
Lin Tao's experience value is obviously two or three levels higher than Cheng Shanlu's.

Plus the extra experience for winning with one move.


37,000 experience points.

It's a comfortable game~

It's a big profit.~......

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen in the arena with infinite fear on their faces.

"he...Who is he?"

"Senior Brother Lian Lin, Senior Brother Lian Lin couldn’t even block one of his attacks?"

"Demonic cult!?"

"Evil Valley?"

"It must be the Demon Cult. Seeing how vicious and lewd he is, I think he must be an undercover sent by the Demon Cult to our South City!!"


The fellow disciples present watched Brother Lin being severely injured and vomiting blood by a palm strike, and they almost felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was splitting.


The roar was like thunder in the sky, which made everyone's eardrums hurt.

Turning around, they saw the coach's face was full of ferocity, as if he was ready to kick someone at any time.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you planning to tear down the martial arts school before you leave? ?"

An Ya's eyes fixed, as if she had found her backbone, and she cried out,"Coach, that Jiang Chen is a spy from the Demon Cult, a pervert in the martial arts world."

"Just now he was exposed by us and immediately went into a ferocious state, and beat Senior Brother Cheng and Senior Brother Lin severely. You must be careful~"


The coach was stunned after hearing this:"What evil cult, what rapist, you little brats, are you going crazy, right?"

"It's really not~"

Everyone hurriedly explained

"You see, Senior Brother Lin is still lying there, and Senior Brother Cheng"

"We all saw it with our own eyes"

"That’s right, Senior Brother Lin and the others couldn’t even catch Jiang Chen’s palm!!"

The coach took a look and saw that it was Lin Tao lying on the ground. He was confused.


"Didn't Lin Tao learn Storm Palm? His level should be pretty high, close to 20."

"Who hit him?"


Everyone pointed at Jiang Chen

"It's him!"

"it's him!"

"This lecher! A spy! A demon from the cult!"

Jiang Chen?

The coach rubbed his eyes and confirmed that the man in the field was Jiang Chen.

"Lin Tao...Was it you who hit me?"


Jiang Chen admitted generously

"Damn it!" The coach immediately expressed his disbelief:"You bunch of brats, just because you are about to step into the martial arts world, you don’t take me seriously, right?"

"How dare you talk such nonsense?"

"It seems that I have to teach you another lesson no matter what I say today.~!"

Anya almost cried when she heard this.

"Coach, he really did hit me, you see he even admitted it~"

"He is a rapist and a spy of the evil sect. He hides himself very well. Normally, no one finds out about him and everyone thinks he is a fool...."

What do you think?

"He is just an idiot!"

The coach said with great certainty.

"But whether the rapist is a rapist or not is not the point, but the cult spy..."

"Jiang Chen has lived in these streets since he was a child, and this Master has watched him grow up with his own eyes. How could you say that he is a spy from the Demon Cult?"

"Is the Demon Cult crazy? They want him to be their spy? Or do they want them to be their spy in my little martial arts school?"

"What's the matter?"

"Doesn't his sect have martial arts like the Ming Changquan?"


Everyone in the martial arts hall just realized that something was wrong.

It was understandable to say that an outsider was a spy.

But Jiang Chen...

Many people even knew Jiang Chen since childhood, but they thought he was stupid and didn't play with him much.

"Master, the spy is indeed...It does need to be verified, but he is definitely a rapist!"

"That’s right!"

"Junior Sister An testified that Jiang Chen was in the back mountain half an hour ago, intending to do something bad to her!"

Everyone was very confident, but the coach looked disdainful.


"This is a difficult problem for this coach, right?"

"Well, I have nothing to do today, so I can play with you guys~" The coach sat down on the armchair and picked up the teacup:

"Let me ask you, was Lin Tao really injured by Jiang Chen?"


"Then Anya, Jiang Chen has bad intentions in the back mountain, are you dead?"

Anya shook her head

""Are you injured? Did he succeed?" the coach asked again.

Anya thought about it, and finally said hesitantly:"I, I reacted quickly, and I just got a little hurt." The coach put his palms together:"Okay!"

"You said Jiang Chen's martial arts is better than Lin Tao's, this master can take it seriously, but what about Anya, are you better than Lin Tao's martial arts?"

Anya subconsciously said:"Of course not as good as Senior Brother Lin."

As soon as the voice fell, Anya realized that something was wrong and hurriedly explained:

"Coach, that's not the case. At that time in the back mountain, although Jiang Chen had bad intentions, he didn't dare to really do anything because I scolded him loudly.~"......

It's bullshit.

It's really bullshit.

Jiang Chen sighed.

This kind of thing is hard to explain even in the old days when there were video recordings, let alone in today's martial arts world.

As long as the other party bites to death, it would be like yellow mud falling off the crotch, and it would be shit if it's not shit.


