
Jiang Hao put away his cell phone and muttered.

Then, he went straight to the coffee shop near the airport and ordered a cup of coffee, waiting for the arrival of Peng's old housekeeper.

Dada dada!

The sound of high heels hitting the floor is clear.

A graceful figure came slowly.

This is a beauty!

She is slim, curvy and graceful, with fair skin and good-looking facial features.

All of them are famous brands. They are well matched, which makes them fashionable and beautiful.


This woman can definitely score 8.5.

She is beautiful and slim. She can be called Bai Fumei, just like a big star. No matter where she goes, she can focus countless eyes.

However, her face, full of superior pride, eyes, full of contempt, as if to look down on anyone.

This slightly destroyed her beauty.

Jiang Hao looked up and recognized her.

Song Meixue!

All of a sudden, eyes, showing a touch of disgust.

At the same time, I also recall the scene when I got on the plane

At that time, this woman was sitting next to him.

"Don't pretend After song Meixue finds her seat, she looks sideways at Jiang Hao, cold tunnel.


Jiang Hao hears speech, confused, do not understand what she is saying.

"Still pretending?"

Song Meixue looked down upon Jiang Hao coldly and said, "you have an extraordinary temperament, but you sell goods all over the place. You should be a rich second generation, pretending to be poor on purpose."

"Then, when I heard that I was going to fly to Zhonghai City, I bought the seat next door so that I could be accosted and have an encounter with you, right?"

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "what are you talking about? I don't understand

"I'm afraid of losing face when I'm torn down, so I pretend to be confused, right?"

Song Meixue said contemptuously, "I've seen a lot of this routine!"

"So put away your disguise!"

"Also, don't pester me any more, I won't like you!"

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "what entanglement? What disguise? "

"What are you talking about?"

Yo ~ ~

Song Meixue said with a sneer, "it's quite like that!"

"I have to say that of all the people who pursue me, your acting skills are the best!"

"Unfortunately, no matter how good it is, it's useless!"

She raised her chin and said haughtily, "we are people of two worlds!"

"You are a rich second generation, not worthy of me!"

Jiang Hao frowned and said coldly, "are you sick?"

Ah ~

hearing the speech, song Meixue said with a cold smile: "interesting, the routine is very new!"

"It's useless for me to know the routine. Just pretend that you don't know me, ignore me, and even scold me, so as to win my attention."

"Good routine!"

"You have succeeded in attracting my attention!"

"But it still doesn't work!"

She glanced up and down at Jiang Hao and said sarcastically, "you are not my dish!"

"My prince charming is destined to be the most powerful and powerful man in the world!"

"So, you can't do it. Don't pester me any more!"

"It's not a light illness!" Jiang Hao looked disgusted.

This woman, she feels so good about herself.


It should be said, too narcissistic, too ugly!

Jiang Hao despised it.

Then, he took the initiative to find someone to change his position and stay away from the woman.

Ha ha ~

Song Meixue stares at Jiang Hao's back and sneers: "it's very skillful to play hard to get!"

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me!"

"I'll finally advise you to stop pestering me, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"


Jiang Hao said coldly, "I'm not interested in you!"

Immediately, he took out his earphone and turned the sound to the maximum. He listened to the music while sleeping. He didn't want to see this narcissistic stupid woman.

That's it, until the plane lands.

As soon as the plane landed, Jiang Hao came out and didn't want to see her.

I didn't expect to see it again.


Jiang Hao sighed and stopped drinking coffee. He was ready to stand up and leave the coffee shop.

Yo ~

suddenly, a strange sound comes out.

Daddada ~

Song Meixue walks slowly with her high heels.

She squinted at Jiang Hao and sneered, "didn't you say you're not interested in me?"

"Then why are you following me?"

"Following you?"Jiang Hao frowned and said, "you think too much!"

Ha ha ~

Song Meixue sneered: "follow me, I found out, but still refuse to admit it!"

"It seems that you like me very much."

"I can only say sorry for that."

"I'm too charming to fascinate you. I'm sorry."

"But, I warn you, you don't deserve me, stay away from me!" She said coldly.

"Stupid, self righteous woman!"

Jiang Hao uttered a few words coldly.

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, song Meixue's face was gloomy.


She said coldly: "originally, for the sake of your perseverance, I'm going to promise to have a dinner with you."

"But now, no way!"

She pointed to Jiang Hao and said angrily, "I'll tell you!"

"In this life, you have no chance to chase me!"

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, a wretched laugh rang out.

Then a group of people came.

The leading youth, dressed in fancy clothes, is full of famous brands, but it doesn't match very well. He looks like a nouveau riche.

Behind him, there are seven or eight younger brothers.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the coffee shop.

"Here comes the little devil again. Run

All the customers, men and women, young and old, panicked and ran out of the coffee shop like a refuge.

Even several waiters ran away.

Coffee shop owner, seeing this scene, angry and helpless, walked over with a bitter smile, nodded and bowed, and said: "Wang Shao, you..."

"Get out of here!"

All of a sudden, Wang Shao kicked the coffee shop owner and knocked him to the ground.


Then, he looks at Song Meixue wantonly and says, "I don't know if I have a chance to chase you, brother?"

"Go away, rascal!" Song Meixue scolded.

"Lying trough, who do you scold?" Wang Shao said angrily.

"Scold you!"

Song Meixue looked contemptuous and sneered: "a group of little bastards, dressed like a upstart, don't feel ashamed, and dare to play hooligans in the street."

"Get out of here!"

"Grass, little girl, how dare you scold Wang Shao?"

"Mad, you're tired of living!"

"Wang Shao, are you going to deal with her?"

All of a sudden, a group of younger brothers became angry.

"Why don't you try me?"

Song Meixue glanced at a group of younger brothers and said: "little bastard, I'm from the Song family on Hong Kong Island."

"If you dare to touch our hair, you will die without a place to be buried!"

"The Song family on Hong Kong Island?"

A group of younger brothers were all stunned when they heard the speech.

They're a little scared.

The Song family on Hong Kong Island has a long history. It's a big family on Hong Kong Island. Ordinary people can't be provoked at all.

"What should I do, young Wang?" A younger brother, looking at Wang Shao, inquired.

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