Lu Xiaofeng looked disdainful and raised his eyebrows and said,"Don't you say it's boring?"

Ximen Chuixue:"Just now, it was boring. Now, it may be a little interesting...."


It would be interesting to recreate an intermediate sword technique?

Lu Xiaofeng was not sure.

"Even if you have extraordinary talent, you can't learn the Sword of Exorcism right away, right?"

Ximen Chuixue:"If you really learn it, it will be boring."

Lu Xiaofeng lowered his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, saying:"Don't always make me guess riddles, it's very brain-consuming....".......


Chen raised his sword, just like Yu Changan's opening move.

But he did not stand still, but leaned forward, like a beast hunting, waiting for an opportunity to move, with a fierce momentum.

"Falling meteors! ?"

Yu Changan learned the revised version, but he also knew the original name of the evil-repelling weapon.

"Okay, you want to learn secretly, right?"

"Come on! Let me see, what can you use to beat my genuine version! ?"


Jiang Chen disappeared instantly, and the Ice Python Battle Suit dragged a series of ice-green figures in the ring. All the figures connected together looked like a giant python, raising its head to hunt!

Yu Changan also raised his sword head. The

72-way sword technique, starting from the face, is the fastest, most powerful, and most ferocious!

So it is the attack, and it is also the defense.

Because attack is the best defense.

The Exorcist Sword Technique kills the enemy quickly, and there is almost no defense!

"Let me show you what a falling meteor is.~!"Yu Changan was full of confidence, staring at Jiang Chen who was rushing towards him.

As the sword moved, the moves changed instantly.

Yu Changan's hand and sword were almost only afterimages.

However, the tip of the sword was above Jiang Chen's head, blooming a little stream of light and falling rapidly.

This is an incomprehensible move in ordinary swordsmanship. They are clearly face to face.

How can you attack from the sky with one sword?

But if you have enough understanding, superb cultivation, and extraordinary eyesight, you can see it clearly.

Yu Changan actually jumped up and stabbed with his backhand at the moment of drawing the sword.

Fast change of moves.

Moves that others can't do can be done in exorcism.

Fast body movement.

It makes people confused about the position, so he dared to jump in front of him.

However, Yu Changan used the wrong sword this time and misjudged the person. The person opposite was Jiang Chen.

He and his sword were faster.

With a tap of the toes, Jiang Chen turned into seven phantoms in an instant and jumped at the same time.

One sword is divided into seven!

Seven swords are all stars!

In an instant, it seemed as if seven meteors appeared on the stage and fell to the ground at the same time.

Meteors should have flashed away.

But the dazzling brilliance was engraved in everyone's eyes and lingered for a long time...........


Yu Changan was speechless. He didn't even know how the Seven Stars were performed.

As for resisting?

He had never thought about it at all.

His moves should have subsequent changes. Even if he couldn't hit the enemy, he could still deal with more than a dozen changes.

In the past, he could counter his brother's moves.

He could also counter the falling meteors from the opposite side.


But he really had never learned how to deal with seven meteors at the same time~!!!


It was fleeting~

Facing the fastest sword in the world, any moment of hesitation on your part would lead to defeat!

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! ~

Yu Changan's brow, throat, chest Juque, left and right Shangqu, Qihai under the abdomen, and Mingmen on the back were all hit by the sword almost at the same time!

One sword, seven stars!

All seven swords are stars!

The swords strike out with stars falling, taking away life and breath!......


【Victory in the battle, gain 1980000 experience points】


【Defeat the strong with the weak, defeat the top master, and get an extra 1,000,000 experience points】


【You defeated Yu Chang'an, the eighth on the list of newcomers in the Ming Dynasty, and made it onto the list of newcomers!】

【Your reputation has increased significantly!】......


So much?

Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

This kid was actually ranked eighth on the rookie list?

Worth less than two million experience points.

The extra reward for defeating the strong with the weak was actually as high as 1 million?......

It is difficult for a third-rate to defeat a second-rate, but it cannot be said that there is no chance.

After all, the martial arts level and practical experience of the second-rate are not that terrible, and there are always flaws.

But the first-rate.

At the very least, you must have achieved advanced martial arts.

In the martial arts world, if you want to be qualified to learn advanced martial arts in a famous family, it is a huge project that can be called three to five years.

It will take at least five to eight years to graduate from the mountains. The time spent by first-rate masters in the martial arts world is really not less than ten years.

Advanced martial arts, good teachers’ guidance, years of competitions, fighting, breaking moves, and all kinds of practical experience are much more than the second-rate who still need to make money to improve.

So for the second-rate, it is geometrically difficult to defeat the first-rate!.......

Jianghu rookie list.

I have heard of it before.

But it is too far away for Jiang Chen.

The so-called rookie means that the reputation cannot be low.

And reputation must be earned in the Jianghu.

Not to mention earth-shattering, at least you have to do something.

In order for the people in the Jianghu to know you and get to know you, there must be at least one or two deeds that are qualified to be on the Jianghu tabloids, so that people can know you, right?