Jiang Chen didn't care, just smiled and said:

"You don't dare to fight back after being yelled at? That's amazing! When did you learn the Lion's Roaring Skill? You can drive people away with just a yell?"

Upon hearing this, Anya glared at him and said,"Humph, that's because you act in a vulgar and shameful way, so you are naturally afraid of being yelled at.~!"

""Okay, okay, okay~"

The coach waved his hand impatiently without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak.

"This martial arts school is open for classes, so it is inevitable that there are some villains among them."

"But if you think that this instructor is ignorant and does not ask questions, then that is a bit too naive!"

At this point, the instructor stood up suddenly, his eyes were like torches, and he said in a firm voice:


"You just said that Jiang Chen had bad intentions and you were also injured."

"Well, you just need to show the system prompts that you were injured and attacked by Jiang Chen, and then this master will make the decision for you right now, and kill this beast with one palm in front of you!"


This is a game.

It's not real.

If you are attacked by anyone, there will be a system prompt......

When Anya heard this, a trace of panic flashed across her eyes.

Everyone looked over and said,"Anya, you are right in this matter, what are you afraid of? Show it, and the instructor will make the decision for you!"

"Junior Sister An, are you afraid that it will be inconvenient?"


"This is not the time to worry about so many things. If I don't say it, won't I let this little thief run away?"

But no matter how she persuaded, Anya just bit her red lips and said nothing.


"It was so loud just now, why can't it be heard now?"

The coach's face was solemn.

"Since you can't show it, just get out of here!"


From now on, you are no longer a disciple of this martial arts school. Once you leave the school, do not mention my name again!...

This is expulsion from the sect.

Although the martial arts school is not a sect, and has no reputation in the martial arts world. But once expelled, it will be a black spot in the martial arts world.

A well-known and promising sect will definitely not recruit disciples who were expelled from the martial arts school.

Upon hearing this, Anya immediately burst into tears of grievance:"Master, I...I really, really didn't lie,...only......"

Anya squeaked and whined, unable to make any sense for a long time.

The people around her were depressed.

"Could it be...Could it be that the rapist just succeeded?...."

The coach immediately yelled:

"A bunch of idiots!"

"It would be fine if she was dead, but if she wasn't dead, a system prompt wouldn't show any extra stuff."

"At such a young age, before even setting foot in society, he has already learned how to spread rumors and frame others."

"This coach is just teaching you a lesson today. If you still use such despicable means in the future, it won’t be solved by crying!"


Anya couldn’t bear the pressure from the coach anymore and burst into tears on the spot.

"It was Jiang Chen who asked me to go to the back mountain. I just told him not to contact him again, but he started to curse.~"


"He is a fool. Usually, asking him to run errands and buy some things is already giving him face. What right does he have to scold others?~"

"Putting aside the facts, is he not at fault at all?!"

With a buzzing sound, the fellow disciples present felt a headache and their faces turned red after hearing this.

"Junior Sister An, in fact, if you just tell them about this kind of thing, the senior brothers will definitely help you vent your anger.~"

"But isn't it a bit too much to say that he has bad intentions, is a rapist, and a spy of the evil sect?..."

Anya:"Too much? How did I go too far? I just wanted to teach him a lesson, to let him know that I am the fiancée of Huashan rookie Yuan Hua, how can he scold me whenever he wants?"

"What the hell?"

Everyone was stunned

"Sister An...You, when did you get engaged?"

"I...I..."Anya then realized that she had said the wrong thing, but now that it was done, there was no turning back.


Anya's expression changed, and she glanced at everyone in the martial arts hall with hatred in her eyes:"I don't care about the identity of a small martial arts disciple. Brother Yuan has already promised to help me become a disciple of Huashan...."

"As for you, you are such a bunch of trash! You can't even beat a fool like Jiang Chen, you are even more trash than trash!"

With a bang, the crowd exploded.

"Sister An...You, what do you mean?"

"We trusted you 100%. We helped you without even reading the system prompt. And you said this?"


Jiang Chen laughed when he saw this.

"I agree with this statement. A bunch of lickers, except being trash, have no other use."


The place was instantly quiet.

Everyone wanted to refute, but their cheeks were red as if burned by fire, and they couldn't even raise their heads, so how could they dare to speak.

It's just a pity.

Senior Brother Lin and Senior Brother Cheng stood up for themselves, but in the end, they were called trash.


"Ah no, it's goodbye forever, you useless people~"


Anya looked at her fellow disciples in front of her with pride, finally finding a trace of the joy of revenge, and turned around with a smile

"Want to leave?"

Jiang Chen took a step forward, like a startled wild goose, floating over.

He pressed down with one hand and locked Anya's shoulder directly.

"you...What are you going to do?"

An Ya's voice was trembling with fear.

