Jiang Hao yelled: "try my best sword!"

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

With one sword, the sky will fall apart.

All of a sudden, the wind blows and the sand flies away.

Boom! Boom!

At the same time, the thunder was loud and deafening.

Jiang Hao has thoroughly learned the thirteen swords of wind and thunder, and he knows them well.

Once used, the wind and thunder broke out, and the power of this sword was increased by several percent.


The vast white light of the sword, cut out, unstoppable.

Everything along the way was cut open.

Including air!

Even the hard ground has been cut into a gully about 10 cm wide.

There was a sharp sound.

The strength of the devil's fist blasted by the Demon Lord was split by the sword light in an instant.

Then, speed does not decrease to split to the Demon Lord.


The demon master's face changed greatly with his eyes and was shocked.

Even, in the pupil of the eye, faintly reveals a trace of fear.

Yes, he was scared!

"The armor of the devil!" Suddenly, he yelled.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

suddenly, endless evil Qi diffused from his body and gathered around him.

Even the evil Qi floating around was attracted and gathered one after another.

These demonic Qi, surging and rolling, quickly condensed into a pair of powerful and indestructible armor, and put it on the devil's body.

Hoo ~

The Demon Lord in the armor of the demon God is relieved.

The fear in my eyes dissipated in an instant.

With the demon's armor, he Full of confidence!

You know, the armor of the demon God is a kind of advanced magic skill that only real demons can learn and use. Its killing power is very weak.

However, the defense is beyond imagination, which can be called one of the strongest defenses of the demons.

If it's a big devil or even a demon king, the armor of the demon God can be almost indestructible.

Even God can't break the defense.

Today's Demon Lord is separated and has limited strength. Naturally, the armor of demon God is not so terrible, but it is also very strong.

The nine star master can't break this armor.

However, the next second, the sharp light of the sword cuts away and splits the demon lord's armor and his body.


The evil Lord stares at Jiang Hao, his face full of horror.

At the same time, he was puzzled.

He is self-confident. The armor of the demon God and the warrior of the nine star master are absolutely unbreakable.

And Jiang Hao's strength, he also saw clearly, is equivalent to nine star master's initial stage.

With such strength, it is impossible to break the demon's armor.

But, in fact, he broke


To be exact, it should be a sword that split the armor of the demon God.

It's not right.

The devil was puzzled.

Suddenly, he understood.


"It was the familiar broken sword in his hand that split the armor of the demon God!"

"I'm not willing!" The devil raised his head and roared.


Suddenly, the sword Qi left in his body burst out, and his body was blown to ashes.


Suddenly, a ray of light shoots out of the channel.

This is the devil's soul!

The devil is the real devil.

Moreover, among the demons, they are also big men with super strength.

As long as the soul does not die, even if the body is gone, he will not die.

Even if you give him a day, he can rebuild a physical body and live again.

Then, continue to devour, quickly stronger.

In the end, by destroying the five element seal magic array and breaking the seal, he can get out of trouble.

Then, the whole world

No, it should be the whole earth. It's his.


Looking at the devil's soul, Jiang Hao hummed coldly, "do you want to escape?"

"Can you escape?"


Suddenly, he gave a cold drink, and two golden flames burst out of his eyes.


Golden flame, shot out, hit the devil's soul.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

suddenly, in the fire, there was a shrill and painful cry from the devil.

"This...""What kind of flame is this?" cried the Demon Lord in horror

"Why can I burn my soul?"

The soul is the foundation of all things, which is very special.

Ordinary things, even ordinary attacks, can't hurt the soul.

But chijintong can!

"Lord, don't be afraid, I'll save you!"

Seeing this scene, Song Tao shouts and rushes to the devil.

"Nine turn Yin thunder, extinguish!" JiangHao eyes a cold, cold drink.


He snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a golden thunder shot at Song Tao and bombarded him.


All of a sudden, Song Tao was blown up, his flesh and blood, bones, all in the golden thunder, turned into nothing, and his whole body instantly evaporated.


Seeing this scene, LU Hong's eyelids jumped and felt a sense of horror.

Ma Jia, Dong Feng and you Jingrui, who are dying, are also shocked.

"Mole ant!"

In the golden flame, the demon lord's angry and murderous threat came out.

"Mole ant, the day I get out of trouble is the time when you die!"

Jiang Hao took out his ear and said, "too much nonsense!"

"Red gold flame Burning mountains and boiling sea

Hum ~

in an instant, the red gold flame was strong, like pouring a bucket of strong oil, and the fire was very fierce.

A moment later.

The scream of the devil stopped.

His soul was burned out by the red gold flame!


Jiang Hao waved his hand and scattered the red gold flame.

He was a little uneasy. He checked around to make sure that the spirit of the devil's body had been burned up.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

deep in the passage, there was a roar that shocked people's heart and earth.

The real devil, angry!

Violent sound wave, swept by.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the explosion continued, the ground, walls, all burst open, gravel, soil, splashing everywhere.

Moreover, the evil spirit floating around is also rich.

Jiji ~ ~ Jiji ~

demons come out of shape and kill Jiang Hao with infinite intention.

They have only one goal!

This is the devil's anger!


Jiang Hao cold hum a, disdain a way: "your cent body, I all killed."

"Can such a demon hurt me?"

"Nine turn Yin thunder."

"Thunder sea, fall!"

In a flash, a sea of thunder appeared around Jiang Hao, covering a hundred meters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A demon, just rushed over, was blasted by countless thunder, turned into a wisp of magic gas.

Then, these evil Qi, under the bombardment of thunder sea, disappeared.

In a minute.

The demons all over the sky disappear. The whole passage is clean and empty.

Even the flowing magic Qi is thin and almost invisible.

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