June 15th! ? Huashan Sect Leader’s Birthday Banquet!...This is indeed something that everyone knows.

In previous years, this kind of thing was advocated by the sect, and invitations were also sent out, but it was just a formality.

The Jianghu forces sent the younger generation to send some gifts, just for the sake of showing it.

But this year.

It was indeed a bit bigger.

It is said that Ning Qingyu intends to step down as the head of the sect and hand it over to the younger generation.

This kind of thing must be witnessed by the martial arts world.

And the heads of various sects must be invited to watch the ceremony, at least the old generation of masters must come, and the younger generation cannot replace them.

As for the candidates, everyone is guessing, but basically locked on Yue Buqun and Feng Qingyang.

After all, Qin Shang of the Sword Sect has been away from Huashan for many years, and has even been away from Ming Dynasty for a long time.

If he doesn't come back, there will be no one among the players who can compete.

Yue Buqun is a master of Qi Sect, Ning Qingyu's son-in-law, with the support of Qi Sect, and he has a very good reputation, so naturally he has a lot of momentum.

As for Feng Qingyang, he is not of high generation in the Sword Sect, but his strength is absolutely the first, and there are many people who support him.

Huashan Sect.

There was originally a dispute between Qi and Sword, but because of the appearance of the player, the two sides had to fight secretly and did not bring it to the stage.

Naturally, there was no Qi, Sword and Sword Sect in the plot. The two sides killed each other and blood flowed like a river. There were only two or three big cats and two small cats. As a result, the weakest Yue Buqun took over as the leader early.


The two factions are fighting more and more fiercely, and Ning Qingyu is about to step down again.

This time, I am afraid that the result will be announced during the birthday banquet.

With all the Jianghu leaders watching the ceremony on the spot, even if either the Qi Sect or the Sword Sect is dissatisfied, I am afraid they will have to bite the bullet and eat it, otherwise they will lose face.......

"The Master Fairy wants to mediate the conflicts among the various sects in Huashan and resolve the disputes in the martial arts world."

"At this time, the choice is really good~"

Except for the Huashan disciples, the others applauded.

Anyway, they were all there to watch the fun, so they didn't mind the big deal.

"I think, why not just hold a martial arts conference, and then choose the leader, then the world will be peaceful, right?"

Someone suggested.

Shi Feixuan dared to answer:"If this mediation is useful, it will be a martial arts conference, and it will be held every May in the future, which is not a bad thing.""


A martial arts conference?

Everyone was stunned.

In the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a martial arts conference in a hundred years.

It can't be held!

No matter how brutally the righteous and evil sects kill each other, no one is convinced by each other.

Not to mention that Huashan Wudang fights every day. Even Shaolin and the Five Mountains Sword Sects fight every day. Players, no matter what you do, they will kill your whole family if you don't agree with them! Even if you join Shaolin or

Wudang , they don't have any rules and regulations in their eyes, and they will kill. They have been killing like this for nearly a hundred years. When they get together, they just quarrel and fight. Naturally, there will be no martial arts conference, and no leader can be elected.

"Okay, okay, I’m looking forward to this martial arts conference!"

"On the top of Mount Huashan, swordplay takes place!"

"Martial Arts Conference, Supreme Leader!"


"This time, we really have to choose someone awesome to keep the situation under control, right?"

"Fairy Master should run for election, right?"

"I'll vote first!"

"Depend on~"

"Whether Lang Fanyun will come or not, won't the masters on the Heavenly Ranking come out to vote?"

When everyone said this, they were suddenly stunned and looked at Ximen Chuxue who had been silent.


"The Sword God is here, so he must be the one to choose!"

"Let's go, let's go first, I'm going to the top of Huashan Mountain to reserve a seat in the front row"......

"What a big deal!"

「White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun finally came to his senses and turned to look at Shi Feixuan. There was no more contempt in his eyes, but an extremely solemn look.

"First, he will give us a warning in Nancheng, then hold a martial arts conference in Huashan to select a leader, and then I'm afraid he will lead all the masters in the world to attack the Black Wood Cliff of our Divine Sect in one fell swoop, right?"

"Good good good~"

"Cihang Jingzhai is indeed extraordinary. He has not appeared in a hundred years and has not been heard of in a hundred years. Now that he has come down from the mountain, is he going to unify the world of Ming Dynasty?!"......

"You all have misunderstood Feixuan~"

Master Feixuan sighed softly, her eyes full of vicissitudes:"The world is in constant strife, and the people of the world are suffering. Feixuan is a Buddhist, so she naturally hopes that the world will be peaceful and the people will be at peace...."

"This time, I came out of the mountains for the sake of the people of the world, and for the sake of the monks in the world."

"If the disputes can be resolved, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and martial artists can practice martial arts with concentration." Damn it!"

Jiang Chen became more and more annoyed the more he listened.

Sure enough, Shi Feixuan was still the same Shi Feixuan. She talked about the people and the world. It seemed that the martial arts world could not go on without her. However, this conference seemed to be of some use to him. There were so many people and eyes. Maybe he would have a chance to take Tian Boguang to fish in troubled waters, break into Huashan, find Feng Qingyang, and get the Lonely Nine Swords!


"A hundred years of fighting, a hundred years of grudges, can you just resolve them?"


「White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun couldn't help but sneer

"Asking us to go up the mountain was a lie. I'm afraid you are planning a trap so that you can catch us all in one fell swoop, right?"


Master Feixuan chanted a Buddhist name with one hand:"A monk should not tell lies."

"Since you are here, Feixuan will be responsible for your safety. There will be no ambush, trap or ambushes."

