Jiang Hao light way: "you said the nine star master killer of luochage, has been killed by me!"


Hearing the speech, they all looked surprised and looked at Jiang Hao.

My eyes are full of doubt.

"Really Really dead? " Xia Wushuang trills.

He instinctively doubted Jiang Hao's words.

Because, this is incredible!

Killing an eight star master and killing a nine star master are totally different concepts.

"Of course."

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "that person seems to be the third Dharma protector of luochage."

"Although he is a NINE-STAR master, his strength is too weak. He is not as good as the young master of luochage. He was killed by me and burned to ashes!"

"Three Dharma protectors of luochage?"

The crowd frowned at the speech.

"I've heard of the Three Dharma protectors of the luochage."

Suddenly, old Chu said in a deep voice: "he is indeed a nine star master. He is a master of assassination. He reaches the peak, especially the art of seclusion. It's like a myth."

"Even if he stands in front of you, you can't see him!"

"Even if he eats, drinks and yells, you can't see him!"

"So amazing?"

All the people were shocked.

The ability of hiding and lurking is common to all.

Even, it's proficient.

However, no matter how proficient they are, they will never be able to stand in front of the enemy, eat, drink and shout, but make the enemy invisible.

This kind of seclusion is really a myth.

"That's right."

Old Chu nodded and said, "with this kind of mythical reclusion, the cultivation of the Three Dharma protectors of the luochage can only rank fifth in the luochage."

"But his book of assassination, as well as his achievements, ranked in the top three in the rochago!"

"It is said that there are more than ten nine star masters who died in his hands!"

Hiss ~

the crowd took a breath of cold air.

They were all silent.

Ding ~ Ding ~

suddenly, Chu Tianzi's mobile phone rings and a short message comes.

The sender is the person in charge of the information system of the Chu family!


Chu Tianzi glanced.

Suddenly, he was shocked.

"What's the matter with you, young master?" Chu asked quickly.

"You see."

Chu Tianzi handed out his mobile phone.

All the people were shocked when they saw it.

The content of the message is: it has been found out that the Three Dharma protectors of luochage are also in KANGLONG manor, young master, be careful!

The Three Dharma protectors of luochage are really in KANGLONG manor.

But now it's gone, leaving only a faint breath.


Is he really dead?

Killed by Jiang Hao?

Xia Wushuang stares at Jiang Hao and asks repeatedly, "Luo Three Dharma protectors of luochage, you really killed them Kill him? "

"Of course."

Jiang Hao light way: "I cheat you also useless."


It's useless and meaningless for Jiang Hao to lie to them. There's no need to lie to them.

Gudong! Gudong! Gudong!

For a moment, people were swallowing.

They finally believe in Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, are you a human or a ghost?" Luo Yan stares at Jiang Hao and shouts.

"What do you say?" Jiang Hao is speechless.

Xiao Long looked up and down at Jiang Hao and said in a deep voice, "Jiang Hao, do you know? Now I suspect that you are the old monster in the legend, who won the rebirth! "

Jiang Hao turned his eyes when he heard the speech.

"You are the old monster!"


Xia Wushuang shook his head and said, "Jiang Hao, you are a pervert!"

He couldn't think of any words to describe Jiang Hao except "abnormal".

Chu Tianzi looked directly at Jiang Hao and said seriously, "Jiang Hao, I'm not as good as you!"

He admitted it!

This is the first time he admits that he is inferior to others.


"I will catch up with you and surpass you sooner or later," he said


Jiang Hao nodded and said with a smile, "I'll wait!"

Old Chu glanced sideways at Jiang Hao, looking at Jiang Hao's slightly immature and green face, as well as a pair of eyes as deep as a black hole and as vast as a sea of stars.

"He should be younger than the young master."

He said in his heart: "however, his strength, disposition and will But he is much higher than the young master. "

"This is the real peerless pride!""In less than ten years, he will become the second legend in the world of martial arts and Taoism, comparable to or even surpassing Nangong Wuji."

"Young master, are you lucky or unfortunate to have such an opponent?"

Several other eight star masters also had such feelings.

Jiang Hao is so dazzling!

He surpasses all his peers and is destined to be the best man in this era, leading the trend of decades.

"Elder Jiang Hao. "

suddenly, LU Hong spoke and broke the silence.

He looked at Jiang Hao with a hopeful face and asked nervously, "elder Jiang Hao, do you know where Xiao Chan is?"

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "don't worry, old Lv."

"Lv Chan is OK."


LU Hong was surprised and excited.

"Of course."

Jiang Hao said, "let's go. I'll take you to save him."

After that, he led LV Hong to an underground wine cellar of the manor.

Wuwu ~ ~ Wuwu ~

before going in, I heard a burst of Wuwu shouting.

LU Hong's face changed.

"This is Xiaochan's voice!"

"Xiaochan is in it!"

So, he ran into the underground cellar and saw LV Chan, tied to the ground, looking very weak.

LV Hong rushes over, unties the rope and helps LV Chan.

However, LV Chan's limbs were weak and she couldn't stand at all.

"This What's the matter? " LU Hong asked in a hurry.

Jiang Hao glanced and said, "don't worry, LU Hong. She's just hit chondral powder. It's OK. Just take a few days off."

LU Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's get out." JiangHao road.


LU Hong carries LV Chan and goes to the underground wine cellar.

It's over.

So they went back separately.

In order to prevent further accidents, Jiang Hao has been escorting LV Hong and LV Chan.

On the way.

All of a sudden, the Broken Sword Pendant on Jiang Hao's neck vibrates violently.


The next second, the broken sword hangs, breaks the rope, flies into the air, grows bigger in the wind, and erupts into extremely terrible sword Qi, which is rampant in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the ground, there were holes and cracks.

It's all caused by sword gas bombardment or cutting!

LU Hong and LU Hong were trembling and terrified.

The sword Qi burst out from the broken sword is so terrible. If there was no protection from Jiang Hao, they would definitely die of being pierced by Wan Jian.

Jiang Hao looked at the broken sword in the air and a smile appeared on his face.

"Finally, it's completely integrated!"

The broken sword is completely combined with a piece of black iron, and its power has soared a lot.


Suddenly, LU Hong looked at the broken sword and said, "this broken sword looks like my one."

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