"If there is no reward for good and evil, the universe must be partial."

Jiang Chen said in a steady tone.

"If the rumormongers and slanderers can still leave this door with their heads held high, then wouldn’t all my martial arts skills have been in vain?"

"What kind of chivalrous hero is this? What kind of justice is this?~"

"If you can't even support the family's reputation, how can you support justice?"

Murderous intent!

Anya saw only murderous intent in Jiang Chen's cold eyes.

"No, you, you can't kill me~"

"My fiancé is a new talent in Huashan Sect, and his father is a famous master of Huashan Sect. If you kill me..."


Jiang Chen's right hand broke the opponent's neck without hesitation.

Anya's cultivation was not high to begin with, and she was captured by Jiang Chen in one move. The fatal blow was judged to be successful, and she died immediately!


【Victory in the battle, gain 2600 experience points】

【A sure kill, gain 10,000 extra experience points】......


No one expected that

Jiang Chen would kill Anya directly.

No mercy at all.

No scruples at all.

Just in front of everyone, in front of the coach, he killed her directly?

"Jiang Chen, you..."

"Although what Sister An did was wrong, you...How can you kill someone?"

"Six years of hard training, a new life"

"This, even if this is resurrected, all the hard work of many years will be in vain."



Jiang Chen looked at it coldly:"The person who was rumored deserves to die, and even death will not solve the problem. He must be put into a pig cage, paraded through the streets, tortured repeatedly, and killed ten thousand times to vent his hatred."

"And the rumormonger doesn't even need to die, just cry a few times and apologize, and he can be acquitted?"


Jiang Chen suddenly paused:"I forgot, she didn't seem to apologize, and she still thinks you didn't help her kill people, you are really a bunch of rubbish!"

After saying this, everyone's face turned pale

"What the hell?"

"No, no, no!!"

The coach rushed into the field, his tongue trembling with excitement.

"Jiang, Jiang Chen, your Qinggong just now......"

"Feiyan." Jiang Chen replied.


How could he not recognize the Qinggong of his own martial arts school?

"But, you, didn’t you just learn Qinggong?"

The coach was not just a little confused, but super confused.

Just now.

Just a few minutes ago.

Jiang Chen found the Qinggong he wanted.


He had read it, that’s right.

But the problem is.

Who told you that you can learn it after reading the martial arts secrets?

Even if you can. You can’t master it directly, right?

When Jiang Chen killed Anya just now, the Qinggong level he showed was at least level 10.

""Master, didn't I tell you that Jiang Chen's martial arts are very strong and abnormal!!!"


The master showed a dull expression again.

"Jiang Chen, is your martial arts very strong?"

"Depend on!"

"Brat, do you know what you are saying?"


The martial arts school disciples were speechless.

"Coach, you believed everything you said just now."

Rolling his eyes, the coach said directly:"What a joke, if I didn't know that Jiang Chen's martial arts skills were low and he couldn't defeat Anya at all, how could I be so sure that Anya was lying?""


Everyone finally found the blind spot.

The coach had no relationship with Jiang Chen, so why did he suddenly speak up for him


It turns out that the coach didn't believe Jiang Chen had this ability.

Unjust death!

Anya did miscalculate a little. If someone else had framed him, the result might have been better.

"Coach, you don’t know that Jiang Chen just now was really abnormal!"

"Senior Brother Cheng was slapped to death by him, and Senior Brother Lin did not believe in evil and went up again, but he was still slapped to death."

"Horrible! It's simply horrible!"



The coach now just wants to say that you don't know how to write the word"horrible"!

Jiang Chen's martial arts, he can say he doesn't know.

But Qinggong, he definitely just learned it.

The three martial arts.

Daming Changquan, Daming Jin, are the most common martial arts. It can be said that as long as you have money, you can buy the secret book casually.

And the reason why he can open a martial arts school.

It's not because of martial arts, internal strength, but a Qinggong that he accidentally got when he was out there.


Although they are all inferior, there is still a gap.

Normal inferior Qinggong, at most, increases body movement, runs faster, climbs walls more slippery.

After Feiyan practiced, her body is as light as a swallow, her movements are light, and she can turn around as she wishes.

If she can concentrate on practicing, work hard for more than ten years, and break through the upper limit, she can get the accelerated state, which is not weaker than the second and third grade Qinggong, and even has unexpected effects.


This Qinggong must be something Jiang Chen has just learned.

What's the result?

He used it right after learning it, and the level is extremely high...


The more the coach thought about it, the more something seemed wrong.

"The Qinggong exercise just now seemed to have a sudden acceleration, otherwise it would be impossible to fly dozens of meters in one breath and directly grab Anya's shoulder!"


The coach's heart trembled:"Could it be.......Could it be that he has already broken through the upper limit just after learning Feiyan?"

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