
Shang Wanli shouted coldly:"You are so funny, are you still bragging before you die?"

Although he looked disdainful, in his heart, he was already gritting his teeth in hatred. Obviously

, internal strength is also my Wudang unique skill, why didn't I think of using the advantage of Wudang swordsmanship to form a formation and go up to kill this kid?...I missed a God-given opportunity to get back at the right place!......

As he spoke, the sword energy was approaching!

Jiang Chen's expression was cold, and his eyes carefully pointed out the positions and trajectories of the opponent's hundreds of sword energies. With the Xuanbing Sword in his hand, he seized the best opportunity to cut in and stabbed out with one sword.

The evil spirits were frightened!

One move.

Adapted from the sword method of the Seventy-Two Sword Techniques, facing the enemies head-on.

Not retreat, but advance!

Jiang Chen's figure flashed, and he passed through the hundreds of sword energies directly. The sharp blade in his hand instantly transformed into hundreds of sword shadows.

Each sword shadow took into account the possible blocking path of the opponent.

Each sword shadow pointed to the weak point of the opponent's Qi protection.

One move of a hundred swords!

Each sword pointed directly at the enemy's flaw!


The people of Dengyun Pavilion had never expected that Jiang Chen would choose a hard kill in the first move!

This cannot be said to have nothing to do with his previous fighting style, it can only be said to be completely different! It is definitely too late to block ~ too fast!

His sword is still so fast, so fast that it is ridiculous.

He can only rely on Qi defense to block it.

This was originally a well-thought-out plan.

Shouting to kill!

That was to remind the back row to take action.

This is an opportunity!

Almost, it is the best opportunity to take down this kid in one move!

"Boy, when you stare into the abyss, don't you know that the abyss is also staring at you?"

The second row of Dengyun Pavilion masters drew their swords, their eyes full of pride.

Jiang Chen's sword momentum did not retreat, and he whispered:"Sword Qi is everywhere!"


In an instant, thirteen sword energies burst out almost at the same time.

The internal energy was infused with black ice.

The sword energy was extremely cold!

The reason why Jiang Chen attacked now was to wait for the opponent's second row to attack first.

Sword Qi has an obvious flaw.

That is, as long as you attack, it is impossible to change the trajectory! In the hundreds of years of Jianghu, I have never heard of anyone whose sword Qi can turn. It is rumored that Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, came from the sky with a sword, or the martial arts legend of Wanjian Guizong, seems to have this ability, but those are all legends.

And the people in front of him are neither Ye Gucheng! Nor are they Wuming!.......

"Sword Qi?"

The master of Dengyun Pavilion was completely stunned.

From beginning to end, he had never seen Jiang Chen use sword qi!

Fast sword.

Isn't this the way of the Sword Sect?

Does the Sword Sect play with sword qi?


You...What the hell are you doing?

"Ha, the sword energy of the Sword Sect is all garbage, and your sword energy is the garbage among garbage!"

A group of people can't keep up with the speed of sword energy and can't block it.

Even if they send out sword energy again, they can't stop it.

But it doesn't matter.

How many years can a newcomer in the martial arts world have to practice?

The damage of sword energy is absolutely related to internal strength.

In the martial arts world, the simpler calculation of sword energy damage is: sword energy damage = internal strength attack power * sword energy power percentage. The internal strength attack power is based on the basic 100 points of internal strength value, and is directly multiplied by the total increase of all internal strength.

Therefore, the sword energy attack emitted by internal strength has basically nothing to do with normal attack power. It depends purely on the internal strength and the release of internal strength value.

An ordinary rookie can only have a few hundred points of internal strength at most. Even if he has a thousand!

Sword energy attack power, even if he counts the power-related bonus in his swordsmanship and can fully exert the power of sword energy, in this way, a sword energy under a thousand points of internal strength is only 5,000 points of attack.

Qi defense has the same effect on weapons, but it has an effect bonus on Qi attack.

One point of internal force in Qi defense can resist 10 points of sword energy attack.

And they are all first-rate masters. They have profound internal strength!

The Qi defense they set up, even the weakest part, has nearly 10,000 points of Qi defense.

They are not afraid at all. You can hit me as much as you want!

Even if you burst out and use super-standard internal force for each sword energy, you are not afraid.

Because the damage of sword energy hitting non-vital parts is lower than that of weapons, plus the defense of their own equipment.

The masters of Dengyun Pavilion can be said to be.

Even if you burst out, you can only knock off a few hundred or a thousand of my health at most.

But what about you?

You are a rookie, and a burst consumes thousands or tens of thousands of internal force points. I just ask you, how many times can a rookie burst?

Is it enough to kill me?!


On the ring, all thirteen people laughed.

With their experience, they can roughly estimate the approximate damage of the opponent's sword energy in a blink of an eye.

"No need to worry about him, just kill him again!"

Faced with the thirteen sword energies, everyone in Dengyun Pavilion chose to ignore them.


The thirteen sword energies hit them at the same time, almost without any order.

The hazy white Qi defense did not resist the sharp and extremely cold sword energy, and it penetrated in an instant!

The equipment also resisted, but it was still not enough, and it also penetrated!

The sword energy was originally Jiang Chen's attack on the weak points of their Qi.

With only 4,000 points of internal energy, nearly 20,000 points of internal force attack power, plus the bonus of swordsmanship and the little defense-breaking effect of the extremely cold sword energy, how could they resist with their little Qi defense?

If the sword energy hit the part where they were defending with all their strength, it would naturally have no such effect.

But the weak position, absolutely not!


Thirteen people spat out blood at the same time.

The grand scene and the synchronization of frequency were truly breathtaking.

Seriously injured!

Seriously injured by one sword!

The damage value exceeded the expected value, too much!

More importantly.

They did not make any preparations and even directly mobilized a second attack. This time the meridians were damaged and the attack was interrupted.

Instead, the true qi in the body recoiled, causing secondary damage.

Injury upon injury, directly seriously injured!

"Tsk tsk~ As expected of a master from Huashan Dengyun Pavilion, he can even spit blood in such a uniform manner, so impressive!"

Jiang Chen said lightly, but the Xuanbing Sword in his hand unfolded again.

The evil spirits were frightened!

The sword energy was overwhelming!

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