
Shangguan Haitang was completely stunned.

As a spy, it was her job to investigate cases, so no matter who it was, she could take them away in the name of investigating cases.

But the other party admitted it directly.

Then it would be difficult to interfere with the subsequent process.

As for Yuan Du, Yuan Hua, and Yuan Yuzun...

They were also confused now.

They didn't even know whether they should be happy or cry when Jiang Chen confessed his guilt! ?

It didn't make sense. They clearly let you go, but you refused to leave and insisted on staying?

What is your relationship with Tian Boguang? Is he so close?


Is he sure that Lu Xiaofeng and Shi Feixuan will stand on his side?

Yuan Yuzun was also struggling.

This kind of legendary NPC is a master, or even a top master.

Don't mention him.

In the entire Huashan Sect, all the people, all the NPCs together, may not be able to pick out three who can fight against them.

Damn it!......

As for Tian Boguang, he didn't know why.

Today was the most dizzy day for him.

As a well-known rapist who was hated by everyone, it was the first time that he was completely ignored by the government and the underworld.

From the beginning to the end, no one bothered him.

The secret agent of the imperial court was right in front of him, but he didn't arrest him but Jiang Chen!

Good man~

Did my brother violate the law of heaven?

It doesn't seem like it...

Didn't he just kill a few gangsters?

Didn't he just steal a Bailing Pill from Huashan?

Is that a big deal?......

"No way!"

Shangguan Haitang said flatly

"The important case you committed also involves other cases. You must go back with me to investigate!"

Jiang Chen's sword shook, and a few frost flowers fell on the ring.

"Come on then"

"But the rules can't be broken. Pay the money and come up to fight. It's up to you if you win."

What the hell?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

You said this in front of the inner court spy?


I'm doing this for your own good~


In the end you don’t even give them a way out?......


Lu Xiaofeng is now desperate. He just made more than 7 million yuan. After deducting the profit, he only has more than 3 million yuan, which is not enough to make up for the loss.

"Xiao Haitang, you are first-rate, or the best of the best...."

"Well, let's put it this way. You bet 30 million, which is almost enough."

"Thirty, thirty million?"

Shangguan Haitang's voice immediately rose three notes.

Lu Xiaofeng said seriously:"Yes, you are top-notch, and Jiang Chen is not even top-notch. How big is the gap?"

"My handicap is 100,000 for non-top-tier bets.~"

"But the super first-class ones are not allowed, each one must have a different price, otherwise I will be laughed at as a fool by the world."



Shangguan Haitang was really trapped by these two unreasonable guys.

Thirty million taels?!

Even if she sold it, she might not have that much silver........

"What about me?"

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

Wu Qianyue remained calm on the surface, but she was secretly excited in her heart. If the price was not expensive, she would definitely go.

Senior sister is a senior in the martial arts world and doesn't want to bully children.

She doesn't care!

As for the Buddhist Dharma, she didn't remember a few words in her heart....


Lu Xiaofeng glanced at Shi Feixuan beside her:"10 billion, right?"

Wu Qianyue: ???

Lu Xiaofeng spread his hands and said,"That's reasonable. The four characters of Cihang Sword Canon must be worth 10 billion, right?"

Cihang Sword Canon?

At this time, everyone present realized that

Shi Feixuan didn't come alone. There was a fairy beside her!

Qin Mengyao?


Not an NPC!

In the martial arts world, although players and NPCs are not directly marked, old martial artists can still tell at a glance whether it is an NPC.

This little fairy must be a player!


How did a player learn Cihang Sword Canon?

Cihang Jingzhai has been closed for a hundred years?

What about her?

Did she become a disciple of Jingzhai a hundred years ago?


What realm is she in now?




After a hundred years, Cihang was born.

Is the world really going to change?......

While everyone was still in shock, a figure suddenly flashed down from the third floor.

Looking closely, it was a handsome man in black, with a wicked smile on his face:"The righteous people in the martial arts world are really a bunch of trash. Even a young rookie can shit on your heads!"


The whole audience was silent.

"you...You are Xiao Feitian, Zhao Yi!" Someone shouted in shock.

Compared with Jiang Chen, few people in the Jianghu of the whole South City don't know this name.


Jiang Chen is just a fake spy of the Demon Cult, and he is a real disciple of the Demon Cult!

Moreover, he is not an ordinary disciple.

Demon Cult.

Sun Moon Divine Cult!

In the past hundred years of the Ming Dynasty, the Sun Moon Divine Cult has been almost at its peak.

Looking at the whole Jianghu, no force dares to say that they can fight against the Demon Cult alone.

They don't have that qualification!

The gap is too big!