"As for grudges, Feixuan believes that no matter what grudges there are in the world, there will always be a way to resolve them."

"It really doesn't work"

" As a member of the underworld, we can still solve it according to the rules of the underworld."


The rules of the underworld again!?

A one-on-one fight?

「White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun was slightly stunned:"You mean, after reaching Huashan, the winner will let the loser die, and the whole sect will die?"


Shi Feixuan sighed

"When will the cycle of revenge end, and the killing cease?"

"If it is a demon cult���If the righteous lose, they will stay indoors forever."......

「"White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun was silent instead.

This chess move is a bit cruel!

In the past, there were many hypocrites in the righteous world of Jianghu. They were human on the surface, but they were insidious and cunning behind the scenes.

Fortunately, the Divine Cult is used to it, just do it.

Don't panic.

It's different now.

When Shi Feixuan comes out, she won't play dirty with you.

She's perverted!

She plays openly with you!

That is to tell you openly that I want to hold a martial arts conference, I want to elect a martial arts leader, and I want to resolve disputes for the martial arts world.

You come to participate.

Then follow the rules, the loser will go back, and don't go out in this life.

If you don't come, she will choose the leader, and then integrate the righteousness of the world, and the strength will soar, almost crushing, how can you resist? The reason why the Divine Cult can fight against the entire Jianghu.

It is really strong.

But it also needs the cooperation of the righteous. They fight among themselves and cannot unite all the forces, so they can win.


No matter how confident he Zhang Chengyun is, he is not confident enough to say that with the power of their sect, they can kill all the forces in the current Jianghu.

I don't have that ability, you know!

The Nu Jiao Gang alone can't handle it, let alone Cihang Jingzhai?

They only have two people here now.

It's already a huge pressure.

You don't think that Cihang Jingzhai has only two people, right?

When her Master Feixuan appears, the masters she can call out are not comparable to the Huashan Sect, Wudang Sect, Shaolin Sect, Songshan, Taishan, and Kunlun Sect~

Pulling out any one of them is difficult to deal with.

What's more, she is very likely to pull a group of people over.


This martial arts conference is there, if you don't go, you're dead.

If you go, it may still be a dead end.

The only difference is that you have a chance to struggle.

What if you win!

Then Master Feixuan fulfilled his promise, the righteous path stayed indoors, and his Divine Sect unified the world and dominated the martial arts world.

"This is not something I can decide."

"But I will bring your words to the two leaders."

「White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun pondered for a long time before replying

"Thank you very much."

Shi Feixuan nodded in agreement

"If all the affairs of the martial arts world can be resolved within the rules in the future, I think the day of world peace will not be far away.~"......

Let's go!

The people of the Demon Cult said nothing.

They were frustrated today, but they didn't want to think about it anymore.

Storms were coming, dark clouds were gathering.

Under the control of Shi Feixuan, the righteous people in the martial arts world had completely reversed the situation, and they were no longer something they could easily overthrow.

Everything had to be considered carefully.

But they didn't have much time left.

June 15th!

Only a few days left!......


Lu Xiaofeng looked at Shi Feixuan with complicated eyes.

"You came here to elect the leader of the martial arts world."

Shi Feixuan did not answer but asked

"This matter is beneficial to the world. With your intelligence, you should understand it, right?"

Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"I am just a wanderer, I know what's the use��"

After hearing this, Shi Feixuan seemed to be thinking about something and did not ask any more questions.

Instead, she looked at Jiang Chen.

"Young Master Jiang, are you free recently?"

"I'm busy!" Jiang Chen refused without even thinking.

"At the top of Mount Huashan, all the martial arts heroes gathered together. You should be free, right?"Shi Feixuan smiled and said

"I really don't have time, and I'm not interested!"

Jiang Chen is going to Mount Hua, but not to fight.

The first thing to do is to deal with Dugu Jiujian.

"It doesn't matter, there are still a few days left, maybe you will change your mind by then."

Shi Feixuan seemed very confident.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to her.

This female devil was probably up to something again. He had to be careful.

Otherwise, he would be sold and still be counting money for her.~......

At this moment, all the people present were discussing the martial arts conference in a few days.

Before it even started, they were already arguing about who would be the leader.

"To elect the leader of the martial arts world, Ye Gucheng will come, right?"


"He has an appointment with the Sword God to fight. If it can't be at the top of the Forbidden City, it would be great to fight at the top of Mount Huashan instead.~"


"There is a way to do it. There is a way to do it.~"

"Palace Master Yao Yue will not come out of the mountain. Gu Santong will definitely not want to come out after imprisoning himself in the Hulong Villa...."

"If they don't come, Ren Woxing from the Demon Cult and Dongfang Bubai will definitely come, not to mention Shaolin and Wudang, Feng Qingyang will definitely come~"

"Oh shit!"

"Lonely Nine Swords VS Ximen Chuixue VS Fairy from the Sky! ?"


"Lang Fanyun, I wonder if the blacklist expert will show up. I heard that Pang Ban has appeared several times in the Mongols. If Pang Ban is coming, then..."


"Wouldn’t they really choose Pang Ban as the leader?"

"I don't know, but Cihang Jingzhai is not made of clay, so it shouldn't be that"


"It's too early to say now~"

"I am afraid that Huashan will not be a good person and will send people to block us at the foot of the mountain without even giving us a look.~"......

On the other side,

Yuan Yuzun seemed to be discussing something with his subordinates.

No one cared about Jiang Chen.

That was the best.

Jiang Chen returned to the private room on the third floor, took out the scroll of the Magic Body Skill, and was stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"This is the second half! ?"

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