This is a necessary process.

As long as the reputation is in place, everyone will recognize you as a Jianghu rookie.

But, this does not mean that you can be on the rookie list.

Because there is only one way to get on the list.

Challenge the rookies on the list!

If you win, your reputation will naturally rise and everyone will know you.

If you lose, just pretend that it never happened and start over.


No matter what extraordinary skills you have learned or how many levels you have, they are all bragging topics, not real awesomeness.

If you want to be really awesome, you have to show the real thing!

Challenge the masters on the list.

Defeating them fair and square and replacing them, that will count.

The reason why Mu Qingcheng took a fancy to Yu Changan was because this guy defeated the Kunlun master who was ranked eighth on the rookie list in public in Yingtian Prefecture last month.

Now, less than a month after he was listed on the rookie list, he was defeated by Jiang Chen and completely eliminated from the martial arts world.

The martial arts world is so cruel.

The winner has everything!

The loser?

He can't even eat dirt to keep up with the heat.~......


Yu Changan, who was hit by seven swords, fell to the ground and turned into white light.

"What the hell! ?"


The crowd of Jianghu people in the audience still had those seven brilliant shooting stars in their eyes. They hadn't reacted to what the move was, and then, it was over....???

"Is this the sword to ward off evil?"

"But, but isn't he Jiang Chen?"

Everyone was confused.

"Even if it was reshaped, it would be impossible to reshape it into something that could ward off evil spirits, right?!"


"I don't believe it. What the hell is going on?"

"It's over, it's all over, this is my last three thousand taels~"

"You're losing a lot, brother. If I had known earlier, I would have bet on Jiang Chen. It's three times the odds!!"

Yes~ If

I had known earlier, I would have bet on Jiang Chen.~

"If I had known this earlier, I would have worked harder on practicing sword skills and would have topped the Jianghu Ranking!"

"Know it earlier...How could I have known so much earlier?"

"I just want to ask, is there any more games?"

"Please give me a chance to make a comeback~~".......

"he...Really won?"

Mu Qingcheng trembled her red lips and looked sideways at her sister. She was as quiet as a virgin, with a face like West Lake.

"My dear sister, aren't you even surprised?"

"Eighth on the rookie list, not everyone can make it. There are only ten people like that in the whole Ming Dynasty!"

"Where is Jiang Chen?"

"He killed the eighth with one sword. I'm afraid his strength is more than the eighth!!"

This kind of person.

To be honest, when facing the task of the top ten of the rookie list, Mu Qingcheng didn't even have the mind to provoke him.

The Ming Dynasty is vast and rich in resources. There are many sects and masters.

The number of players has exceeded 500 million!

The Tianbang where the masters are located is naturally the level that everyone dreams of, but you also know that it is a dream after all.

There are all kinds of things in dreams.

Back to reality, look at the world, look at the people around you?

Don't talk about the Tianbang, even if you become a first-class, you have to struggle for more than ten years.

As for the rookies?

They have to work hard for a few more years to brush up a good reputation.

As for the top ten of the rookie list!?

This is not something that you can get just by your hard work....

In theory, a duel decides everything.

But in reality, you are a nobody, why should you let someone who has already ranked in the top ten of rookies challenge you? Is it because you are too shameless?

Or is it because of your big butt?

As for money?

If others can be on the list, they will definitely have as much as you.


What benefits can they get from defeating a nobody like you?

And if they can make it on the list, they can definitely use their reputation and momentum to build their own power.

Therefore, just wanting to rush to someone and challenge him is already an extremely difficult task.

What's more, you have to win?

Not only do you have to win, you have to win in public!

Otherwise, the world will assume that you were assassinated.

This difficulty...

This list...

It's really not something that ordinary people can get on.

Newcomers are not to be feared, there are so many in the martial arts world. Which sect or city has not yet���Hundreds of rookies?

But there are only ten rookies on the list!

This is definitely not something that any small gang can afford to offend.

And Jiang Chen.

No one knew about him last night, but he was on the list tonight.

He even killed him almost instantly!

To be honest, the hundreds of moves before can really be ignored.......

Seeing Mu Qingcheng's reaction, Ye Ruoli smiled faintly:

"Sister Gang Leader, are you moved?"

Mu Qingcheng was slightly stunned:"???"

""Damn girl!! You are...How much expired poison have you taken to be bold enough to make fun of me?"

"Great! Look at me!..."Look, I'll deal with you later!!"

He couldn't say anything more.

The brothel hall was in chaos at this moment.

The people of Qingcheng Sect finally reacted.

Someone was dead!

The dead person was not someone else, but their young master's younger brother, his own brother!

They were Qingcheng disciples. To put it nicely, they were accompanying him. To put it bluntly, they were responsible for protecting Yu Changan and acting as bodyguards.

But now that someone was dead, what could they take back to explain to the young master?

"Bastard, you...Return my brother's life to me!"

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