Meditation on Zen!

Magical body skills!.......


Hearing these two names, any person in the underworld would not be able to sit still.

"My kid, are you playing so big?"

"《This is the book of meditation...This is the pinnacle of ultimate martial arts, almost comparable to divine skills.~"

"Come on, be bold and remove the almost!"

"《The"Calm and Thoughts Zen Book" was written by a celestial monk. If it were the complete version, it would be on par with the"Cihang Sword Canon". Even if you insist that it is slightly inferior, it is only a little bit inferior."

"The Sword Classic is the gatekeeper of the Divine Book series. Even if the Zen Book is not included in the Divine Book series, it is definitely the one that stands out from the crowd."


"If this half of the sacred book were to be used in our Ming Dynasty, wouldn't that be a massacre?"

"I've exaggerated. Half of a divine book is not enough to kill people indiscriminately.~"

"but....If you include the half volume of Phantom Demon Body Skills, it's enough! It's even a bit too much!"

"After completing the training, you will be ranked below the Four Great Saints, and your Qinggong skills will be super awesome. The Four Great Saints can't catch up with you...."


How could the people present not be jealous when seeing such a high-end martial art?

Not to mention the six gods and demons who wanted to rush up and grab it, even Yuan Yuzun wanted to call for a fight.

As for Shang Wanli, even though he was very cunning, he couldn't help but smile at this moment.

"Fortune has come! Destiny has come!"

"With a Zen book, the dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, and the magical body skills, one can be invincible even when facing a master!"

"No, no! With this unique skill in hand, I am the master!"

"Ha ha ha ha~"

"A great mission from heaven will inevitably lead to suppression"

"I have lost all my face today, but in the end, I fought back and rose up from the ground!"

"I just need to win this competition, take the divine book, and build a good relationship with Master Feixuan. Then who else can be the next head of Wudang?"Lose!?


Zhao Yi is at most half a step to the super first-class, half a step to the earth list!

And I am super first-class!

What can you use to win?......

It would be nonsense for Lu Xiaofeng to say that he had no interest in this kind of secret book. As for the same Qinggong, he really wanted to see what was so wonderful about the Magical Body Skill?

Some people in the audience even started to shout.

"Jiang Chen, don’t you want to fight?"

"Forget it, I've been playing all night, I'm tired, why don't you let me go?"

This sentence instantly woke me up.



Why didn't I think of it?

Shang Wanli is sure to win, even if I'm a waste, I can still go up and get some secrets, right?

"No! Should I do it?"

"After all, our Songshan Sect is the leader of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, how can we not contribute to the Jianghu! ?"

"Bah! Little Songshan wants to be the sword master? Why don't you take a piss and look at the mirror?"

"I think it's still our Beggars' Sect that has to go. In all martial arts conferences, our Beggars' Sect always has the final say. If you don't bring our Beggars' Sect to the arena, do you look down on us, the best sect in the world?!"

"Roll, roll, roll~ What is the point of visiting a brothel, little beggar? Come, here are a hundred taels. Go find an old sister-in-law next door and sweat it out first.".......

Mu Qingcheng looked at the hustle and bustle in the brothel, then looked at the starry night above her head, and couldn't help but think of the running under the sunset twenty years ago, which was her lost youth.

It's over!

Yicui Tower is really over~

Now the roof has been demolished before the fight even started. If a fight breaks out, regardless of the winner or loser, Yicui Tower will be razed to the ground....


Mu Qingcheng secretly twitched her nose twice, holding back her tears.

"Hey guys, the betting starts now.~"

"Single game win or loss, six games to play, final win or loss, fight to the end, this building provides the most comprehensive entertainment package, and all bettors will also receive professional data analysis of all contestants"

"Place a bet of 10,000 taels and you will get exclusive analysis from the master! ~"

As for the brothel, if it is gone, you can build another one. But the prerequisite is to have money!

Mu Qingcheng's business was taken away by Lu Xiaofeng before, and she only made hundreds of thousands of dollars by taking a cut. Now, even if she dies, she has to take over this village!

When Lu Xiaofeng saw this, he realized that it was impossible and flashed over!

"Shopkeeper, you are being a bit unkind, aren't you?"

Mu Qingcheng didn't give in at all:"Master Lu, opening a bank and placing bets is the business of Yicuilou. Besides, you demolished the roof, but they haven't asked you for compensation yet?"


Did I demolish it?

Lu Xiaofeng was speechless:"Okay, okay, everyone takes a step back, and you take the rest. Jiang Chen is mine. How about that?"

