Jiang Hao said indifferently: "I am a practitioner, my goal is the peak of martial arts!"

"I won't be your bodyguard, and I won't give up practice in order to protect you all the time!"

"Jiang Xiaoyou, you..."

Peng Yi talks to persuade Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao directly waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Mr. Peng, needless to say."

"I won't be your bodyguard," he said faintly

You're kidding!

He is determined to be the best in martial arts.

What's more, he has unlimited potential. Now his strength is stronger than that of the general nine star master, and he is not short of money. How can he be a bodyguard for ordinary people?


When Peng Yi heard the speech, his face showed deep disappointment.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of a good way.

He suggested, "Jiang Xiaoyou, let's do this."

"You are not my guest."

"Usually, there is no limit to what you want to do, and you don't have to stay at my Peng family all the time, let alone protect me all the time."

"You just need a name."

"Then, when I or the Peng family are in danger, please help us."

"How's it going?"

Jiang Hao hesitated after hearing the speech.

It seems that this matter is rather troublesome.

He hates trouble.

Moreover, he is not short of money, let alone the cultivation resources provided by Peng Yi.

Peng Yi is in a bit of a hurry.

He attached himself to Jiang Hao's ear and whispered, "Jiang Xiaoyou, I beg you."

"You can see the attitude of master Fang, master Cao and master Tang. They are extremely arrogant and arrogant. Even I don't pay attention to them."

"Even, defying my orders and threatening me."

"I don't care about them at all!"

"So, I hope to use you to calm them down."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Hao thought about it and nodded: "OK, I agree."

"Great, great!"

Peng Yi looks very happy when he hears the speech.

"Come on, have a drink!"

He said with a smile: "Jiang Xiaoyou, do you think how much a year is more appropriate?"

"Whatever." Jiang Hao light way.


Peng Yi thought for a moment and said, "let's tentatively set it at 500 million a year."

"Please calculate the cost of your hand separately, 200 million at a time!"



Jiang Hao nodded slightly.

Peng Yi's efforts are absolutely generous.


It should be the moat, the moat is inhuman!

However, Jiang Hao is not short of money, 100 million or 500 million, for him, there is no difference.

"No way!"

Suddenly, master Fang spoke.

He squinted at Peng Yi and said coldly, "Mr. Peng, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Peng Yi looks confused.


Master Fang snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Peng, the price you give us is only 100 million yuan a year, one hundred million yuan at a time."

"Brother Tang is the late eight star master, and only 150 million a year."

"You give him 500 million a year and 200 million at a time."

"What do you mean?"

His eyes were cold, staring at Peng Yi, and he said coldly, "you look down on us, don't you?"

"Or do you think we are inferior to him?"

He was very blunt, very impolite.

Even, it can be said that it is very arrogant.


Suddenly, master Cao clapped the table, stood up, looked down at Peng Yi, and said coldly, "Mr. Peng, what do you mean

He is more arrogant.

On the contrary, master Tang, who is the most powerful, is not so arrogant.

At least, the attitude is not arrogant.

He looked at Peng Yi coldly and said, "I need an explanation!"

"A reasonable and satisfying explanation!"

He doesn't talk much, and his attitude is not too arrogant.

However, Peng Yi was most afraid of the attitude expressed.


He has a sense that if he is not satisfied with the explanation, he will do it!


Peng Yi opens his mouth as if to say something.

However, the next second, he was interrupted by master Cao.

He glared and said coldly, "I don't know what I am, say it!"

"If you are not satisfied with the explanation, you will know the consequences."


This is the threat of chiguoguo!"Say it

Master Fang also said angrily, "why is the money given to us not as good as him?"

"Because I'm better than you!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He sipped a sip of wine, light way: "my strength, worth this price!"

Master Fang was stunned.

He took out his ear and said, "what did you just say? I didn't hear you

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said indifferently, "I'm better than you. Naturally, the price is higher than you!"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, master Fang looked up at the sky and laughed, loud and harsh.

He looked down at Jiang Hao and said sarcastically, "boy, I admit that you have a very good relationship."

"But it's not your arrogant capital!"

"Do you really think that if you get involved with others, you will fly to the branches and become a Phoenix, and you can be arrogant?"

"I'll tell you!"

He cheered coldly: "in this world, strength is the foundation!"

"Everything else is empty!"

"There is no strength. If you meet an expert, no matter how powerful the relationship is, it's useless!"

"Boy, do you understand?"


Jiang Hao nodded slightly and said, "I agree with this sentence."

When master Fang heard this, he raised his mouth and said with a sneer, "since you agree, do you think you are worth 500 million a year?"


Jiang Hao light way: "you a few mole ant, a year 100 million, I a year 500 million, is less!"

"Son of a bitch!"

The three masters were all angry when they said this.

Master Fang looked down at Jiang Hao and said, "don't think you have something to do with Chu Tianzi and Wu Daozi."

"I can't help you!"

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you and it'll be ok?"

"I don't believe it."

Jiang Hao shook his head, sipped a mouthful of red wine, light way: "you are too weak, I stand still, you can't kill me!"

Suddenly, he squinted at master Cao and master Tang.

"You too!"


"What a big tone!"

At this moment, master Cao and master Tang were also furious.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three fury burst out from the three of them.

They're angry!

Seeing this, Peng Yi was afraid, angry and anxious. He cried out: "three masters, calm down!"

"You don't want to..."

"Shut up

Suddenly, master Tang gave a loud drink.

"The master must not be humiliated!"

He said indifferently: "this son has despised me repeatedly. He must be killed!"

"One more word, I'll kill you!"


The threat of chiguoguo!

Peng Yi shuddered and shut up.

However, Jiang Hao's face did not change and was not affected at all. He took a mouthful of food, sipped a mouthful of wine, and then dried his mouth.

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