A hundred years ago, Ren Woxing and the ten elders of the Demon Cult plundered and robbed almost all the unique skills that could be robbed.

The treasure of Wudang, the Zhenwu Sword, the unique skills of the sect, the Tai Chi Boxing Sutra!

The Sunflower Treasure of Huashan.

Even the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion and the Sword Tomb of the Divine Sword Villa were not spared.

In the end...

After Ren Woxing and the ten elders entered the sphere of influence of the Nu Jiao Gang, they were stopped and stopped their crazy plundering of martial arts.

It was too long ago, and no one knew what happened in that battle.

All we know is that four of the ten elders of the Demon Cult died in that battle, and they did not resurrect.

No matter what, the number of unique martial arts of the Demon Cult is the best in the Ming Dynasty!

After that battle, the leader Ren Woxing went into seclusion.

Dongfang Bubai was born and took charge of the Sun Moon Divine Cult.

The only remaining six elders were elected as the supreme elders, and they were the six gods and demons.

「Fan Song

「Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He

「White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun

「Netherworld Gods and Demons" Kou Jun

「Blood Shadow God and Demon" Cao Tian

「"Qingluan God and Demon" Shangguan Feng

In addition, the Sun Moon Sect has established ten new elders, who are also top-notch masters with super-first-class martial arts.

After years of precipitation, the ten newly established elders are probably already masters.

And the six gods and demons will only be stronger!

The Sun Moon Sect has clear rewards and punishments, regardless of past seniority, only talking about merit.

Although the Sun Moon Sect is a demon sect in the world, everyone shouts and beats it.

But that is not important to the players.

Adults know that if you can't beat it, just join it.


There has never been a shortage of disciples in the Demon Sect, and young talents are emerging in an endless stream, and they are even far stronger than the rookies of the righteous way.

This is almost a fact recognized by the world, but it is not easy to say.

And this little Feitian Zhao Yi is the direct disciple of Feitian God and Demon.

Not only does he have the martial arts of Feitian God and Demon, but he also has the Wudang Tai Chi Sword. Although his level has not yet reached 200, he is only half a step ahead, but his strength is definitely a player on the Earth List......

"How brave!"

Shang Wanli was the first to stand up.

"The evildoer of the Demon Sect, how dare you be so rampant, do you really think this Huashan is your filthy Black Wood Cliff?!"


Are you scolding him for being a demon sect, or scolding me for being incompetent?

You bastard!

If Yuandu could take action now, he would definitely beat Shang Wanli to death first!.......

"Come on, take down this demon cult monster for me!"

Yuan Yuzun didn't need to think about it.

Fortunately, he brought a lot of people today, otherwise he might be embarrassed.

After all, if Zhao Yi dared to show up, it was impossible that there was only one person, right?

"Flying Demon Zhao He, you stole my Huashan secret skills and hurt my master. Now that you are here today, be prepared to leave your life behind!!"Yuan Yuzun was unable to participate in the battle that year, and even now, he does not plan to participate.

After all,

Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuxue, Shi Feixuan, and her junior sister are all here.

Just kidding.

With this lineup, Yuan Yuzun can even smile crookedly in his sleep in the middle of the night.

He has no idea how to lose!......


A sharp and cold snort came from the third floor:"You little brat, you didn't have the ability to avenge your master back then, and now, you still don't have it!"

As expected!

The Flying God and Demon, Zhao He!

Yuan Yuzun was about to shout when another voice rang out.

"But today is not the time to destroy you Huashan, so I will let your head hang for a few more days."

What else?

This is...White Ape God and Demon, Zhang Chengyun!

The six gods and demons of the Demon Cult, two of them came today?


With such news, his Huashan Society actually had no news at all.......

Master Feixuan sat quietly by the side, motionless as a mountain, and at this moment she finally opened her mouth and said,"Amitabha!~"

"When will the grudges end?"

"The six gods and demons elders of the Sun and Moon Sect, can you please stop killing for Fei Xuan's sake?"



This is fucking...The Demon Cult's strongest fighters, except for the two leaders and the left and right guardians, almost all of them are here!


Even when they went to Huashan to rob the Sunflower Manual, the lineup was not as exaggerated as this one, right?

On the other side.

Mu Qingcheng was already miserable.

Where did all these top-notch people come from? All these top-notch people on the Heavenly Ranking! ?

Are they still letting people do business?

My little brothel.

You have to hold on, don't let it collapse.......


After twenty years of hard work, it's really... it's all gone.~!!!......


Flying God and Demon Zhao He spoke coldly

"If your master Feixuan wasn't here, do you think these little guys would still be alive?"

"What is the right way of the underworld?"



"I advise you to stop interfering and get out of here as soon as possible~"

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