Mu Qingcheng originally wanted to grab 50%, but now that she heard that he only wanted Jiang Chen, she agreed without hesitation:"Okay!!"

Jiang Chen~ that madman...

He is so good at playing tricks on people~

He can even blow up the village!

Mu Qingcheng felt that she might be incompatible with him, and it was bad luck to meet him in her fate. Now it’s just right that he is gone!......

""Young Master Jiang, are you still unwilling to go on the field?" Amidst the noise, Shi Feixuan was able to accurately transmit her voice and talk to Jiang Chen privately.

There was no intention of forcing him when she said this.

If you don't want to fight, then don't fight!

"What are you talking about?"

"We are all just making a living anyway, and there is a free divine book to make a living, so why not make a living?"

Jiang Chen answered casually.

But in his heart, he was gritting his teeth in hatred.

"You are such a female devil!!!"

"It's really cruel and vicious.~"

"It's obviously forcing people, but it's as if no one is willing to do it!"


It's indeed voluntary.

But is there any choice?

Put aside the martial arts of the heavenly monk.

The magic body technique is right in front of us, can we not do it?

Even if it's half a volume, it's the unique skill of the evil king!

For the current Ming Dynasty, this is enough to break the pattern of martial arts!

The Angry Dragon Gang, the Magic Master Palace, and even the blacklist masters and sects over there have not yet appeared, and they are almost completely not involved in the current Ming Dynasty Jianghu battle.

The appearance of Shi Feixuan directly broke this point.

It's obvious.

The forces, masters, and martial arts of that level are about to enter the Jianghu!

Start with her!

Whether it's to improve the strength of the current martial arts, to deal with the magic master Pang Ban, or for any other purpose, it doesn't matter.

Because her behavior, in essence, directly shook the entire Ming Jianghu!


It's worthy of being a master of power from the top green tea club!

Play big!

Once you make a move, the whole Jianghu will be in chaos!......

"Whether the martial arts world is in chaos or not has little to do with me."

Jiang Chen really doesn't care about those trivial things, but he can't just watch the magic body technique slip away.

Which is the strongest light-weight body technique in the world? It doesn't make much sense to rank them.

Because light-weight body techniques have their own characteristics.

For example, Tian Boguang, although he can't reach the level of a master, you can't say that his light-weight body technique is worthless.

Xiaoyao's Lingbo Weibu, Tiejianmen's Shenxing Baibian, Wudang's Tiyunzong, Quanzhen's Tianti, Sunflower Manual's Ghostly Body Technique, Lu Xiaofeng's Fengwu Jiutian, Yihua Palace's Yufengerxing


Then there are the divine books of the level of Heavenly Demon Strategy and Cihang Sword Classic, all of which contain extraordinary light skills.

But there are not many light skills that can rival the unity of man and sword in battle, such as advancing and retreating as desired.

Lingbo Weibu is mysterious, Shenxing Baibian is slippery, climbing the ladder to heaven is floating, and Tiyunzong is stepping....

The Phoenix Dances in the Nine Heavens is a coincidence, and it works very well with Lu Xiaofeng's Lingxi Finger.

But what about Ximen Chuxue?

Even if he doesn't have Qinggong, he won't learn the Phoenix Dances in the Nine Heavens, because it's not useful for him at all.

For Jiang Chen.

Sunflowers are very good, but the internal strength of sunflowers is a natural barrier.

People who don't castrate themselves may not be able to learn the essence of that body movement.

Now that the Phantom Demon has appeared, Jiang Chen knows without looking that it is definitely one of the body movements that best suits his swordsmanship.

First of all.

This method was created by the Evil King by integrating the unique skills of the Bu Tian Sect and the Hua Jian Sect. It is of high level and has many bonuses. It comes from the Heavenly Demon Strategy, but it exceeds the Heavenly Demon Strategy.

It starts with a high-level unique skill.

It is not included in the God's Book because it is just Qinggong, and there is no way to include it in the height of the God's Book, but its rarity is almost no less than that of the general God's Book.

Secondly, his apprentice Yang Xuyan uses it in conjunction with the swordsmanship, and the effect is absolutely amazing.

Jiang Chen took it and used it directly without almost any modification, and he could even dominate the swordsmanship with his body movement.

Then when he started killing , he would be very angry....Faster! More fierce!

Moreover, relying on one's own understanding, it seems not impossible to deduce the whole book with half a volume.....



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