and she, as a brothel owner, could help out and get a commission, so it would be a waste if she didn't make money........

Lu Xiaofeng turns around again

"Now, it's really open this time. If you dare to bet, I dare to pay!"

Ximen Chuxue still shook his head:"It's boring, I won't bet."


Lu Xiaofeng was really going to have a cramp:"You said it's boring? If it wasn't for you, do you really think that I, Lu Xiaofeng, am idle and looking for trouble! ?"

Jiang Chen had been talking all night.

Now that he came to the door, Lu Xiaofeng naturally couldn't let him go. He had to see how capable he was no matter what.

But Ximen Chuxue said it was boring.

What should he do?

Did he waste his thoughts?


He had to ask clearly.

"How do you know it's boring if you don't watch it?"

Lu Xiaofeng was puzzled:"Just the Qinggong?"

"It looks like the Quanzhen Sect's Golden Goose Kung Fu, and it does have some practice, maybe 50 or 60 levels, no more."

"As for the swordsmanship, the one he reshaped was at most at the third level, and definitely not first-rate!"

"With this level, how can you become Yu Canghai's apprentice?"

""What about your face!"

Ximen Chuxue's expression was as cold as ice. He neither replied nor expressed anything.


This is what annoyed Lu Xiaofeng the most.

"Okay, you are awesome!"

"Let's just wait and see. If Jiang Chen dies later, I won't save him. You have to save him if you want!"......

Yu Changan was originally very anxious, but at this moment, even Lu Xiaofeng was optimistic about him.

He was no longer anxious. For those who are in the martial arts world, reputation is the most difficult thing!

He has been secluded in the mountains for many years, and he went down the mountain to make a name for himself, so that people know that he, Yu Changan, is not his brother, and he is still a majestic master in the martial arts world!

Although he is facing an unknown junior in this match, there are many spectators, and they are all masters. It can be said to be an excellent opportunity.

"Brat, even if you want to kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't give you that chance.~!"Yu Changan shouted arrogantly.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Little girl over there, come here, I'll bet 280,000 and I'll win."


The whole audience was stunned!


You're doing such a big thing?

Lu Xiaofeng was also surprised:"You are a newcomer in the martial arts world, how can you be so rich?"

Jiang Chen said in return:"Master Lu, can't you afford to pay?"......


One sentence, everyone was silent


"Is Jiang Chen crazy? Is he challenging Lu Xiaofeng?"


"Even if he wins this game, he will die. Hey~ Why don't you just die and let me make a small profit?"......



Lu Xiaofeng's eyebrows were almost crooked with laughter:"Okay, okay, you have personality. Come on, go ahead. If I, Lu Xiaofeng, can't afford it, I will give you all my martial arts skills and Lingxi Finger as compensation!"


Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

Lu Xiaofeng:"It's genuine! Brother Ximen can testify!"


It's hard to say whether Lu Xiaofeng is reliable or not, but Ximen Chuxue is definitely reliable.

""Okay, then help me to stake this fan."

Jiang Chen threw the top-grade fan out.


The little girl was a little confused. She really didn't know how much this fan could bet.


Ye Ruoli's eyebrows moved and he said directly:"A blue top-grade fan, bet...One million taels!"

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