Jiang Hao said coldly, "I advise you not to do it, and then get out!"

"Because if you do it, I'll kill you!"

"Don't doubt, if I do, you will die!"


The explosiveness of leaf atmosphere.


This is chiguoguo's scorn!

Since his graduation, no one has despised him.

This is the first time!


Plus the one just now, it's two in all.

He was despised and looked down upon twice in a row.

Besides, it's the same person.

Uncle can bear, aunt can't bear!

"I'll kill you!" He yelled.


All of a sudden, he was shocked and burst out a breath comparable to the eight star master.

The smell of fury, swept open.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the tables, chairs, vases, decorations, and even the floor all cracked.

Boom! Boom!

The whole coffee shop was shaking violently, as if there had been a big earthquake.

Click! Click!

Cracks appeared on the wall. Countless pieces of gravel and soil fell down and fell on the floor, rumbling.

This coffee shop seems to be collapsing.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

when Wang Shao saw this scene, he screamed with fright, and a pool of liquid came out of his crotch.

The owner of the coffee shop, as well as several waiters, screamed and looked frightened.

Even despair!

However, song Meixue is calm.

She is not flustered at all, not afraid at all. Her eyes are shining. She stares at Ye Feng's back tightly. She is obsessed.

"So strong!"

"He's too strong!"

"Such a man is the man I want," she said

"I must marry him!"

"Go to hell!"

Ye storm drinks, the whole arm is shining.

Especially the fist, dazzling light incomparable, as if holding a small sun.

He made a blow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the air exploded like grenades.

At the same time, the whole coffee shop, even the whole world, is shaking.

Wang Shao, the owner of the coffee shop, and several waiters all looked silly.

"This Is this still human? "

"I Am I blinded? "

"What is this? Do you have special effects? "

"I'm sure I didn't have a good rest last night, so I hallucinated!"

They were so confused that they didn't believe what they were seeing.

After all, this scene, too shocking, too mysterious, almost destroyed their decades of formation of the three outlooks.

Jiang Hao stood still.

Even, there was no expression on his face, as if he was scared.

Seeing this, the old housekeeper yelled, "Mr. Jiang Hao, get out of the way!"

"He's the God of hell in the hall of hell. You can't beat him. Run away!"

However, Jiang Hao still didn't move, as if he didn't hear his warning. It seemed that he was really scared.

"Superman, fairy!"

Song Meixue stares at Ye Feng, her face flushed and her whole body trembles with excitement.

"This is the man I want to marry!"

She said excitedly: "I must marry..."

Suddenly, her pupils shrank, her mouth widened, her face filled with shock, and her voice stopped suddenly.


Wang Shao, the owner of the coffee shop, several waiters and the old housekeeper were all shocked.

Ye Feng is choked!


With one hand, Jiang Hao pinches Ye Feng's neck and lifts him in mid air like a chicken.

Keke ~ ~ Keke ~ ~

Ye Feng coughed violently, his face turned red, and he was a little out of breath.

"Let me go! Put Drive me

He struggled and yelled.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold. He gazed at him and said coldly, "no matter what king of war you are, or the God of hell, or the chosen person, or the first genius."

"Whether you're trying to pretend or pick up girls!"

"It's none of my business!"

"I won't do it, either!"

"But you should not disobey my words!"

"You shouldn't kill me, you should kill me!"

"Hun Asshole

Ye Feng's eyes are red, and he says: "quick Let go of me"Let go of you?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "OK, I'll let you go!"

Suddenly, his wrist suddenly a force, will Ye Feng as a shot put, hard hit on the floor.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, all the floors around were broken.

Ye Feng was embedded in the soil, with bones all over his body. He didn't know how many of them were broken, and his body was full of wounds. Blood flowed out and dyed a large area red.

He's badly hurt!

Fortunately, his cultivation is deep and his skin is rough.

Otherwise, another person, even the Seven Star master, would be thrown into meat sauce and killed on the spot.

However, Rao was so miserable that he almost lost his fighting capacity.

"Wait, I will kill you!" Ye Feng complains.

Suddenly, all the blood on the ground burned.


The next second, leaf wind into a streamer, speed is very fast, instant, disappeared.

"Blood escape?"

Jiang Hao frowned, surprised.

But he didn't care.

Ye Feng ran away, it had no effect at all.

As for his threat, Jiang Hao didn't care at all.

Pay attention next time, as soon as he appears, he will be killed directly, and he will not be given the chance to escape!

Song Meixue is so confused!

Her mind was blank, and she was confused.

Ye Feng's strength is too strong. It's just like the fairy in the legend. It makes her heart move.

The next second, however, he was strangled.

Then, he was still on the ground like garbage, his bones and muscles were broken, and his blood was flowing.

In the end, he ran away in a mess.

The changes happened so quickly and suddenly that she was confused.

"Why don't you get out of here?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Song Meixue is shocked. She wakes up and looks up at Jiang Hao coldly.

Suddenly, jilingling shivered.


She glared at Jiang Hao angrily.

This asshole!

He is also a beautiful woman and has a high reputation. He doesn't know how to pity her at all. He told her to go away in public and embarrassed her.

How hateful!

However, she did not know Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is not a person who has no resistance to the beauty, and she is not a virgin. She often ridicules and even humiliates Jiang Hao.

It's magnanimous of Jiang Hao not to kill her.

"If you don't roll, you'll never have to roll!" Jiang Hao looked down at her and scolded.

Song Meixue was so scared that she shivered all over. She quickly turned around, stepped on her high-heeled shoes and ran to the door of the coffee shop.

She's scared!

Oh ~

suddenly, in a panic, her foot tilted and she fell to the ground.

His mouth was also knocked on the chair, blood was flowing, and two front teeth were knocked off. He was disfigured and looked ugly and embarrassed.

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